I don't think I could have ever envisioned a Christopher Nolan / Beyonce comparison of any kind, much less a valid one. I like to imagine Christian Bale hopping on stage when some mediocre underdog movie getting an Oscar for the sake of trendiness (coughjunocough) to Kanye it up, then giving the person accepting the award a punch in the kidney, then a 180 roundhouse to the jaw of the award presenter. Then he drops a smokebomb and disappears into the night instead of shrugging with a total douche look on his face.
If TDKR is as good as it seems to be shaping up to be, he really might have a shot. I always thought he damn well deserved best film, best writing, and best directing nominations at the very least for TDK, just because the sheer, ridiculous amount of things that were going on. The massive ensemble cast, and the fact that literally all of the characters had dilemmas and issues to deal with and, more often than not, a character arc. That's just insanely impressive and required a ton of skill across the board to accomplish, and the fact that none of that was recognized with at least a nomination is seriously astonishing. But the Oscars suck bags of ****s on a regular basis, so eh, it's old news really. Still wanna be cantankerous about it, though.
The most admirable thing I can say about TDKR thus far is that rather than casting a huge and even just slightly-good actor, Nolan cast a very good character actor that isn't really all that big (most of the time). And then this actor was dedicated enough to the role, despite it having the Comic Book Stink, to dedicate the time needed to become mountainously huge, just to get it right. Tom Hardy from his regular chillaxed size to Bane has seriously got to be on par with Christian Bale's turbo weight loss for the Machinist, but in reverse.
I can't remember what Nolan films you said you hadn't seen (I think just Following?) but get on that. Following is right up there with his best. And yeah it's pretty insane just how good he is. All his movies would rate at least a 3.5-4 outta five with me, if I were some kinda critic type.
So yeah see whatever Nolan movies you haven't, and then see Ed Wood after.