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  • 5. Shadowfirex100 15.14
    6. Alphicans 14.52

    lol. I started winning my tourneys and that happened.
    A few retro and current games, Melee is likely, good chance of either Sonic 2-3, were taking care of all finance issues 1st before we decide on it, but its just gonna be a way to raise money for a charity, win some cash/prizes, and be able to just celebrate gaming with your fellow gamers...No gramers xD
    Awesome, Im actually working on my own tourney in Edmonton, but more Iron Man of gaming like, rather than a smash focus
    I was, but I had transportation issues @.@. Also, Im deeply outta practice, but i would be interested i think
    lol not yet, I still need to figure out how to get it working. For all I know it could be the wrong thing I need. It looks like the right one though.
    huuurm. I donno. I just smashed today. I don't really wanna play Brawl anymore. Plus, now I got a controller for smash64 online too. No more Brawl urges ^^
    Hey i wanna brawl you sometime. i can't right now because unfortunately i have an HD TV which has a horrible delay on it when i game. sucks >_<
    its cool. i was drunk last night lol

    hit me up on AIM @ "dream thieve" when you're around. no parentheses of course
    do u have aim?

    do u have hamachi or iccup? id rather not play on laggle.net but if we have to its cool :p
    Full metal Alchemist is the only anime I like xD
    I could care less about everything else

    And what is your avi btw? I never could figure it out. I looks like Darth vader, with green lights on his face....
    Oh? Were you going out somewhere lol

    I guess all I ned to bring is my controller right?

    I'm coming over today =D
    I'll be there..... a little before 12. Nice and early xD
    I hope that's ok. And Assuming Brandon shows I'll probably just get a ride back with him
    I used to live in the area, sort of
    I lived near Kingsway =D

    Yeah I'll try to make it, but I'm not a for sure D=
    If only I had my license lol
    Not sure yet. I'll have to ask her. Probably at noon or something. And what do you live by. Like a building or something that I'd know, to make your place easier to find
    Brandon never replied.......... but my mom is going into Edmonton tomorrow, so I might go with her =D
    I just need your address. I hope it's not too hard to find
    lol I know that xD
    I've heard nothing good among the whole west side of Canada xD

    And who is this clouderz you speak of?

    And yeah, I think Kosk has one of the best if not the best Ganon in North America
    But to be honest, I never found Ganon to be that bad of a character, as long as he stays on the stage where he can't get gimped....

    But yeah, AB in general is trash compared to the rest unfortunately D=
    So wait, Superboom is the best in Alberta?

    If we can really close to beating him then would that make us..... where am I going with this......
    Idk lol
    I wanna say "would that make us among the best in Alberta," But I find that hard to believe....

    I think you'd have a chance against him, but I wouldn't. I main Mid tiers xD
    Poor Kosk, he's like the best Ganon, and he still lost, in the match I saw anyways. But kosk didn't do too well xD

    I'm gonna hate playing his Snake lol
    It'll be great practice though, assuming I can make it on Sunday of course xD


    Peach can't fight Snake's D=

    Guess I'll have to use Luigi/Zelda on him, but I'll still give Peach a chance
    I bet I'll get destroyed by him xD

    I'll do my best though, who does he main btw?
    lol I literally just finished sending Brandon a PM xD
    It's almost as if.... you knew O_o

    I wonder how I'll do against the guy. How do you usually do? You've fought him right?
    Ok cool, I'll contact him. Thanks for letting me know
    I wanna own you at brawl again :p
    Yeah lol
    He's a fun character to use, but he needs to tone it down a bit xD
    I hope so lol
    Online will be a bit more difficult, but with this information, G&W is nothing to me :evil: (I wish, stupid turtle >_>)
    (That Fish bowl can go to hell too lol)
    (Actually.... everything G&W has.......kinda bugs me xD)
    Hmm..... I'll try that, thanks. But I doubt I'll ever get the timing right xD
    GG's luke =D

    I wish I could use Diddy online, cause then I would main him.....
    It's still difficult to say who you are best with lol
    But if I had to choose I'd say Falco =D
    Sure, lets give it a try. We haven't fought in awhile xD

    I'm gonna suck D=
    You dropped out of the Grand OTL tourney right?
    Just want to make sure cause I didn't add you :p
    No. I mean. It wouldn't matter if a brawl and melee tournament were in the same month, especially if it's a summer holiday.
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