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arch knight
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  • I know, but what pissed me off was when u said u "claimed my soul" which really wasnt true. Our MK vs Olimar were close fights (with lag, i hate lag.) It really could of gone either way. Sorry if i angered u, i really didnt want to. Its just that it was hard for me to punish u with lag, and when u say u destroyed me. It really pisses me off when our matches were mostly won evenly.
    Thank you Arch Knight. I remember my first online beat down came from you if memory serves right.
    I won't disappoint.
    If tomorrow from 10.30Am to 1PM Central Standard time is fine with you I'd be on at that time
    Its not really about lag affecting u or your meta, it affects me. A lot, especially with olimar. Moves are harder to punish on wifi. My strategy is more defensive than most. Ya i john a lot. But its mostly lag, i hate lag personally. U lag a lot more than most people i face on wifi. And i practice spacing, combos, and evaisive techniques offline to help me for the tourney.
    Well you see, I tend to be predictable with Wolf and it seems my air game is lacking. I would like to improve those areas.
    That's a lot of "dudes" if I say so myself. O majestic Arch Knight, I need your guidance to be a better Wolf. Will you train me?
    Dude, u were way too predictable. Without lag, i could of easily punished u for spamming drill rush and dash attack. Ledge hogging i know is important. But dude, when we were on the stage i could of easily 2 stocked u. U have no idea how hard it is to be evaisive on wifi. So when facing MKs, its very hard to avoid his attacks. But dude, the lag was almost unplayable. I dont main fox, i never use him. That wolf vs fox match was the one with the least amount of lag and i ended up winning. Your really good at making comebacks though. Good job on that.
    dude, wtf happened to u! U didnt improve at all. U relied on lag, ledgehogging, and SD's to win the matches u won. Dude, let me offer u some advice. Get out of the new member fight arena. U need to fight people who r better than u. U cant fight noobs your whole life to get better.
    because your my old menter and since im going to a tourney (my first real life one) need to fight MK.
    YOUR ATHIEST! I didnt know, anyway wanna brawl. Ill show u my oliskills. I also main kirby, but he's a working progress.
    YES i WILL Fight YOU


    weather you SERVE HIM or NOT

    any WHO

    my CODES are on my YOUTUBE page


    My names Caleb

    20 Male

    SC USA

    AND 3 STOCK MAtches

    kirby the Peter Petrelli of Smash Br0s

    send me your CODE

    i play sats and sundays the LORDS DAY OF REST
    I'm only being held back because of my birthday!
    someday, someday!
    well I had fun with 666 posts, I might as well actually start posting again
    *goes to TLGD*
    yeah...still working on that...I'm not too consistent with chaingrabs yet...still learning the timing and everything for all the roster...it's gonna be awhile before I become real consistent...a LONG while!

    anything else?
    most likely...you did quit smash for a while...I may as well use this time to catch up then....
    I almost forgot to ask...what do I need to improve on? Other than keeping Nana safe seeing how it costed me stock multiple times! :)
    don't worry I'll get better! eventually...
    at least I'm not getting two stocked and three stocked like I used to! :laugh:
    Hey arch...sorry I had to drop so early...Have to go eat dinner...GGs!

    Still can't beat your MK! :)
    Weekly Wiscus Spam!!

    How are you doing Mister Knight? I haven't been stumbling over your post lately..and I dunno I was just thinking about ya. I do like your new user pic and avatar though I automatically think of "attacking the weak point for maximum damage"
    Then agian I'm a loser :)
    I haven't been on in a week and I make one random post in a thread and I am spamming?

    You got jokes.
    You're just jealous you don't have the king's love.

    One reason might be because I'm funnier or because more cool people like me. ^____________^
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