Oh uh. And you don't have to worry about me like, taking a battle with you to heart or something like that. I am now a respectable member of the BBR. I've improved as a player and a person when I stopped putting so much weight on winning friendlies and chillaxed.
Is your luigi a secondary or a pocket?
Curious, because i've been trying to push that Lucario has a slight +1 advantage on him, due to luigi traction kinda messing him over.
Oh also correct me on this if i'm wrong, but I heard that lugi's jab can't follow up to an up-b if you DI downwards and shield. I've never tried it out in practice and it seems hard to react to, but it seems possible if your looking out for jab shenanigans.. Theres only one good player in CO that mains luigi, and he tends to go snake instead for the Lucario MU. =/