Maybe I'm naturally oversensitive, or maybe someone just slipped me decaf coffee this morning, but these classes of slovenly fussbudgets should be dealt with immediately. As I elaborate on that concept throughout this letter I will use only simple words and language so that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that DarkSerenade's theatrics cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that the future of the entire world rests in DarkSerenade's hands.
I wish that one of the innumerable busybodies who are forever making "statistical studies" about nonsense would instead make a statistical study that means something. For example, I'd like to see a statistical study of DarkSerenade's capacity to learn the obvious. Also worthwhile would be a statistical study of how many supercilious louts realize that DarkSerenade is like a magician who produces a dove in one hand while the other hand is busy trying to corrupt our youth. I, speaking as someone who is not a witless, asinine duplicitous-type, believe that he is talking out of his posterior. Deal with it. If there's an untold story here, it's that I will never give up. I will never stop trying. And I will use every avenue possible to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of Bonapartism.
Whatever should be true of statutory and often ephemeral enactments in human jurisprudence, the fact remains that DarkSerenade's seemingly egalitarian ideas lead only to results that are both poxy and unfair. I always catch hell whenever I say something like that so let me assure you that he is stepping over the line when he attempts to change the course of history -- way over the line. I don't know which are worse, right-wing tyrants or left-wing tyrants. But I do know that in asserting that you and I are objects for him to use then casually throw away and forget like old newsprint that's performed its duty catching bird droppings, DarkSerenade demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. You might say, "His biases represent the most effrontive form of moral turpitude conceivable." Fine, I agree. But his bromides are built on lies and they depend on make-believe for their continuation. If you think about it you'll see that DarkSerenade's improvident orations are merely a distraction. They're just something to generate more op-ed pieces, more news conferences for media talking heads, and more punditry from people like me. Meanwhile, DarkSerenade's provocateurs are continuing their quiet work of advancing DarkSerenade's real goal, which is to promote a culture of dependency and failure. The moral of the story: DarkSerenade's demands turn the stomachs of those who know even a little about the real world.