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  • Well, I'm glad you understand where I'm coming from, and I'm glad you're determined to pick him up :D The difference between Down-B and Side-B might be too much...XD especially once you learn about ASC :p

    But like I said...the depression stage might hit XD Snake isn't all that bad of a matchup for Sonic though, so...if you only use him for that it might not be so bad.
    Well, I always thought Sonic was the best choice of low tier, and he performs as well as a mid tier character, but I think that's also because we have quite a handful of people who are just good at this game playing Sonic. He's just now getting somewhere because all the loyal people who played him from the start, have stuck around and got him to this point today.

    People keep saying that now that Sonic's mid tier, more people will use him. It's completley wrong because Sonic takes forever to LEARN let alone WIN with. Most people on their trail of learning Sonic enter a pool of depression and it leads to their tragic downfall.



    But I am serious.
    nah, i'm totally jk. I honestly think Sonic's a little too high, but only by a couple spots.
    It feels really wierd not maining low tier :/ I mained low tier my whole Smash life >_>

    lol, it's okay though. I already have a bit prepared for people who approach me about it like "Oh whatever, you won cuz Sonic is mid tier" and I'll be like "Yeah, wanna know how that low tier **** of a character got up so **** high? I scared the **** out of the SBR with my Sonic and they were like '****, this ***** be takin' down our pros and stealin' our monies in low tier tournies, that's no good' so they put him up in mid tier out of FEAR."

    Basically something like that.

    Because it's true.


    Yup. I can't look bias for maining Ness and dissing some other mains.

    that's true, but that's a pretty big step towards Steak tier. We'll just have to earn another +8 next list XD

    I check up on all my children. Lol.

    It's not as bad anymore. Some cool tournaments came out. Orion's especially, so yeah....drop back by and visit us. :mad088:
    Anyways good luck :D
    If you ever, EVER need more experience against a Fair-based peach PLEASE FEEL FREE to drop by a message, or if i want to harass you I'll drop one by your way :D

    Hobbes sucks ***
    Well mine is sorta a two of a kind type of style, I do my best to get a style similar to Edrees' (I mean he has the highest tournament placings in the toughest region of peaches). Most peach mains from what I have seen try to emulate Dark Peach's style, which is a random assortment of attacks that end up making that peach a floating hitbox. I'm not saying this style is bad, I just don't like playing like that. I like being more organized :laugh:. Ask Air to play if you wanna play a peach like that, I'm sure he'd be willing :)
    I really don't classify the amount of Fair I used as spam. Spam implies no thought was put into it; I spaced (as well as wifi would let me) every single one of those Fairs. Peach's double jump is AMAZING to get in extra spacing if her single jump does not space enough :)
    I tried to use zamus cuz i was tired of using peach so many times xD
    But I'm glad I helped, I swear me and edrees are the only peach users who realize just how good her Fair is
    You started to do better :)
    Now imagine Fair spacing without wifi screwing it over, make sure to space your bairs even better than I can space my Fairs because Fair is a much better spacing tool than mario's Bair
    Dude ur on wifi lets do some peach training. You will see a lot of Fair, be prepared to space your *** off and don't think my jab after Fair isn't dangerous, it is.
    Yeah...me too. Well, not totally, but nothing special.

    I might keep this Powerpuff/Cartoon Network thing going for a while, there are so many good avis I can make, and there are so many characters...I change my avi too much. :(
    Yeah. =D

    While we're on the subject of avis, I just today noticed that Hobbes has a Mario hat on. Boy am I attentive.
    I think with Diddy, the key is to just watch your opponent a lot more than you watch yourself. Most Diddy's are pretty obsessed with bananas, so they can get really predicable. I'm okay against diddy's nowadays. Now I just have to master the Olimar matchup >_<. Believe it or not, but I have a really hard time against Captain Falcon. His down smash is BROKEN man.
    lol, noone. It's a strange feeling I have. I'll tell it to you tomorrow, now I'll go to bed, I'm WAAAAAAAAY too sleepy.
    Glad to hear.

    Yea, well, I have this like, really odd vibe surrounding me. I won't post it on your wall, tho. xD
    Even better: you and me in a Mario team vs 2 CPU Ness's. We'll gimp the heck out of them together :D.
    lololol, not really. I think it's pretty rad. +8? That's an achievment right there! Sure I don't have low tier pride anymore...but common! +8??? That was US baby! That was Sonic boards! We faced everyone who was like "rawr sonic sucks lolol dtilt" and proved them WRONG. We won.

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