I definitely will. I want to travel a lot when I get older. Colorado is cool in the area I live in. Denver is rated the most diverse in the state. That's what I like is diversity.
America does have A lot of problems. Especially these past 9 years. I just hope things will come around to getting better again (There was a time when things were good, based on what my parents say...). The thing is there are a lot of countries that are even worse than ours. It wasn't until this year that I realized that it isn't America that is ****ed up, it's the world. I'm just grateful for the freedom here. A lot of times we take it for granted. Still there are places that are doing a lot better than we are. From looking at your convo- My mom is 100% serious about moving to Canada if things get too bad (If it were to, they would wait until after Obama's term so I would be out on my own anyways).
I plan on living in Japan for at least a year someday for sure. I'll probably just travel a lot from place to place. Might go to college in Cali.