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  • There is a bear with a bird inside of a backpack. My location says Spiral Mountain. How hard is it to tell?!

    Is it that hard to see? ;___;
    When you use a b-move and it changes your momentum, like what you were doing with aurasphere. It can also be done using the special button and the c-stick which makes it possible to wavebounce side-b specials as well as neutral b.
    I think there was too much lag to draw any conclusions at all, really. Sakurai's game, imo (like cat's game but in Brawl).

    I've been using an alternate control scheme for quite sometime. It makes it easier to DACUS and wavebounce (even though I never actually do that).
    I don't use many of the same characters as Sonic Storm lol.

    Your Lucario is fine, I think you need less NAir though.

    Oh, I forgot about the Samus spikes. Too good.
    Good games indeed.
    The lag was irritating sometimes, though. And that REST kill was awesome.
    OH shoot I should have known that one. Thanks playah. I will keep that in mind for future random request.
    He antagonize you, call himself pro, and say that you suck?

    I'd just ignore it. He'll fall on his *** and realize his attitude if he goes to tournaments and gets mopped up.

    Lag was really pathetic this time...could be because of the recent wifi fail WFC had. It's a shame too - Atoyont was looking to get into the Brawls you were trying to get into an hour ago. I was playing against Soukon at the time. Could have made for a fun frer-for-all.
    So it wasn't just me. I was getting on to apologise, too!

    I think it's Brawl's Wi-fi, since I'm using the internet channel right now.
    Wow, I just noticed that too, and it wasn't even intended! :ohwell:

    This one is--my intro is the best, so go ahead and kiss the baby (unless Hooblah2u2 makes your next response).

    I just brought it, put it on your front door, and opened it--what's really good!?!? :laugh:
    I'm the furthest thing from a troll, but I do know how to rag on a ni99@ pretty hard, so get @ me! :bee:

    In fact I could easily show my post to Killjoy (or any of the other brass) & they would beam that a smasher only here for 2.5 months could post an intro that good.

    So go ahead and kiss the baby. ;) (Unless God makes your next response. :laugh:)
    Trust me, it can't be as sore as yours...but hey, the white spilling down your hatch takes care of that, don't it now? :laugh:

    That's Pibgorn to you, and don't you forget it! :p
    See, I told you that D-tilt shuts down Sonic completely =P

    Your Tink though, got really predictable. Every time you were knocked high in the air, you tried to get yourself back down with his d-air. Leaves you very open if you miss, like you saw on your first KO.

    But those were cool. And you use ROB too - that's one of Kofu's mains as well XD
    I'm a friend of Sonic Storm, and I'm around his level. I'd like to Brawl you, too. My Friend Code is 3480-2408-7824.
    ya, that sucked, nice luigi tho, i still cant figure out how to get downb to go up without jumping
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