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DtJ Composer
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  • You do and you can say GOODBYE to being in DtJ!

    You could also say 'good buy' and no one would even know the difference
    bro... no no no, bro, you can't do this

    I can't survive out here without you man! This place, out here. THIS is the prison.

    I dunno if I could go on
    which game shop is it that you work at again? is it the game preserve or game world

    I need to like T.P. it or something

    I had a dream that the disco room was a high school/college campus that also seemed to be simultaneously the 1950s and the 1980s. Also the disco skype cool kids were a group of bros at the school. You and I were transfer students who got expelled from our last school for playing by our own rules, and presumable shenanigans, but we knew it was just because we don't play ball with THE MAN.

    Also you were black. And Glyph was captain of the football team.

    just wanted to share that brain genius
    You won't regret it, Mr. Jacobson. We'll have to schedule an appointment to meet and finish those matters.

    All the best, Sold2.
    Okay so I'm gunna be Indianapolis tonight at midnight, and tomorrow hanging with friends until I can get a ride over to Hades place and will be there until Sat. morning. If I can't get to Hades house tomorrow though, I'll let you know.

    Well let's see.

    Have you ever non-stop played someone over and over, not winning a single one, and just don't stop until

    a.) you beat them
    b.) they stop playing you
    c.) lolololsomeone else wants to play

    If so, then that's the hate loop. They came up with it >:| Needless to say, it's the johner's way of saying "all those other matches don't matter, the match I win is the one that matters!"

    If I tried to go to Bloomington, we'd be leaving Hades out completely. :(

    But I tell you what; if 4bidn and Video give me an answer that they wanna go, I'll tell them to drive me over there and that will be 3 more people to add to your guys' hate loops (or at least thats what them two called them LOL)
    Turns out? Damn.

    I am gunna be getting a ride to Indy sometime either today/tonight or tomorrow morning/afternoon. I will then be trying to get to Hades in some way. We're housing there instead in case you didn't already know that...

    But yea that sounds fine, so basically it will just be at Hades place waiting on you guys :/ Darn. Was hopin to get mad friendlies in.
    So the tentative plan on my end at the moment...

    -Get Dad or Rhonda (his wife) to pick me up from Lafayette Friday afternoon and drop me off at my house
    -If not, get train ride home thursday night to Indy
    -Either way, I must know what time you will pick me up from Indy
    -When that occurs, we go to Steep's dorm and figure out who he's housing where.

    We cool? Let me know what you wanna do ...
    General Sergent Pvt. Composer

    Your efforts are not in vain, and the day we retake this land nears every day. God bless all of you brave men, women, and children down there. I swear to you, we will take this country back.

    God bless,
    Mister Captain The President Ndayday
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