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Infinite Emerald

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  • "but I was bored."

    Please don't say that. You have no idea how much that bothers me. :mad: I'd exlain why, but it would take another twenty minutes to find the threads I'd need.

    Yes, I edited my post. ^^
    Mispelled "tell"? No I didn't.....

    And I realize you vote against banning MK. That means you're Anti Ban. I'm Anti Ban too.

    I think he should not be banned for after I read some stuff about this I think he is possable to beat, and If the people that made smash bros. put him in than we should just ecept that and move on. So vote and vote how you think.

    That was your post. Okay, first off, you have run-on sentences and mispelled words. Usually does now bode well, especially in an area meant to be professional. Also, you did not specify you mean by "read some stuff." Also, your logic is incorrect. You are saying that everything in the game should be legal in tournament play because the creators put it in. So items, crazy stages, coin matches, the IDC glitch, etc. should be allowed? No. We ban certain points of Brawl if it falls under the required criteria, generally named "brokenness, or randomness."

    So yeah, just because MK is in the game, does not mean we should allow him if we believe him to fit the term "broken." Your logic there is incorrect.

    Lastly, you say "vote and vote how you think." What does that even mean? It would be better to say "that's my opinion. Post your's."

    If you just look at your post, its not who you're voting for. Its your sentence structure, grammar, and just how you made your point. Like, hold on, lemme go get it, so I can tell you what I mean? K?
    Its nothing much. Here it is.....

    I feel ashamed to be anti-ban with this arguement.

    Ouch. :laugh: Aw, now I feel bad for being like this.....
    Nothing, but I wish you had got trolled harder for that post of yours in the poll. :laugh: You see what your the response was to your post?
    Actually, I think someone has to invite you. I'm trying to figure out how I do that.....

    Wal Mart rules! And, just send in the Wii to Nintendo.
    Cool. :) You know, you should try to find some more Social Groups. I see that you're part of three.... Check out the ones I'm a part of; you might like them.
    Mine wasn't good enough because it was erratic and ugly. :) But I appreciate you saying so.
    Yep. So, gonna get Brawl fixed soon? And how have you improved since we last faced? (That was months ago :()
    BTW, that Ike guide is old, and erratic, and misworded, and incorrect. Don't read it seriously, just for lulz.
    I dunno, I just don't have a profile pic. And KnightFred hasn't been online for a while. He only gets on like once a month. :laugh:
    Hey IE. Glad to see you making your way around the site. :)

    @Sammy P - We all know the best gen is the 2nd. :) Right?
    oyea forgot about that! well i wont say anything else about that then!

    but yea im a huge pokemon fan!
    do you have a fav gen??
    :laugh:HAHAHAH!!! lol as i said i was just an idiot at the time! lol:laugh:
    did you think bongo bongo was very hard:confused:?? i actually thought he was the 2nd easiest boss in the whole game. i NEVER had any trouble with him!
    hahah!!!! i KNOW!!! i was an idiot and kept running in front of the guards!
    after about the 20th time i actually got to thinkin "hey, mabey i should try to go AROUND the guards"!
    ya know..... im not sure!! lol i guess i just kinda..... wandered! lol
    i cant believe i was able to keep getting trough the water temple! holy kow that was such a pain! although i have definatly have to start games ovr my fair share of times because of that stupid temple..
    agreed! i beat that i think about 5 times and master quest twice! lol

    so are you and DB actual real life friends?
    well id have to say either OoT or WW. but i have only played about 6 of the actuall games... im a HUGE fan but i just realized how great the games were just a couple of years ago!

    which one is your favorite?
    so glad i could help! if you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask!
    and cool. now were friends lol
    yup infinite! thats all i did i just typed in "Fair" and "Nair" and it poped up for me!
    yea thats all i did!! lol give ma a sec! mabey i can give you some better details on what i did here!
    o wait! actually i just tried it and it gives the definition forthat stuff!! try that! thatll help ya!
    well infinate.... ive never actually came across that... but your best bet would be the smash wiki at the top of the page!!
    \other than that i wouldnt know...
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