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  • Try what out and see? I'm assuming that it's just REALLY slow at updating. You pre-order Reach yet btw? I'm still waiting on a $5-10 off deal but if I can't find one, I'll send in my order on Amazon before it's released.
    Your gamer tag still hasn't changed for me. When I look at my friends list, you're still "Devastation170" but everything else (i.e. when you join our XBL parties/games etc.) you appear as Tiptop Turtle20. :confused:
    TipTup Turtle 20 is Online,
    Hello Mr. Banjo Kazooie Pro.
    I don't start classes till Sept 6th, how bout you? And is this your first year in college? I'm going into my final year since my program was 3 years long in length/duration.
    I wouldn't mind commando so much if they greatly reduced the range and change it so that you can die mid-lunge.

    Most randoms suck, I don't expect much from that. I trust my claymores over randoms cause they watch over my back and let me know if anyone is coming.

    Agreed, I love playing SnD with :mad: and Icydeath and other SWF members.

    We haven't played together in a while. :(
    Increase the time from 3 (Pro version time) to 10 seconds and only allow 1 change per round/game. (i.e. Only allow one custom class to have OMA on.)

    Randoms suck, I often see them go 1-15, 8-12, 4-10 etc. Most of the time, they let an enemy walk past them and they kill me and them. :mad: (I remember once on Derail, I was walking into the middle building via the back stairs and I saw a claymore. I was ready to stun and run past it but a teammate blocked my way and he triggered it and killed both of us. ****ING IDIOT!!!)

    We should play more then. I enjoy playing with ya.

    Ah, I see, makes sense. Me and the other guys were spamming you with game invites. :laugh:
    I only get mad at MW2 when:

    I get spawn killed (happens every day on multiple occasions)
    I get killed by a riot shielder (THIS IS A FPS!!! NOT A HIDE BEHIND A ***** *** SHIELD GAME!!!)
    Commando... (happens every day in practically every game I play)
    OMA/DC/Noob tube abusers (makes my blood boil)

    Some people use the gayest classes in MW2 just to piss other people off. A 'fix' (I hope) for the OMA perk is going to be included in the next patch. (Whenever that happens...)

    IMO, the only way to fix OMA is to:

    Mind telling me what pushed you over to snap your MW2 disc in half? :p

    IMO, if I were doing a livestream like some YouTubers, (i.e. Sandy Ravage) I would do bad cause I know that people are watching me. Pressure does kinda get to you.

    Yeah, I don't really mind OMA anymore. I used to think it was cheap, but that's only if you use it with DC and noob tubes and fire randomly into the air. OMA is okay if you're playing SnD and wanna play 2 claymores and C4 packs on both bomb sites. If all you use is OMA/DC/Noob tubes and fire them at people, then you're an ******* and you ruined the perk.

    I rarely play MW2 with randoms, I prefer to play with friends cause I have someone to talk to and am generally relaxed when playing. The worse CoD4/MW2 TDM score I've ever seen was 750-90 and 7500-90. (The most kills they had was like 3 :p)
    They said to do another connection test to try, I did that, and it worked for Mr. Alex.
    Maybe you should record and then forget about it cause if you know that you're capturing, you might start doing bad because of the pressure.

    I dunno. IMO, I play much better when I'm not going for a nuke because I don't have to camp my heart out and swear a lot when I die by bull****.
    Uhh did your GT ever get fixed?
    I also unlocked OMA Pro today! Loving the 3 second change time instead of 5. :)
    IMO, making this MW2 montage is hazardous to your health.

    High blood pressure = More stress. :laugh:
    I have a bad habit/tendency to reload after every kill I get in MW2. :(

    I just have to play against noobs who don't shoot down anything, then I'll be able to get my nuke. Still waiting on that...

    I try really hard when I'm going for a nuke because I don't want to die! :mad:
    Help us troll Roach <3
    Enjoy not getting Kills at all :p
    Too bad I'm not getting Reach. New Vegas, Layton, and Black Ops are the only ones I'm getting. <3
    Never heard of such shenanigans, silly Turtle. Seriously though, that game is the ****.
    It's mad fun. While downloading, I sent 17 emails to Microsoft.
    They mad. Snoopy Flying Ace is amazing btw. <3
    You won't
    You won't
    You won't

    Let's go
    Stupid Microsoft. I saw we lodge many formal complaints. Badger-Turtle combo.
    Yes, I believe the man I emailed was named "Saul" or something. I don't even...
    Tried getting a nuke yesterday at my friend's house. Died at 11 kills cause some guys were capturing a flag and I killed one of them but THERE JUST HAD TO BE ANOTHER ONE NEARBY!!!! :mad:

    It wouldn't have mattered anyways if I lived, cause they shot down my CG after 1 kill... :(
    I emailed Microsoft the other day, and nothing was a big help.
    Needs more TipTup Turtle :(
    Guess I have a tendency to be put up against decent players who shoot down air support. :(
    Just read your post in the MW2 thread. Does this mean you won't play with me/the gang when we invite you? :(
    I just realized something. I don't have steady aim pro. That's why I can only hardscope for 3 seconds. I would put it on my classes but I love ninja pro. :(
    Remember back in CoD4 where putting any attachment on your AK-47 lowers it's damage?

    Fletch told me in the MW2 thread that painkiller doesn't give you 3x the health, you only take 1/3 of the damage you get. IMO, death streaks are stupid. Cause they reward bad players. Like, I feel bad every time I kill someone when I have painkiller/final stand on cause I know that I only got lucky and don't deserve the kill.

    I love kill cams which show the guy dying, re-spawning and then killing you. It's the best.

    So...good AK-47 class?

    AA-12 w/extended mags
    Stun x2
    Scav pro
    SP pro
    Ninja pro

    I just thought using a silencer on the AK was good cause you told me to use a silenced weapon plus CB so you're 'invisible'.
    Okay, I will take the silencer off my AK-47 class. Would you recommend SP or CB on it? I feel better when I shoot at people w/SP equipped. But at the same time, I get really paranoid when the enemy gets a predator missile. Btw, I was going to ask you if putting a noob tube on my AK-47 was a good idea but you said that putting any attachment on it will give it idle sway.

    And I almost got my AC130 on Highrise today but as usual, MW2 hates me so bull**** happened, I'll tell you:

    I had 10 kills, I was on the staircase leading up to the helicopter pad, I'm looking down at that area with those green boxes (near the elevators) and I see a guy, an enemy PM shows up and I think to myself "oh **** it's probably going to go for me but all I need is 1 kill to get my AC130." I shoot at the guy, he has painkiller...I empty my whole ACR clip into him and he doesn't die then the PM kills me...FML
    Btw, the AK-47 w/a silencer and CB sucks. It doesn't sound as good and it takes forever to kill someone. I find that I do better w/o a silencer and with SP on.
    Tried getting a nuke again today. Got my chopper gunner and was spawn ****** them on Quarry but some guy shot my CG down when I only got 5 kills with it. Then some guy hard scoped me with his l33t HBS Intervention class.

    A nuke has slipped though my grasp again.
    The hardest part of getting a nuke is getting 7 kills in a row to get the harrier. You also have to play against bad people/people who don't shoot down air support. My harrier was doing work on Favela today so I got my AC130 pretty easy. Spawn killed them like 15 times too. xD
    Weren't you also one kill away from getting a nuke on Sub Base? Until some guy shot you, but I ended up avenging your death. :p

    I bet...I'll let you know how I feel when I get one. How do you have 43 nukes? You're too good at MW2 dude.
    I was worried when that runner shanked me. I thought to myself: "Oh ****, will he kill Banjo?"

    Then we all heard:

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