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  • GG's, that was annoying since none of my controllers were configured right XD. Nice ROB, shame about Gdorf, hes tough to win with, I know since I second him, his life is so hard DX

    Good luck next time =D
    I'm a bit tired, so not today. Maybe tomorrow or something. Sorry about that, Kofu.
    GGs, not too bad for STILL having bad lag, lol.

    Are you coming to Lanky's smashfest today?
    Yeah, go ahead and host, i'll join in a few minutes.

    I posted my reply VM on my own wall, rofl xD
    But what she can do, she can do well. The only match we played was with her Dedede, and it pleased me that hers isn't the "LOLGRAB" variety, but the "Ima gonna shut you down with B-air!" variety. I lucked out on that match because I timed Olimar's whistle just right, and she hit the PS1's edge's bottom during her Super Dedede Jump.
    The strange thing is, I hardly noticed it. I've been playing in lag for so long that it must not register to me anymore.

    Devil was the same way last night. But he's from Canada, so lag was expected. This time though, there was no excuse.

    So I get 1 badge due to lag, one due to lag-induced forfeit, one due to flat-out forfeit, one against Ganon, and only one I got fairly.
    Meant to say "smug," not "smugger." I don't think I've seen you being smug about anything. Sorry about that. =P

    It's a little quip on Sonic, really. All but one of his taunts relate to Sonic. I know one of them is "The Iblis Trigger."

    Depending on how Falco comes along, I may switch Luigi with him. Or I may just add him onto that listt. But otherwise, that sums me up.

    I grimaced when you survived to 162% on Halberd as Game and Watch.
    Falcon Punch should have had the mechanic of forcing opponents into the stun animation like when a shield breaks, so that if they're offstage and get hit by it, there's nothing they can do about it. It's what I was trying to imitate when you hit me - POINT BLANK - and I didn't react to it.

    You also seem to be a little smugger today, thanks to the "U Mad?" quote you put as your message and taunt.
    I beat DTP the second time around, so HA! >(

    Had to resort to Olimar though. BUt I'm not camping variety of Olimar. I'm the approaching, N-airing, D-tilting kind of Olimar.

    aka, I'm unique.
    well, how many ways can he approach you? fair/bair (maybe)/fsmash/sideb (aerial or grounded)/nair

    how many of those have the same spacing... all of them have the same spacing (except nair- even less range)... don't be in that space -> marth is at a disadvantage
    marth has no projectiles, and he also doesn't out-range rob... every move marth makes, rob can beat the ending lag... this combines to make the MU solidly in robs favour... plus marth's recover is great, but with the two projectiles + ledge hog possiblities, ROB can keep marth off the level one mistake from death for over 10 seconds easily...
    Maybe its just Marsulas, because he's the only one from this state that I've played via WiFi and the connection was a deep, scathing scarlet. xD
    I was intending for the zair to push him back into the ship, but the footstool worked for me. xD

    Btw, I'm notorious for having extra bad lag, so watch out. :p
    Then I'll have to learn Brinstar, which is also terrible for me. Samus must not like me. Ah well, she's ugly.

    I decided to break my mid-tier notoriety and start using Olimar and Falco more :o
    But I think I perform fantastically on those stages, so it could even out. Maybe. I'm likely overrating my skill.

    What stages do you think you suck at?
    I've got Rainbow Cruise and Pokemon Stadium 1 to level the playing field against you, don't worry =P

    Btw, how old are you? You've always seemed to give the impression of a 15 year old to me, but I've never seen any mention of your age.

    Or is that question too personal?

    /parallel length of VMs

    Hello? That's some old geezer, man! Do I like like an old geezer? Lemme answer that. NO! Anyways, go here rookie and we'll get this battle planned out.

    Alright, I'm getting online.
    I'll host.

    I'll be using Samus first, then Zelda, and then Luigi
    I'll probably be gone by then D:
    Are you sure you can't just do it now? :(

    I guess you misunderstood because I did not specify.

    Mi is a Snake player.

    The reason why I said I need to learn the Falco MU is because I also lost to a Falco player in-bracket, but he so infrequently comes to tourneys that I did not bother to give him a specific mention.
    Would you mind linking me to the very post I made?

    There is a lot of information concerning port priority. I need to know what you want answered specifically.
    Nah, don't worry about it. It improved a lot after a while.

    Managed to beat Zero's Zamus with Sonic and IKE on FD afterward.

    But then he crushed me (you tried to join in after the Sonic/Zamus match) afterward, lol.
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