Smash Lord

Unity aims to be a monthly Melee tournament with a consistently high standard of organization and an emphasis on accessibility and player experience. Unity is located within the metro-accessible UMD Campus, run by experienced TOs, and backed by support from the University of Maryland Super Smash Bros club for help with booking the venue and streaming the event. It's located in a great venue that should acommodate all of the player's needs: there is room for plenty of setups for friendlies and there are dining options located directly next to the room where the tournament is held. We plan on holding round robin pools whenever possible. We also hope to hold 3 Melee events per tournament: doubles, singles, and a fun event that will change, such as blitz crew battles, Cactuar Stamina Pancake, or items-on tournaments.
Driving & Parking:
Free parking is available on the weekends in the NON-METERED (or otherwise marked restricted) spots in Regent's Drive Parking Garage. The easiest way to get from the Regent's Drive Parking Garage to The Stamp is to park on the third floor, then take the bridge from the garage to Hornbake Plaza. From there you can walk westward along the northern end of the plaza and you will reach the eastern entrance to STAMP. The entrance is next to the rotunda of the Nyumburu Cultural Center, and has a circular staircase that wraps around an elevator. Exit the staircase or elevator on the Ground floor, and walk down the hallway. There is a marked entrance to the Baltimore room on your right underneath the sign for the restrooms.It is about a 5 minute walk from the garage to the venue, so you may wish to pull into lot BB quickly to drop off your setup outside the east entrance to Stamp, and then park in Regent's.
Parking map:
Metro & Shuttle:
The venue is metro accessible. Take the Green Line to the College Park/University of Maryland metro station. From there take the free University of Maryland 104 shuttle from the College Park metro to the Regents Drive Garage stop marked on the map by a circle. Facing Regent's Drive garage, to the left will be Field House Dr heading east. Walk along Field House Dr until you reach the east entrance to The Stamp.
Shuttle map:
Parking map:

Metro & Shuttle:
Shuttle map:
11:00 AM Opening
2:00 PM Doubles Signups End
4:00 PM Singles Signups End
?:?? PM Extra Cool Events
No Venue Fee
$10 singles
$10/team doubles
Alternative events vary in cost and may be decided on the day of the tournament.
Facebook Event Page:
Tournament Rules & Venue Conduct:
Streaming: (prior to Unity 25)
Tournament Brackets:
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