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Link & Brawl, Twilight Style??


Smash Rookie
Oct 20, 2007
I know its highly unlikely that this would happen. But since they have made Link and Zelda's designs from Twilight Princess, wouldn't it be cool to see the wolf form of Link, or even Midna?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Actually there was a Twighlight design of Shiek, from what I understand. Don't count Shiek out yet. I agree I wouldn't mind seeing Midna or Wolf-Link in game.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
oh yea midna! thanks, it would cool though.

I personally think Midna may become an AT. I'm doubting playable character, and since LoZ CO. Had made a Shiek design I wouldn't be surprised to find the crowd favorite Shiek tranformation back.



Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Hsss. No. Not that flash in the pan character. The only reason he/she/it/potato was popular is because it was an easy to learn high tier character. He/she/it/potato had no real significance beyond OoT and even that wasn't too big. (Oh wow, she taught you songs)

I would've liked to see some TP secret sword skills as part of Link's but...ah well. He's still better and faster, so everything's good in my book.

(Stupid High-Tier Cheap as hell Shiek.)


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
Sheik is far more deserving than Midna. Both are technicaly specific to only one Zelda game, but Sheik has already been in Smash, is very popular, and is actually just an alternate form of Zelda herself, unlike Midna. Midna is far more of a "flash in the pan" character than Sheik.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Shiek did nothing besides teach you a few songs. Midna was critical to the game and actually fought alongside you both in normal combat and against Ganon himself. She's as important (in that game) as Zelda herself, if not more. Shiek WAS Zelda, sure, but she did NOTHING in that game. Nothing combat wise and barely anything storywise. Shiek's cheapness was the only thing that brought her/his/its/potatoes popularity up.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Shiek did nothing besides teach you a few songs. Midna was critical to the game and actually fought alongside you both in normal combat and against Ganon himself. She's as important (in that game) as Zelda herself, if not more. Shiek WAS Zelda, sure, but she did NOTHING in that game. Nothing combat wise and barely anything storywise. Shiek's cheapness was the only thing that brought her/his/its/potatoes popularity up.
Saying a character is cheap is sort of an oxymoron. >_> I mean I guess in that case Marth, and Fox were cheap too correct?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
Sheik couldn't play as direct a role as Midna did. Sheik was a disguised form of an exiled Zelda who mysteriously showed up just long enough to give the hero tools he needed to finish his quest. Midna was on screen more, but she honestly didn't DO that much, besides talk to you and occasionally do things with her f'ed up helmet. She felt kinda gimmicky in the end (as did the entire notion of the "Twilight Realm" imo), and I doubt she'll appear in any other Zelda games. That said, Sheik still needs to be in Brawl due to the fact that she was in Melee, and due to the fact that she is in actuality Zelda. The 2-characters-in-one dynamic is too good to throw away at any rate.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
The multiple character thing is already taken over (and in better form) by Pokemon Trainer, and I'd much rather have just Zelda (and make her good) than have Zelda/Shiek.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
The multiple character thing is already taken over (and in better form) by Pokemon Trainer, and I'd much rather have just Zelda (and make her good) than have Zelda/Shiek.
They don't have to anymore.

Since there is a TP version of Shiek, he/she doesn't have to be considered part of Zelda.

Therefore Shiek could still return, and not be a 2/per/1 character


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2004
I have big doubts though since Link is modeled after TP, that Sheik will return. My doubts grew when I heard that Link's moves were inspired by TP as well (Gale Boomerang, Clawshot, etc.)

I think Pokemon Trailer worked out all the kinks with switchable characters. Since Pokemon will weaken if you switch them out too often, or keep them out too long, it forces you to use every one. Most Zelda/Sheik players would play only as Sheik, neglecting Zelda. This eliminates character monopoly.

I would still love to see an updated Sheik for selection though. Every game needs a ninja!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I feel that Wolf Link and Midna would most likley be assist trophies. but I'm not sure. it's either that or a sudden cameo in the game. (warning! spoilers ahead. statement in black text)
Gannondorf would be returning. instead of his Falcon clone moveset, he would probably recieve the twilight make over, and be using the sage sword he had at the end of the game. it would be interesting to see his move set, but hopefully it's not an Ike clone if he uses said sword however, his up B would be the twilight teleport he used when he possesed Zelda. infact, I'll come up with a moveset soon
Shiek would get a make over too, most probably keep the same moves and be a little faster and have a higher jump.


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2007
Doral, FL
I believe Sheik will be in...appearances in this type of game dont mean much...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Since there is a TP version of Shiek, he/she doesn't have to be considered part of Zelda.
I know what artical your talking about and I don't believe that they said that they made Shiek into a TP styled character. They said that they gave concept art-design art for Ganon/ Link/ Shiek to Sakurai so that they could "fit" the Smash world...

And to the topic maker. . .MIDNA SOLO! no Wolf!


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
I know its highly unlikely that this would happen. But since they have made Link and Zelda's designs from Twilight Princess, wouldn't it be cool to see the wolf form of Link, or even Midna?
I made your post less faulty.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
I know what artical your talking about and I don't believe that they said that they made Shiek into a TP styled character. They said that they gave concept art-design art for Ganon/ Link/ Shiek to Sakurai so that they could "fit" the Smash world...

And to the topic maker. . .MIDNA SOLO! no Wolf!
I'm not talking about the GI article, I'm talking straight from the creators mouths, they made a TP Shiek design a long time ago.

That's what I'm talking about. XD Although it sounded a like I guess?


Smash Rookie
Oct 20, 2007
Well, when i made this thread i wasn't really talking about sheik too much.. but my personal views are that sheik shouldn't be added back in to the brawl because of the new Twilight addition(and sheik is not in TP), however quoted from wikipedia lol -

"In a recent interview with Eiji Aonuma, he said that character models for Sheik, along with Ganondorf, have been "submitted" for possible use in Super Smash Bros. Brawl."

I don't know if you all think this is a reliable source but it is more than any other source.

As for midna/wolf form i think it would be a great addition to the brawl and is a total possibility that it will be a usable character, or possibly a trophy or something of that nature.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I'm not talking about the GI article, I'm talking straight from the creators mouths, they made a TP Shiek design a long time ago.

That's what I'm talking about. XD Although it sounded a like I guess?
I would like to see this statement thats diferent from the GI one please.

And that Wiki Shiek thing sounds pretty dead on. There was never a statement that said Shiek would be playable or that these designs would be used, just that they gave them to Sakurai.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada

Ogre you're an idiot. You say a character like Sheik has no significance.

So, I guess since you only fight Ganon once, and only really see him about 3 times, he's also pretty insignificant too, huh?

Shut the **** up and stop hiding behind GIMPED rationale. I can't stand people like you who suck *** against high teir and then try to pass characters liek Shiek off as insignificant, but what your REAL problem is that you can't beat her in Melee, and you're afraid of her coming back.


No, Wolf form Link would not be cool. It's a dog. WOOF!

Midna would be fine, but I personally don't really care.


Smash Rookie
Oct 25, 2007
Fine as an assist trophy. I could see Midna using the hand or riding the wolf and doing the multiple jump attack like when you had to kill the creatures from the twilight realm within a certain parameter.

the homosaurus rex

Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
North Carolina State University
I would like to see this statement thats diferent from the GI one please.

And that Wiki Shiek thing sounds pretty dead on. There was never a statement that said Shiek would be playable or that these designs would be used, just that they gave them to Sakurai.
People don't just hand **** over to someone making a game in the hopes of them using the idea. I'm quite sure Sakurai requested the Shiek and Ganondorf designs.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York

Ogre you're an idiot. You say a character like Sheik has no significance.

So, I guess since you only fight Ganon once, and only really see him about 3 times, he's also pretty insignificant too, huh?

Shut the **** up and stop hiding behind GIMPED rationale. I can't stand people like you who suck *** against high teir and then try to pass characters liek Shiek off as insignificant, but what your REAL problem is that you can't beat her in Melee, and you're afraid of her coming back.


No, Wolf form Link would not be cool. It's a dog. WOOF!

Midna would be fine, but I personally don't really care.
Oh bite me. I'm fairly certain that not a single soul would fight for Shiek if he/she/it/potatoe wasn't broken. and yes, I said it.

And no, Gannon is NOT insignificant. He's appeared MULTIPLE TIMES in different games! God you're a *******. And the only reason I think Midna is any more important is because she simply did more. Other than that, I'll say that Midna is no more important than Shiek. Personally I'm insulted by your insinuation that my only reasoning behind not wanting Shiek back because "I can't beat her." If it were just that, I'd agree with her coming back with nerfs. I don't want her in, AT ALL! I don't care if she sucks in Brawl, I don't want her back! You're a *******, a whiny ***** and you've got the people skills of a gorilla.

So sit down, shut the **** up and get off your go****ed soapbox.

Deleted member

shiek and ganon are confirmed

and as much as it pains me to say this, i wish midna/wolf link r attack trophie'd because midna was really annoying....


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I was hoping that Link's down-B would be a transformation into the wolf. He would be top tier for sure.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Oh bite me. I'm fairly certain that not a single soul would fight for Shiek if he/she/it/potatoe wasn't broken. and yes, I said it.

And no, Gannon is NOT insignificant. He's appeared MULTIPLE TIMES in different games! God you're a *******. And the only reason I think Midna is any more important is because she simply did more. Other than that, I'll say that Midna is no more important than Shiek. Personally I'm insulted by your insinuation that my only reasoning behind not wanting Shiek back because "I can't beat her." If it were just that, I'd agree with her coming back with nerfs. I don't want her in, AT ALL! I don't care if she sucks in Brawl, I don't want her back! You're a *******, a whiny ***** and you've got the people skills of a gorilla.

So sit down, shut the **** up and get off your go****ed soapbox.
Haha, you leave out important facts here:

-Ganon is in other games.. but he's still seldomly seen in the 2 games that REALLY matter.

-Navi did as much, or more than Midna. They should put Navi in Brawl.

-I WAS trying to insult you.

Some characters are cool and battle worthy. Sheik fits the bill.

Again, if you don't want her back AT ALL, it's simply because you don't know how to play.

Now, I thought I told you to die...


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Woah, people. twilight_hero has to contribute too.

I was hoping that Link's down-B would be a transformation into the wolf. He would be top tier for sure.
That's what I was hoping for ever since TP!

Now, moving on...

Link (duh)
Zelda, and Sheik as her dB
Ganondorf with a TP makeover
Wolf Link w/Midna
Maybe another villian
Maybe some Majora's Mask Links

About SHEIK.

@O_D_L: Sheik did more than teach you songs. As for he/she/it/potato, Sheik is a GIRL. Makes her kick more @$$. Back to her role!

Sheik did more than teach you songs. She kept the Triforce of Wisdom safe from Ganon for seven years. She helped you out in critical situations. She gave you advice, helped save Kakariko, and, in the end, turned out to be Zelda. She should return, I don't care what anyone else says. I don't buy the TP argument for a second. We've already seen that she keeps Din's Fire and probably Farore's Wind, and besides, all Zelda really did in TP was get captured and then have really bad aim against Ganondorf. She keeps two of the spells she used in SSBM, and I see no reason she shouldn't keep the last one, as they are spells from the goddesses: Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love, and Din's Fire. If she keeps three spells she never usedin any LoZ game, why shouldn't she keep an integral part of who she is? Unless she transforms into...Tetra?!?!? Nuh-uh. No way. Forget I even brought it up.

About MIDNA.
If Midna's in, she in with Wolf Link, which I fully support. 'Nuff said.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Woah, people. twilight_hero has to contribute too.

That's what I was hoping for ever since TP!

Now, moving on...

Link (duh)
Zelda, and Sheik as her dB
Ganondorf with a TP makeover
Wolf Link w/Midna
Maybe another villian
Maybe some Majora's Mask Links

About SHEIK.

@O_D_L: Sheik did more than teach you songs. As for he/she/it/potato, Sheik is a GIRL. Makes her kick more @$$. Back to her role!

Sheik did more than teach you songs. She kept the Triforce of Wisdom safe from Ganon for seven years. She helped you out in critical situations. She gave you advice, helped save Kakariko, and, in the end, turned out to be Zelda. She should return, I don't care what anyone else says. I don't buy the TP argument for a second. We've already seen that she keeps Din's Fire and probably Farore's Wind, and besides, all Zelda really did in TP was get captured and then have really bad aim against Ganondorf. She keeps two of the spells she used in SSBM, and I see no reason she shouldn't keep the last one, as they are spells from the goddesses: Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love, and Din's Fire. If she keeps three spells she never usedin any LoZ game, why shouldn't she keep an integral part of who she is? Unless she transforms into...Tetra?!?!? Nuh-uh. No way. Forget I even brought it up.

About MIDNA.
If Midna's in, she in with Wolf Link, which I fully support. 'Nuff said.
Hey, hey!

Zelda had great aim in TP!


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Eh, in the end, it's a matter of opinion. I still personally believe that Shiek played a very minor role, as some people think Midna did the same. I also still believe that it was only because of Shieks power/speed that he/she/it/potatoe really became popular. I mean, honestly, how many people looked at Shiek in OoT before Melee and said, "Wow, this character is really cool!"

Most people went "HOLY **** YER ZELDA?!?!?!"
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