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  • Aww well. :D

    I made my rule-set thread, check it out!

    Also... Happy new years to you too!!!! Rawr! <3
    purr-purr... good. :3

    Good luck on learning my scent. :smirk:

    I want to RP with you guys....(since I used to do all the time) but don't want to put in all the time for it...(seeing as I have little time for things these days) decisions decisions... ;w;
    Oh and quick note. Don't take what I said in the vm out of context.
    cuz then I look like a ******.

    Oh quick question... You can't see if I'm inviso can you?
    Since youre a mod....
    Yes, I found I agreed with you on many of your imaginations of people! Gatlin was totally a doggie, then he changed his avatar and I was :mad:. :p
    Why did you cough when you were about to describe Mari? •_•


    I'll find a picture of myself (anime style) and show it to you.
    How would it feel if I imagined you like an Umpa Lumpa?

    Yea... That wouldn't feel nice wouldn't it?

    "You have blond hair like Muhti"

    Blond hair like Muhti


    Really? IM A BRUNETTE!!!
    Hmm, his hair is darker than I thought, but a little something like this, with different clothing and eye colour?

    You can try dark-ish hair, but come to think of it, I think I have an idea of what you're thinking...
    That's the thing though. As long as I still have friends I can talk to on this site, I won't be leaving for good. Although, most of my good friends left smash boards a long time ago, I no longer have anyone that really wants to talk to me about anything. So I always wonder if I should leave. That's all it is...

    You, Jasou, Kupo, Lash, and maybe holo, (he's scared of me or something now) are the only people keeping me interested in staying here. I wouldn't have left smash boards, just the arena.

    Anyways, I see my vid got you thinking about playing LoL. FYI Darius is a bully... You'll see why.... ;w;
    Reading that post made me feel terrible...

    I'll probably stick around as long as I can. Coming back during breaks and maybe punishing the new coming knaves for their insolence... I lurk like you wouldn't believe.

    It was funny because recently Viktor had to be disabled because he had a glitch with him and one week after he got fixed I didn't see a single one LOL.

    Also Galio fell into one of the rare 4-characters "Who is Galio" holes.
    Nobody really uses him.
    Tbh, he could actually be good this season since there are new items and stuff but it's very highly unlikely considering how awful his moves scale off stats.

    Well like.
    There is a summoner level.
    As you play games you level to up to 30.
    As you gain levels you can use Mastery Points.
    And then you can get runes.
    After that, in a match you start at level 1 and work up to level 18.
    And you start with no items every match.
    So you have a LOT of flexibility in LoL since every games has different champs which means you build different items, etc.

    That was a stick figure parody of it.
    Darius' dance is actually that taunt. It's really funny.
    Also I didn't quite explain. Galio actually isn't bad, but there are characters that are basically better than him in every way lol. But yeah I suppose he's "viable".
    That's League of Legends and the moves shown in that video are exactly like their attacks in the game, but 3D :p

    Also, do you play brawl?

    and I don't play brawl anymore pretty much :p
    Xiroey apparently never really listens to what I say. :'(
    Btw I want you to watch both seasons of Clannad.

    You'll be in tears :smirk:

    Just watch it!!
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