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  • Good to hear :p Same here..
    lol You know whats sorta ironic about that my dog actually manage to get into (eat) some chocolate this Christmas and didn't even get sick or anything ^_^
    For some reason, I always thought of Guy as the Captain Falcon of Naruto idk why though. lol XD
    Naruto would so be the Lucario (For blue ballz and the fact Lucario looks like a doggy :3 (To me) which is in the canine family like Foxs :D)
    :lucario: Dic's Sporting goods...yeah I pretty much just painted a normal ball I got there blue :awesome:
    *Drinks more of the coffee whilest listening*
    :lucario: :mad088:
    Yeah...besides you can just wipe them off,wash them abit and then they'll be as good as new. :p
    :lucario: *clean his Blue (Basket) Ballz* bah <__<
    :link2: :3 *puts Bob in the cookie jar*
    :bowser2: *see then eats the cookie* I killed
    -Later that day-
    :link2: Bob,Bob,BOB! ='[
    :kirby2: Who ate the cookie from the cookies jar.
    Wario stole the cookie jar
    :wario: Who me?
    :kirby2: Yeah you!
    :wario: Couldn't be!
    Bowser stole the cookie jar.
    :bowser: Who me?
    :wario: Yeah you!
    :bowser2: ...yesz..
    :falcon: PAWNCH
    :ganondorf: ;.; *hugs the closest link to him*
    OMG Nooo not again Dx *puts youtube link in front of himself*
    :link2: *looks at metaknight* Hugz! ;-;
    :metaknight: Hug me and i'll Nado to 0-death you <.<
    :sonic: (No one ever asks me for hugz ;-; (except Amy but shes well...yeah Amy:awesome: ))
    :link2: :(
    :ganondorf: *a manly tear slowly moves down his face* Im not crying I-just had something in my eye ;.;
    *gets on before the ride starts* Alright I made it ;^_< also I agree completely =D
    :link2: *gives you a round of applause* (=
    :zelda:I <3 being me even as low tier or not. *twitch*
    :metaknight: ...*minds his own business and gets on ride with us*
    :noness: :3
    I'll be back *runs at super sonic speed to the bathroom* :088:
    :gw: *got the new high score beating Roy's score*
    :roymelee: *pukes on his own shirt* curse you game & watch Dx
    :gw: *right next to Roy* ;O__o?
    :roymelee: :mad:
    :gw: o. 0
    :noness: Okai *takes you on again with Ganon and bottom tiers*
    :link2: *looks at Ganon then yells like he usually does*
    :ganondorf: Ummm whats he saying ._.
    :zelda: He said you have nice butt...
    :ganondorf: ...<.<
    :link2: (curse you zelda D: )
    :lucas: Was I..?
    :luigi2: :glare:
    :falcon: :awesome:
    :ganondorf: what the heck <.<
    :wolf: :mad:
    *ride amost done*
    :lucas: Thank god its almost :scared:
    I agree *needs to pee* Dx
    :roymelee: No way IM gonna choke dx *gets a puking sensation* Wheres Game & Watch and his bucket when I need it Dx
    :gw: *playing Dance Dance Revolution*
    *on ride with you Kirby,Ganon,Roy and Lucas* Wee =D no seriously I really gotta piss :(
    :kirby2: Lucas Man up my boi we still have so much more rides to go on :mad:
    :lucas: I was afraid you would say that DDx
    :ganondorf: Besides we're only on the lamest roller coasters right now we're riding in reverse order :awesome: (but sweet jesus, Marth rushed straight to the manliest most scary ride :[ )
    :roymelee:*continues eating on the ride*
    :falcon: :glare:
    Roller coasters and stuff :cool:
    :marth: *rides the horse merry go round* ...So this is what it feels like to be a paladin in Fire Emblem.
    some random guy with a rapier: Not 100% till you see this *attacks Marth+his mechanical stead*
    :marth: FFFFFUUUU- Dx
    Pokemon dialog: Its Super effective!
    :pika: *Dsmashs the set up picnic*
    :ganondorf:Really...I can't even have picnic without someone trying **** my plans...**** it :(
    :marth: dammit roy you stole my color :mad:
    :kirby: Poyo :mad:
    lol the only thing, I think I was 100% right on, is that area was based off that monkey. Though maybe she really does like to dance xP
    Really can I see this area o.o
    I think thats a awesome theory :p and cool :3
    Alright <_>
    Well the Aztec monkey god Ozomatli was considered the god of dance, fire, the new harvest, and music.
    So maybe its saying...that she isn't japanese, likes to dance or done something wrong involving fire or burning something (maybe shes a murder and burnt the body or something :D) lol idk x. x
    My theory for that monkey sucks so bad :laugh:
    Seems reasonable theory which would also work into my first.
    ..This game is getting more interesting every second lol. :D
    The fact it has no complete story makes it even more interested in creating theories based on their signs.
    I thought of one for the Aztec Rave Monkey but its pretty suckish :laugh:
    and thanks =D
    Why? do the birds pick on her or something to hint to that?
    wonder what the rave monkey could represent
    I think the abandoned alien might involve her parents abandoning her as a child (or dying) and being alienated by her peers.
    And for the blob I think something inappropriate lol...just guessing though.
    No dialog except random numbers if that does make it unique then the weird dream world will I suppose :laugh:
    I see...what sorta connections can you make between her dreamworld and herself?
    Rave MONKEY!!! :diddy:
    That Blob didn't get...nvm your doggy you don't need to know..
    Girl-birds thing huh...like Harpies?
    So the alien sorta like E.T. D:
    Is it just exploration or is there more to this game?
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