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  • :O

    I really like it actually. Black Star looks so toned @___@

    The sun/moon is still a bit creepy to me though. >__>

    Just realized Maka has huge pupils. :x

    Awwz <3

    Lolololol. I actually imagined you burping like that. I don't mind at all. I do too, actually. I just have weak burps. :x
    Pickles.......OMFG. @______@ :mad:

    How could you not love 'em? Im' disgusted with you. :[

    I hate everything you listed plus most meats. Like steak. >.<

    Too much too list.

    I'm sure most people wouldn't like weird tasting bread. >_>

    Cheese <333
    Hehe <3

    Cuddling. <3

    Btw, is there anything you don't like/find gross about the human body? Like for me I hate feet. @__@

    I might have asked you this before, but I forgot. :/
    You look pretty strong/buff to me. >.>

    Lol. I dunno. I have this thing where I like to be carried. :/

    Wow. You like the only person I've went out with who actually likes to cuddle. I love that about you. ^__^
    I wants teh piggyback!!11!!1! :mad:

    But yeah, walking isn't bad.

    Awwz. Hehe. ^___^

    I'd cuddle wiff you all dai long. <3

    Well, maybe not all day. >.>
    But.....but :[
    You're right. I'm more worried if I can even see you at all. D:

    I love you. Just thought I'd say that. [:

    But in I way, I'll hate seeing you.

    ...that moment where we must leave each other. I can't imagine how that'd feel. ;-;
    Okay. It'll be sometime soon though. She's about to go to sleep, so maybe tomorrow.

    Don't feel that way. I know how much this means to you and it makes me mad when someone keeps holding us back. :[

    Sorry :x
    Anyway, do so how was your day? ^__^

    And omg, I have to babysit tomorrow @___@

    Most annoying 6 year old ever. >.<

    I get 50 bucks though :]
    Gotta hope for the best.

    Oopsies. @___@
    Forgot lol. After she gets out of work. Gawd, I really need to start driving. >.<
    Inorite, but I dunno if i'll even go to Cali if my grades are bad. I'd be in summer school.

    I'll do everything I can, kay? I just gotta catch her in a good mood. >.>

    I wish I could drive. :[

    I'd drive all the way there for you.
    I talk with her again, but I think it'll mostly depend on my grades. :/

    Btw, if for some reason I don't come on SWF for a while, it's probably because I'm frounded. Just to let you know :[

    Omg. @__@
    So I got a phone call from my school saying that my grades should being coming soon. I'm so worried. @__@
    You're right. I just came back to say, thanks for being there.

    Okay, I'm leaving for reals now.
    It's not your fault.

    You caught me at a bad time. I'm leaving. I'll be back later. Bye. <3
    I really missed you and missed talking with you this weekend. :[

    I won't be here much of today, but I hope we can talk soon. Ily.
    UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Let me think......none. :c

    Too much friendlies. @____@

    Lost to Bun bun and got second place in 0rion's tourney though =D

    I'll go watch some.....NAO ;O
    Add me on facebook, Kade. James Heideman. My picture should have be cocking the chu dat pose.
    Just so I'm clear here, but the Shinigami Sams dude is Death the Kid's father, right?
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