Hm, he got really close to beating me, the MU is quite annoying but i still haven't gotten used to it. I reckon if i practised it more i could beat invisi more comfortably - i just have some bad habits, and i also had no idea how to recover, but now i do; zap jump is the best, they cant arrow us or anything.
I am in Year 11 so only in 2014 will i be able to travel for my own endeavours hahaa (considering i have enough money and i skip a year until uni).
Ill give you a tip for beating him, when he runs away or when you approach him, run away as a mixup and just Psi Magnet. its great bait as pits just arrow out of habit. also never get off the stage, if you get a stock lead just camp with retreating Psi Fires (so he doesnt reflect). the jab jab > dtilt > fsmash really annoys invisi too haha
ask him about our games, they were so close