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Zidane for SSBM


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Lake Worth FL
Well we all know that Final Fantasy 9 was the best one! (In my opinion) So why not bring out the main character?
Introducing Zidane a monkey tailed double dagger/sword wielding death merchant!


-He would be a fast faller
-His wavedash would be just as long as Marths
-He would have a normal and a trance form
-His jump would be a little higher then Falco's ( I mean c'mon he's a monkey)
all his moves would be L-canel-able (?)

Move set for normal zidane:
Ground attacks-
A: a quick slash with one of his twin daggers(1%)
A,A: A quick slash followed by other with the other twin dagger(1%-2%)
A,A,A: Two quick slashes with his twin daggers followed by a double slash downward sending the opponent to the ground (4%-7%)

F-tilt: Just like Marths foward smash but less knockback and less range
D-tilt: a quick donward kick
U-tilt: Like Foxes up smash but less knockback
F-smash:a horizontal slash that has high knock back not not the most
impressive range
D-smash: Does a doudle twin dagger slash lower to the ground however.
U-smash: Throws both dagger into the air piercing the opponent above him
B: Gathers energy. When fully charged he transforms, but charge takes a pretty long time and you have to start over if hit in the middle of a charge.

Forward B: Does 3 flips forward with his double dagger surrounding him 260 degrees (good for recovery aswell)

Down B: counter. He slams his foot down, steals what ever money the opponent is carrying the punches them away hurting the opponents ego and leaving Zidane slightly richer :]

Up B: shoots the moon like a yo-yo upward. Not easy to hit with though.

Air attacks-

nair:like everyone elses nair stick out foot lots of lag in the air.
uair:same as his uptilt but make him fall faster
dair:like CF's dair but no electricty
fair:a horizontal slash just above his chest
bair: a sex kick

Trance moves:
His trance form would last for about a minute and his power is increase and his double daggers are replaced with a double sided sword and he glows a rainbow color. He no longer fast falls and moves slighty faster.

Ground attacks-
A: does a downward strike with his big ol' sword
A,A: Does a downward then an unward slash
A,A,A: does a horizontal slash. has high knockback
Dash attack: rotates the sword like a helicopter in front of his body. Has high priority

All his tilts, airs and smashes are the same as his normal form just with his big sword and they cause more damage.

B attacks-

B: another charge but this attack releases his trance attack free energy. It causes and explosion when released but cause zidane 20% damage. A one hit KO and can be carried but when fully charged his movement is reduced to just a walk.

Forward B: shoot a double cresant wave forward
Down B: makes a circular barrier that reflects all attacks barley surrounds his body.
Up B: swings the sword like a helicopter upwards.


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2006
here is the thing about Zidane for brawl, it is never going to happen! not ever, not saying FF9 sucks or anything, but FF7 was way better, why else do you think FF7 has countless spin offs, a possible remake on the PS3, and a movie????

but to stay on topic, no Zidane for brawl just not going to happen


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2006
Of course Cloud isn't going to make it in brawl I never said he would, and no comment on the moveset because Zidane for brawl is just a bad idea


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
This thread might well be locked soon considering that Zidane is plain impossible. He never appeared on a Nintendo console. HIs chances are thus automatically zilch.
The moveset is okay, but try not to give characters fancy transformations and stuff, one character with the ability is enough, and if everyone and their brother can transform into whatnot, it loses all uniqueness and would be hell to make all the models and such for. Also, it's somewhat lacking in personality. I miss moves that really seem like Zidane, something in the vein of his move that turns enemies around or so. Sneaky stuff. And flip-jumpy dagger-goodness. Stuff like that.

And, FF6 and 7 were somewhat better.

No offense. I'm tired.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Absolutely not. If a FF character were to get in it could be Cloud. He is the most popular of the lot.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2006
Yeah, at least Cloud's actually fits the requirements for getting into Brawl, even if it's through two quick cameos in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced.

And if a FF character gets in, unless Square overlooks those two cameos, you know they're going to push for Nintendo to put Cloud in it. XP


Never played FF, only Kingdom Hearts 2 for the PS2, a good game...

So I dont know anything about FF

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Although I do agree that FF9 was completely awesome, there's no way Zidane will be in Brawl (you said SSBM btw).


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
yeah final fantasy IX was great but even if they were to put final fantasy characters in SSBB i doubt that zidane would be in it. his limit breaks arent cool enough whe ccompared to clouds, squalls, and tidus's.

my opinion on the moveset, i think its all okay, except for the trance mode's A,A,A: horizontal slash, this is dumb.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Lake Worth FL
Just to kinda downsize cloud. He actually doesn't have a HUGE chance. The person I would choose is Sora seeing as he had more of a nintendo debut.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I'm fairly certain Sora is owned by Disney, not Square (the makers of the FF series), so Sora doesn't really have an effect on Cloud's chances.

Not saying I want Cloud or that he's likely, but it wouldn't surprise me if Square decided to push for his inclusion if given the chance.

FF9 was a great game, and had my favourite villain of the series to date, but neither FF9 or Zidane have appeared on a Nintendo console, so he practically has no chance whatsoever.


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2006
wow someone please lock this thread! Cloud will never make it in Brawl and either will Zidane, if any kinda of FF characters make it into brawl it will be from the first FF game that came out on Nintendo! it would be one of the jobs such as, Black Mage, Warrior, White Mage, Red Mage, Monk, ect. OR i would be characters from (the newly title FF) FF5 or FF6, I like Cloud and I like Zidane but they will not be in brawl stop being to niave and stop being a Cloud fanboy


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
well for anyone that still wants FF chars in brawl instead you should go to a FF fansite or a F forum and talk about square making a fighting game similar to smash bros.

im not advertising just annoyed and probably overreacting.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
It's not a BAD IDEA, it's just a hopeless idea, because Zidane hasn't been in any GC games.

Most likely SE characters that would appear in Brawl are:


one of them. And that's IF SE even want to be a part of Brawl.
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