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Recent content by JadenStryfe

  1. J

    Wifi Wars : Smash League - Now Open!

    I signed up. Looking forward to it.
  2. J

    The New Console Debates

    Where it should be because the Japanese just don't care while the Europeans actually do. Sony and Nintendo have Japan on Lockdown. Microsoft has America at it's fingertips with Nintendo trying to figure out how to wedge in their somehow. Sony....well.....stick a fork in them. Everyone I talk to...
  3. J

    Who is your all time favorite videogame character?

    Hero: Tie between Link and Cloud Strife Villain: Come on. There is only one true villain in all of video games. That is Sephiroth. The man is diabolically evil.
  4. J

    Halo series - Crimson Map Pack out now!

    I love Halo 3. I beat that sucker on Legendary the first day it came out and am a lvl 44 in TS and a lvl 42 in team doubles at the moment. Also a colonel. I have 419xp out of like 539 games played so far. (had some drunken games played, 23 yrs old so I can do that lol.) Also, I pimp the Hyabusa...
  5. J

    Link & Brawl, Twilight Style??

    Fine as an assist trophy. I could see Midna using the hand or riding the wolf and doing the multiple jump attack like when you had to kill the creatures from the twilight realm within a certain parameter.
  6. J

    Most desired alternate outfits for Link

    Fierce deity or dark link would look sweet, especially when using Link's Final Smash or as I shall refer to it from now on as the Omni Smash =P
  7. J

    Who's Next?

    Ah, didn't know that. Ok. I just have been paying attention since Lucas was dropped and haven't seen any vets announced since then so I figured they were done with announcing the vets and if we were going to find out there were more it would be when the game was dropped. I figured Capt Falcon...
  8. J

    Who's Next?

    New here and everything, but I think after seeing Sonic, Lucas, and DeDeDe that the next newcomer is going to be MegaMan. They still have a slot open on Smash Dojo and they keep going with guys picked from the top 5 from Sakurai's (sp?) poll. I would say Geno but I keep hearing that Square and...
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