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  • Opps indeed <.<
    :metaknight: I ain't cleaning that up...*takes off*
    Waddle Dee: Sigh~*mubbles to himself* Why do I always get stuck with the crappy jobs. -__-
    :metaknight: Oh, and when your done with the built a mall there..or something idc.
    Waddle Dee:...Yes sir..:cry:
    :luigi2: What am I supposed to do for my game now? Dx
    :ganondorf: Oh great..the newscast didn't say anything about storms today.
    *uses magic barrier to reflect it elsewhere*
    -Somewhere at Weegee's Mansion-
    Boo1: hey like dood, how long are we supposed to haunt this place? :confused:
    Boo2: Till one known as Weegee strikes us down..
    Boo1: Err..dood whats dat. :o
    Boo2: I haven't the foggiest clue but it looks like its heading this way fast. o.0
    Boo1: Wut is it Sonic or something, dood.
    Boo2: Nyeh too sparkly...
    *PSI StarStorm destroys Weegee's Mansion*
    -later that day-
    :luigi2: ...Mario..?
    *looks at his King of Evil title*
    Hmm...nyeh, I haven't the faintest clue of how you could have to such an assumption he like the nicest guy in block.
    *hands you a awesome telescope to see and had bugs set in his home so we could hear him from*
    -elsewhere on the sidewalk-
    :lucas: hey ness what wanna do today?
    :ness2: hmm.. *gets a shoe thrown him* Oww...:c
    :ganondorf: You rottten kids GTFO off my lawn :mad: *continues to toss his minion's shoes at them*
    :lucas: Oh man why did I pick today to forget bring map back home Dx...oh and a helmet <.< *runs away*
    :ness2: next time we're taking the bus x. x *sees destroyed bus* O_o; er..nevermind that.
    See :3
    Unless he has like Dumbo sized ears I think were safe..
    :metaknight: *Unlocks himself in Kirby Air Ride* Aww-YEAH >=D*reads farther on it*
    -Only in Free Run n00b-
    :metaknight: ...*censored violence and cussing*
    :ganondorf:Taking advantage of my one and only true weakness my poor running speed, you are wise but I'll be back...:evil:
    *teleports back to his castle*
    You know what I don't get...if he can teleport to his castle in like mil-second why didn't he just use that as upposed to running?
    :metaknight: Wise answer. :laugh:
    :ganondorf: Key word yet :evil: the temptation to use the King of Evil will be your downfall Muhahaha
    me: Is he trying to say by using him in brawl (wi-fi)...he'll be the reason you lose o.o?
    :ganondorf: ..... ..... Warlock Pawnch!
    I agree, spaghetti is indeed a very valuable thing wouldn't wanna give it away myself either.
    You are part dog I don't think being a Wolf would be to much different besides large craving for animal flesh (and possible human)...and the fact you wouldn't be housebroken and wouldn't be allowed in the house. :glare:
    Only time will tell I suppose but if you want it bad enough you can ask the King of Evil Ganondorf if your willing to pay with lotsa spaghetti. :ganondorf:
    You never know it still could snow, Blue. :)
    In fact, I actually thought we would not snow much here before and..now we have a snow storm lol
    Joking aside, to me Its more of the fact that the some of the other school had absolutely zero to minimal reason to close today but eh just one more they have to make up.
    However my school generally ends up with the "short end of the stick" when it comes to getting days out for school compared to some others in my area, so I sorta get were your coming from though I don't really mind it much.
    Same here usually..still don't get the whole concept of why some schools actually got out today but whatever..those lazy bum-muffins <.< lol
    Then I still get out of school tomorrow unless they notify everyone otherwise, they already closed school tomorrow lol I thinl even some schools even closed today for whatever reason xD
    I have toast pretty much every schoolday dx
    Microwave softens it and melts the butter :3
    Unrelated: no school for me tomorrow <3
    Not a problem :3
    Cool, I assume people have different methods of preparing crumpets ..such as I have a thing with toast where after applying butter I microwave it for alittle bit...its good <.< lol
    :snake: Now that I explained im gonna go blow up a forest...or something else up..hmm o.o *sees a mysterious letter,opens it,Then looks at the letter*
    "No puede dejarle hacer esto"
    ~Signed Mexican :wolf:
    :snake: Yes & No, actually its also because no one would expect a Snake in a Cardboard box...and because there frickin awesome and completely mobile.

    How dare they infect my oatmeal. Give me their names, me and Cortez will have them pay! :088:
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