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Dr Peepee
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  • yea, but I told rhan he should find a way to come, which means he'll talk to toasty and toasty will be more willing to come since more people want to be here!!
    I would love to try but I want to have 2 or possibly 3 small tournys before january that way i don't suxxorz when the big tourny time comes...
    Finding a big enough venue is the prob for now.. but maybe if i do it for charity we could get a school or something idk...

    but yeah.. we need as many people from west NC as possible.. i don't really have a venue big enough for the entire NC scene to come to at the moment.. but since we're like right down the road from you maybe we should start doing bi-weeklies or something... i think we have enough people... especially if you get "the kidz" to come and possibly some of your friends
    Pp hangs out with pot smokers? Oh man you're in with the wrong crowd bro next thing you know you'll forget to pay for that Hershey Bar at the supermarket and one thing will lead to another and...Federal "**** me up the ***" prison. It's comin bro.

    I just read it, he's got a point. If you've never played munk, you've got no room to talk about being good at anything :( sorry bro

    And now I see what he was saying, yeah. I know how to stop the opponent from hitting me and all (Don't get hit - best advice evar) but I mean, predicting the opponent and punishing is just the hard part for me. I don't have the kind of brain power to predict and manipulate like you pros do x_x

    Dama didn't do RARed bairs? pssht what a nub (lolz jk)

    I want to play Anthony some time, I know he was at STYKs (last tournament I went to...so sad) but I never got to play him since Karn knocked me out the round before I would've played him. He sounds really good though, and Pika has always been a hard matchup for me so I look forward to playing him :laugh:

    Okay okay fineeeeeee i'll read the marf boards :(

    Haha whatever you say man, but you drive us places and pay for our McDonalds when we're broke and man it's all just way more then we deserve. I need to pay you back sometime...keep an eye out, I'll think of something.

    On an unrelated note, it's 12:45 PM. I'm goin to bed :laugh: tty more tomorrow
    Not official? ****nnnnn :( How'd you find out then? Secret smasher conventions? I want in on it XD

    Lady troubles suck man :( If you can't find a girl for you in HS, just wait until college. Tons of chicks there ripe for the picking.

    I read the critique but all I got out of it was "Have a plan and play smarter" which is like standard advice :/ maybe I'm just simplifying it too much

    IDK who Dama is but anyone who has the balls to play ganon in Barlw deserves respect. props to him :laugh: Jim's Ganon is actually a pretty good match for my Marth, those RARed lagless bairs really surprise you :(

    yeah ahaha I remember when you used to play pika...I'm following in your footsteps now and trying to do my best with him :laugh: I played him off and on in melee...he was a lot more fun in melee...:( all wells. barlw is barlw, best you can do it short hop fast fall a lot to make it look like you're moving

    I could look at the marth boards...or get advice straight from the expert himself! >____>

    And mucho thanks dude, I appreciate everything you've done for us :( I wish I could pay you back with other things then mass lulz though
    oh my god YES

    where is this? i dun see it in atlantic south :(

    and that just struck me like a thunderbolt ahaha i'll respond to everything else...now

    Well if she's not hot and you don't like her personality...lol **** that *****

    I know peach can be fast, and I could FC and djc and all but I just had some mental barrier blocking me from proceeding to the next level :( it sucks man.

    i want him to learn both but he's more focused on marth and ganon...his ganon is actually pretty good. he ***** my pikachu then started sandbagging like a ***** in the videos we filmed today, they'll be up eventually. I mean my pikachu...sucks, but he totally ***** it. his ganon's got skills :laugh:

    yes go over every gay marth strat in the books I need it XD

    yeah online totally sucks :( but when it's the best you can get, you've just got to settle. all wells, no big deal...I'll be able to hit up a tournament eventually. hopefully with your help :laugh:
    well i'unno. she bad lookin?

    maining ICs = YES! I always wanted to play them but man I sucked with them...same with Falco. I had to settle for no tech skill needed Peach...lolz slow fingers

    I could try teaching Jim snake because I think he might actually like Brawl now o_O but I'd rather him learn GaW since he's not that bad with him and GaW is a lot easier to play against then Snake is <______________<

    And yeah you gave me mucho marth strategies and I did use them...i think. I'm pretty sure I tried to space with ftilts and stuff, but looking back, Jim just did it so much better. I'm sure you'll agree once you see the video..I made some really dumb nooby mistakes :(

    yeah I really want to hit up one CH tournament but it's so far away and my mom is adamant about refusing to drive me to any smash tournaments :laugh: you're my crutch, man. playing you is my only connection with the smash community :( besides (loooooooool) online

    whens the next time you think your parents will be cool with you driving us to a tournament? :laugh:
    Nothing wrong with Crazy fish...and caught fish are game too if you can play it right ;)

    Not really but thanks lolz :P I've been playin' her since SC2...no reason to quit now right? My cervantes is a lot better though...I just main cassandra because it's tradition

    ...melee kirby? XD

    I really want to play Ali's snake, only because I've never played any good ones and ROB does good against Snake so it would be a fun match. The best snake I have is Jim...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37g1X7V1RaA <- 5 minute video that was having upload troubles...my crap diddy vs. jim's crappier snake

    it was basically a joke set...I wanted to upload it first so everyone would forget it was there and I could upload the good ones last (so they appear first on my vids page y'know?)

    I won every set except for the one I wanted to win the most...the marth dittos.

    Jim ***** me. Srsly my marth needs a lot of work. Keep an eye out for those and tell me what I'm doin wrong please, I got ***** baaaaaaaaaaaaaad :(

    Also lol @ top 15. you know it's true though :P

    (not really i'm amazing)
    lolz texting is for losers without smashboards accounts (losers i say)

    It doesn't matter if you're confident or not, you just need to appear confident. Which is really easy lolz. Sorry to hear about your lady friend though :( at least you have more fish in the sea to pick from. Plus, college will be a fresh start :laugh: don't blow it!

    Nah I hate gears of war lmao it's just tim and jim like it...I've been playing Soul Calibur 4 a lot though. Cassandra is a beast in that game

    And...smash in general. dunno. Was he at the Melee only Jubilee last year? I remember I 3 stocked someone who looked younger then me with Peach, but I dunno if it was him or not

    I just looked at the rankings thread, go PP :laugh: we all know you're the best anyway lmao (screw you ali :()
    PP, chicks DIG confidence. Absolutely love it. They need someone to be confident because their too fickle to do it for themselves. Put on a strong front and you'll get your lady friend in no time

    And any subscribers I get from stupid videos are nulled by the fact I wasted time making stupid videos :(

    How good is BEHR anyway? I need to meet one of the kids younger then me some time.

    More people coming to NC = very very very good. Keep helping the community and the community will love you back :laugh:
    Thats cool too :p whatever works y'know?

    I am but you have to be civil PP or else we're no different from cavemen

    yeah yeah still the editing is horrible and it's really not even that good of a trick. It was a waste of 30 minutes :(

    I think the only time I've played Lozr he 3 stocked me, so yeah, he's definitely an incredible player who needs more attention in the worldwide smash community.

    You win a TV with a mysterious hole in the center :p
    Well as long as you talk to people, it's all good. Plus, you're always open in the loving heart of the smash community. yeahuhzzzzz

    Jim would murder him man you have to have a heart about these kinds of things :/

    And if Ali is going I'll just challenge him to a Falcon ditto...he won't be able to refuse. I'm raep with falcon man I can GO UNDER STAGES WITH HIM (I was sooooooooo bored when I made that video XD)

    Lozr is always a tough matchup dude, especially with a Bottom of Top tier Falco :/ He's below Shiek "wtfux" I think he should be above Shiek at the very least...

    And the SBR isn't about participation it's about Grimer and TV sex. durr
    get more friends bro! there's always someone out there you can talk random with lmao. sit with someone new at lunch tomorrow you'll be surprised how many new people you can meet

    stupid ****. meh idc if they want to fight they can get their *** whooped and I'll be cool. don't feel like talking about it XD

    Ali is going? :( shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. ROB is pretty good against Snake but man from what I've heard Ali is the 2nd coming of Jesus. I'll try my best though :P

    Melee >>>>>>> Brawl

    Yeah i can imagine that must be sucky having that happen to you :( but it looks so cool, you've gotta admit

    Also you should apply for SBR


    I have no chance and I'm doing it :laugh:

    You have a chance though

    GO FOR IT!
    haha we just talk about random **** though our lives are borin <_< you know how it is

    school was pretty good lol i think some kid wants to fight me though oh man this will be fun

    yeah I'm hoping to win money there lolz I figure that if they have to specify no items it might not be the most hardcore crowd and I can walk away with something :laugh: but we'll see...

    no prob on the yt comments XD I love watching melee

    neutral a neutral a dtilt was so sexy though pp i'm sorry you just got hardcore lozr'd right there :(
    nothin :( my life is boring

    still not definite on that charlotte tourney, but jim came over today and we practiced ssbb and sc4 just because that game is fun as hell XD

    I really hope I can go to that tournament...it's been so long...x_x
    there's atleast 10 around here willing to play... all the old melee players use to travel down here once every other month for munkaid... so some will probably come when the tournys get bigger.... I hear you're good at brawl.. but you never came to munkaid.. so ur a N00b until you beat me or until you come to munkaid... f*ck whatever your record is.. :)
    I love melee a lot XD I wish I could play it though :( Lamesauce

    Jim hasn't been over for awhile...because I've been grounded...lame, I know. But I think I might actually get to go to a tournament! That ****ty one in charlotte! That has to specify no items!


    Hope to see you there XD
    "West Coast" is derived from my UpB Spamus in Smash 64. Vilt described my Samus playstyle in 64 as West Coast, and things progressed from there.

    I have no idea what it means now, though. I think it's something you had to be there for.:laugh:
    What? You can't say he didn't **** little boys with MJ. He clearly did. Don't deny the facts.
    No only some of the kids were little girls. All the other were boys. You yourself have admitted that Marth is an emo and a pedo. Since he ***** little boys (as well as girls) that makes him gay.
    Cuz Marth does it with him, which you have not been able to refute. Therefore, I win.
    I don't really think he cares.

    I guess this means you agree that Marth is an emo gay pedo.
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