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  • kk =D
    Assuming you use Ganon (which I think you have to now cause I told Chaco who we'd be using) the I think you'll do about as good you and me would have =D

    I can't play tonight, I have to work again.......
    Maybe you should just get your bro to replace me since my work schedule is kinda in the middle of all this...
    Yeah I think so too.....
    God I can't really play today anyways, I hope we don't have to do our next round yet
    Alright we'll try for the same time tomorrow
    Or earlier, yeah lets try earlier lol
    We would've won if we played today, I was so confident and ready, we'll see how tomorrow goes, we'll need to get some good practice in like we did today if we're going to win
    yeah, later tonight
    **** I'm so pissed off right now I want to break something, **** everything
    But now I gotta ****ing leave and now we have to do this later, I barely want to play in this **** thing anymore
    Wait, our opponents are here now, so lets do our match now xD

    What should our cp be?
    I'm thinking Pirate Ship, since we can't die from the bottom, and we can spike them through the water
    haha sweet

    And for some reason I always suicided with you xD
    I have to watch out for that

    Oh btw, I have to leave for work in 50 mins, but I get back at about 9, which would be 11 for you
    I doubt we will be DQ'd but if we don't fight our team within the next 30 mins then we'll have to wait, is that ok
    Just some guys I have on my FC list lol

    Our Ganon team is pretty good, but our Link/Luigi team is sexy =D
    That wouldn't be good for Ganon
    You know that one platform that moves up and down?
    I always die from that because there is no edge there =/
    Sure lets get some practice in, then we'll contact our opponents
    And we also need to decide on a good cp
    Hey Abhi, we should do some Ganon practice =D

    Then we need to do our doubles match soon after that because I work today >_>
    haha yeah there were massive delays on the way there and back, but it was in the airport, not the plane lol xD
    Anyways I gotta go to work now, see ya =D
    That'll still be fun. There is so much to see

    When I went it was for a school trip, so it was so fun lol
    lol Awesome,, are you going with your friends or your Family?
    I went to France about 2 years ago and it was awesome =D
    haha ****, still working on getting caught up? I hate catching up D=
    Too much work xD
    Yeah I love it xD

    And since Ganon is easily gimped we'll have to stick together and fight instead of being separated
    haha I hope so =D

    I just dreading G&W's turtle, they both spam it.....
    and his nair
    I know, me too D=

    Luckily they are both light characters, so maybe we can kill them off early, but I'm just being optimistic D=
    Oh ****, they will give us trouble......
    I think they are both using G&W and maybe MK.........

    lol Alphaian xD
    Sheik works too, but I have a bad feeling about her. She can't kill that well, and I suck with her in the slightest bit of lag lol
    Ganon can be bad in lag too but not as bad
    We'll just choose who we'll be when we actually fight. I think our first match is this friday

    I gotta go to work now, see ya =D
    haha awesome
    I'll also be doing a small team tourney on the side, just a regular one, so we should enter that =D
    Link and Luigi will win
    Oh btw, I suck with Link now T_T
    But in teams I could be the spammer and you could be the killer =D
    But I'm better with Ganon haha

    Oh and I'm going to make my new tourney either tonight or tomorrow =D
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