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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Anybody know if down throw > up air is still a combo? I've tried it a bunch the last times I played, and never got it to work. Is it just a small range of percents the combo works at?
our resident mod made a really great thread about the Finger Bang combo

I haven't played in a while, but I believe that it's merely a 50/50 that requires DI reads. It's only a combo on For Glory tbh.
uh, gorl no

it's literally guaranteed

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Anybody know if down throw > up air is still a combo? I've tried it a bunch the last times I played, and never got it to work. Is it just a small range of percents the combo works at?
It's one of her guaranteed combos but must be frame perfect (so it's not Diddy ez or ZSS ez). Regardless of the DI she should be able to make the beat go boom. It won't work easily vs Bayonaise tho.

It's not easy to do online because of input lag, but it's also not impossible... Just annoying.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Well, it's time.
I have done -all- my teams justice. I only need 70 refining stones, and I got everyone ready to go.
But because I am impatient, and don't know when it will happen...
For everyone interested, all of my teams. Finally finished. Never needing a new unit. Ever. (Except for merges)

Just my most beloved units in a team. Once I actually got an IV on my PA-Olivia that can tank Rein's, I will S-Support her.
But DC+DD+DeftHarpoon S!Robin tanks rather well. Who knew that 45 Spd (+6 technically, Spur&Drive) can stop even B!Lyn's.

My Arena-Core. All of them are +3, since I sadly missed out on the very first Masked-Marth.
Valter with Guidance and his amazing defenses, is one of the best tanks and supporters I have yet seen.
For Bow-Units I gave Micaiah the Bowbreaker, as her tome reduces the first hit by 30% anyways. Of just... kills most of them on initiation.
Marthcina runs Close Def to Tank greens and dragons, with her refine just the better.
Also, Atk-Ploy works nicely with Heavy-Blade Valter.

Dragon Emblem. Steady-Breath/Warding-Breath + QR. Nowi even runs Guard and the QR Seal, to deal with the insanity that is Glimmer-RefinedAlm.
Pretty standard and insanely expensive builds, but nothing is too expensive over a year of unit collecting for the objectively Best-Emblem.

Wrath-Olivia + Wo-Dao makes Ignis+20 Dmg. She tanks well, and can kill well.
Genny is just here for Razzle-Dazzle abuse vs Armors. Also, definitely the most soothing voices a team ever had.

Since Marth's Drive-Spectrum Falchion, I figured, I'd need to make a team out of it.
B!Lucina just collected dust, and just fits in too well. All Drives combined, make it:
+5 Atk
+8 Spd
+7 Res
+7 Def
AND Infantry Pulse. This is by far the most fun team, especially when you can abuse Marth's Renewal 6 for Healing. Also, Innes is the best mage-tank, after Felicia.

Lyn-Emblem! I am just waiting for Atk-Tactic, and then it is fully finished.
Razzle-Dazzle, Blessed Bouquet buffs, Always-double-Lyn, and the Terror on a horse.

Pretty straight forward Flyer-Emblem.
Raven-Tome for archer-hate. Blade-Tome for nukes.
And Hinoka+Elincia's legendary weapons are doing the job of being pretty amazing Melee-combatants.

This is by far one of my favourite teams.
Eliwood could run a speedier set too, but I decided to run the most annoying Berkut-Lance tank-Set, inside of my Ward-Emblem team.
Henry is running Owl-Tome with CC, everyone else runs DC builds. This team just won't die.

Elise and Lyn are swapped out depending on Razzle-Dazzle need, or archer needs.
In AA, I ofc will use B!Lyn for Lyn-Emblem.
The rest, is propably the most boring and common sets of units one can imagine.
If atleast anything gave someone a nice idea for their own team, I'd be happy!
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Should my next 20k feathers go to promoting Joshua for Windsweep (I need his 5* conversation because I’m dumb and used the other one as fodder before getting it) or for adding a merge to F!Corrin?

On a related note, would she be able to double on enemy phase with Windsweep and the QR seal or no?


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Should my next 20k feathers go to promoting Joshua for Windsweep (I need his 5* conversation because I’m dumb and used the other one as fodder before getting it) or for adding a merge to F!Corrin?

On a related note, would she be able to double on enemy phase with Windsweep and the QR seal or no?
Windsweep only affects playerphase. You can still counter like normal. Doesn't even need QR if her speed is high enough.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
I just noticed the new banner has M!Corrin. Looks like Burgundy Burgundy can finally pour ha orbs into +10ing her husbando precious boi. In the worst case scenario you could always use my husbando delivery service to send you Corrins too. :^)

We Bare Bears, and Uni-kitty are the supreme base for ****post images. BlessT Western animation.

Should my next 20k feathers go to promoting Joshua for Windsweep (I need his 5* conversation because I’m dumb and used the other one as fodder before getting it) or for adding a merge to F!Corrin?

On a related note, would she be able to double on enemy phase with Windsweep and the QR seal or no?
Windsweep only does its dumb thing when initiating, so she would double on enemy phase. The good news is the debuffs work after every battle so she'll be spreading debuffs around like its butter. tbh she would be better off with Close Defense vs Quick Riposte since all the heauxes attacking her would be hit with a -7 atk/spd buff if she attacks her turn then baits the next.

What's her build?


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
I just noticed the new banner has M!Corrin. Looks like Burgundy Burgundy can finally pour ha orbs into +10ing her husbando precious boi.
There was a problem fetching the tweet


I haven't pulled a single Corrin in almost 6 goddamn months. The last one was on the dragon voting gauntlet banner. And I'm too busy slamming my head into the wall at this banner cause I just want Roy goddamnit
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kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
Ignore this, stupid internet doubled me >->
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
I just noticed the new banner has M!Corrin. Looks like Burgundy Burgundy can finally pour ha orbs into +10ing her husbando precious boi. In the worst case scenario you could always use my husbando delivery service to send you Corrins too. :^)

We Bare Bears, and Uni-kitty are the supreme base for ****post images. BlessT Western animation.

Windsweep only does its dumb thing when initiating, so she would double on enemy phase. The good news is the debuffs work after every battle so she'll be spreading debuffs around like its butter. tbh she would be better off with Close Defense vs Quick Riposte since all the heauxes attacking her would be hit with a -7 atk/spd buff if she attacks her turn then baits the next.

What's her build?
Here’s her build as of now:
The Windsweep build will obvs use a spd refined Dark Breath instead of Lightning Breath. I didn’t have any QR fodder when I built her, so that’s why she has swordbreaker (which has been pretty useful tbh). Drive Res will get replaced with like any other drive skill once I get the fodder

For the Windsweep build, I originally wanted to run DC and Dark Breath, but I saw someone on the subreddit talking about using Steady Breath instead of DC, which sounds interesting. I don’t have any DC fodder, so I’ll try that build out and see how I feel about it. Her not being able to counter at range isn’t even that big of a deal since she can’t deal with mages regardless (but losing the ability to kill archers is lame)

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
There was a problem fetching the tweet


I haven't pulled a single Corrin in almost 6 goddamn months. The last one was on the dragon voting gauntlet banner. And I'm too busy slamming my head into the wall at this banner cause I just want Roy goddamnit
wut hav u done 2 urself gorl


do u need help?

Here’s her build as of now:
The Windsweep build will obvs use a spd refined Dark Breath instead of Lightning Breath. I didn’t have any QR fodder when I built her, so that’s why she has swordbreaker (which has been pretty useful tbh). Drive Res will get replaced with like any other drive skill once I get the fodder

For the Windsweep build, I originally wanted to run DC and Dark Breath, but I saw someone on the subreddit talking about using Steady Breath instead of DC, which sounds interesting. I don’t have any DC fodder, so I’ll try that build out and see how I feel about it. Her not being able to counter at range isn’t even that big of a deal since she can’t deal with mages regardless (but losing the ability to kill archers is lame)
Not to mention Dark Breath only goes off every battle if she can counter attack. I was going to do a Dark Breath DC build for my F!Corrin but I already have 2 blue dragon gorls. If anything she'd just be a worse Nowi with how I'd build her. Besides, I only have 1 DC fodder.

If I get a +res/-spd Arthur, I'll give him a Handbell w/ def, Bonfire, DC, QR3, and Distant Def SS He'd be A!Tiki's partner and handle the blue magic users/blue units she couldn't. THE BELL OF JUSTICE/MEME TOLLS FOR THEEEEEE, REINSHART >:^(

A +res/-spd Donnel/Oboro will also do, assuming Berkut gets a damn rerun so I can give his spear to them. I could use a +def/-spd Hawkeye but idk if I like him enough to do that. Surprisingly a res stacked Beruka could also pull off that build, but the weakness to archers is not a good thing and it'd be like building a reverse-Beruka. A +res Dorcas/B!Ike/Shiro also work but lololol 5* locked. I guess I'll wait to see which gorl I get first. lowkey hoping for Arthur or Donnel because they are precious bois. But Oboro is a precious yet ANGERY gorl so it's hard to say no to her.
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Cress! said:
-I gave Linde's skill to Tiki but I'm not noticing any Awakening gain, at least while I'm in dragon form. Maybe it only works outside of Awakening?
Update: Uh... I'm not gaining any Awakening from criticals even in Tiki's human form. Is the skill glitched? Maybe it was translated wrong?
Update 2: Apparently it only works when 1) you don't have Awakening active, and 2) you break a yellow stun gauge, white stun gauges do nothing. So... this skill is almost never going to activate for Tiki. Rip dragon gorl, it isn't like she's already broken with a Dragonslaying prf, a never-ending Awakening, and a top tier accent oh wait.


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
wut hav u done 2 urself gorl


do u need help?

Not to mention Dark Breath only goes off every battle if she can counter attack. I was going to do a Dark Breath DC build for my F!Corrin but I already have 2 blue dragon gorls. If anything she'd just be a worse Nowi with how I'd build her. Besides, I only have 1 DC fodder.

If I get a +res/-spd Arthur, I'll give him a Handbell w/ def, Bonfire, DC, QR3, and Distant Def SS He'd be A!Tiki's partner and handle the blue magic users/blue units she couldn't. THE BELL OF JUSTICE/MEME TOLLS FOR THEEEEEE, REINSHART >:^(

A +res/-spd Donnel/Oboro will also do, assuming Berkut gets a damn rerun so I can give his spear to them. I could use a +def/-spd Hawkeye but idk if I like him enough to do that. Surprisingly a res stacked Beruka could also pull off that build, but the weakness to archers is not a good thing and it'd be like building a reverse-Beruka. A +res Dorcas/B!Ike/Shiro also work but lololol 5* locked. I guess I'll wait to see which gorl I get first. lowkey hoping for Arthur or Donnel because they are precious bois. But Oboro is a precious yet ANGERY gorl so it's hard to say no to her.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this tbh I just want a cute Roy Boy
I really wanted to start saving too but nope FEH decides to kick me in the head and steal my wallet of orbs, leaving nothing but a 4 star Lachesis behind


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I really want to scream. I am that frustrated with how things are going on in my life. That is all.

On a brighter note, Arc System Works and Swery65 announced they'll be working on a new game called The Missing that will come out in about four years assuming it isn't canceled or anything. Speaking of four, I wished D4: Dark Dream Don't Die had continued. It wasn't a type of game I'd want to play, but the story was so interesting to me. The soundtrack was pretty awesome too.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
So apparently TeamFourStar might stop DBZA after finishing the Cell Saga. Also, the finale will be another multi-partner that will be over an hour+a half long. Well, that certainly explains the hiatus (Along with the projects they were focusing on)!
I think they put out a video back in September or so going over all of that, yeah. The Cell finale is going to be a time equivalent to like 7-8 episodes and even then sounded like it was possibly going to be the finale to the entire series, so it makes sense that it's taken so long.

I'm pretty sure once that finally gets out and the final episode(s?) of HUA, they'll officially be done with making abridged series.

I really want to scream. I am that frustrated with how things are going on in my life. That is all.
I'm not sure how useful it would be, but if there's any way I could help, feel free to ask / just vent. Obviously can't do anything about illnesses or driving your car into snow banks over and over, but burnout, especially in earlish college, is a real thing that shouldn't really be shelved for some far off rainy Sunday.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Afternoon Gluttonous Ghosts. How's everyone doing? :nifty::nifty:

Been out doing some shopping today, so I'm gonna be chilling now.

Also, I know it's WAY too early to even discuss tier lists and all that for BBTAG, but I have been thinking of some characters from the footage we've seen; so far I've only been thinking of maybe 4-5 characters that I think would fit on the tier list whenever it's eventually made.

I honestly can see Lynne as the worst character in BBTAG.
Her range is mediocre, her projectile isn't good; plus her super is pretty bad as well due to being able to pushblock it. I don't know about her neutral though, but it seems kind of eh as well. Her assists also may not look good too (Her only decent one being her DP assist).

As for Top Tiers; I can see Gordeau, Yukiko, Blake and Ruby all sitting in Top Tier.

Just something I wanted to discuss that's all.



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
Bardock and Broly have been confirmed for DBFZ, which was expected.

Still hoping on Arale getting in.

If I get a +res/-spd Arthur, I'll give him a Handbell w/ def, Bonfire, DC, QR3, and Distant Def SS He'd be A!Tiki's partner and handle the blue magic users/blue units she couldn't. THE BELL OF JUSTICE/MEME TOLLS FOR THEEEEEE, REINSHART >:^(
Killing Nun w/Axe to give to Codename STEAM reject character, wut iz rung wit u.

Just something I wanted to discuss that's all.
Is that...really something we can tell from character reveal trailers, though? Like, we've got 20+ characters we don't really know very much about at all- or at the very least, how they're going to end up being like in this game. Or even just looking at a semi-recent example, there were a bunch of combos in the original SFV reveal trailers that didn't actually exist in the game by the time they finally released it.

It's also possible that if a character has that many problems already, they'll change it before the final build.

For everyone interested, all of my teams. Finally finished. Never needing a new unit. Ever. (Except for merges)
It's really cool that you can play and enjoy the game like that.

For me, I have my flier team (S!Camilla / Caeda / Hinoka / NY!Azura) and then...there's everything else.

I've built other fliers and even get a chance to swap out some of the team if the challenge map calls for it (NY!Camilla and S!Corrin got to come out against Xander's Infernal for instance), but the above is basically what I used 99% of the time and every week in Arena.

My "armor team" are basically just armors I've managed to get and throw all into the same team instead of a mixed team to fulfill mission requirements. But I suppose it would be Black Knight / Effie / W!Tharja as the core, then so far that last slot has gone to anyone from Hector or Sheena to 4*+10 Gwen or Arden.

Calvary core would be Effie / Ursula / Xander, with the third slot going to B!Roy, Camus, or a 4* Frederick I skill-built but keep forgetting to upgrade. LA!Lilina will definitely end up as a part of the squard, as well.

I end up using Felicia / B!Lucina / PA!Azura / Sophia together a lot, but I also have my Steady Breath Lukas who's probably my favorite build and the one I've put the most work into, but he's too specialized to throw onto just any map. Then there are the ones that I still really like, but just sort of fell out of use, like Linde and S!Robin (Fjorm came out) or Ephraim (Lukas came out).

There's also the obligatory "**** this game" team (Olivia / PA!Azura / Azura or Ninian / Bride Cordelia), but I've only had to pull them out a few times.

Still, I wouldn't mind if in the coming months they start giving missions to encourage mixed teams. Linde / Minerva / Effie were my first legitimate Arena core, and I don't really get that much of a chance to mess around with Guidance shenanigans. I also pity-pulled a -ATK Siegbert I'd like to SI to someone to mess around with Atk Tactic 3, looks pretty fun.


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
I pulled a +HP -Res Amelia today! Any ideas on how to build her around Eathboost? I was thinking running Renewal 3 on her


Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Killing Nun w/Axe to give to Codename STEAM reject character, wut iz rung wit u.
mfw when contemplating whether or not to fodder one of Buddhahobo's waifus:

I pulled a +HP -Res Amelia today! Any ideas on how to build her around Eathboost? I was thinking running Renewal 3 on her

tbh the XBoost skills suck. What do you plan to build her around? There's mixed teams, mixed team w/ an armor buddy, armor emblem, or the weird offensive armor emblem.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
:4pacman::4gaw: have a weird amount of similarities in Sm4sh (and a few out of Sm4sh):

  • Both debuted in 1980.
  • Both started with simplistic, single color designs.
  • Both have a standard special where they launch different kinds of food.
  • Both have a trampoline up special.
  • Both can create apples.
  • Both can use keys.
  • Both can use bells.
  • Both have Final Smashes where they become a large version of themselves.
I've also found it weird that the main camping characters (:4pacman::4villager::4duckhunt::4tlink:) can all wall jump; it doesn't seem fitting for their playstyle.

And that the three initial third-parties (:4sonic::4megaman::4pacman:) all have up specials where they bounce on something.

.....Just random observations. Carry on.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
I love F!Corrin so much

She’s so stupidly bulky on the physical side, and unlike Belka, she actually has a spd stat

Windsweep is a weird skill, but it’s fun to use . Dark Breath’s -7 atk/spd is lol too

My main core is basically all set skill-wise now, so all of my feathers are for merges now. This heaux is moving on up in life


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I'm not sure how useful it would be, but if there's any way I could help, feel free to ask / just vent. Obviously can't do anything about illnesses or driving your car into snow banks over and over, but burnout, especially in earlish college, is a real thing that shouldn't really be shelved for some far off rainy Sunday.
I just feel demoralized. Bad days are whatever. They happen and they're a part of life, but it's when they happen repeatedly and within short time periods that they take a toll on you.
They add up no matter how severe or minor they are. Some of them were preventable such as if I left earlier, I wouldn't have had to park in an un-shoveled parking lot on those days -- it's an abandoned lot because the grocery store there closed last year and it's near a bus transfer point. And then there's **** like getting the stomach flu at the start of the semester, a goddamned bus breaking down, and the skin of my thumbs splitting open on Thursday and Friday. It's winter, it's dry, but I don't remember my hands being that dry. Thursday wasn't that bad since my left thumb didn't bleed, but it was annoying nevertheless. Leaving the shower on Friday to be greeted by my right thumb bleeding was infuriating. I had to scramble to bandage the damn thing and somehow I managed to not be late to class despite taking the late bus. At this point, I am really expecting the worst to happen as I'm just wondering what else will happen to torment me. I just want a week, at least a week, where nothing goes wrong.

I'd say I know myself enough when it comes to stress to notice something's wrong and that there's a point where I just exist and barely function. Getting out of that, however, I've yet to figure out how to deal with effectively. What doesn't help is that I feel like I enter a vicious cycle when I get to that point where I know I'm stressed and I want to de-stress, but I feel so crappy that I don't want to do anything, so I get stuck being stressed out. Inexplicable and explicable series of misfortune do not help.

I've already run into two projects, well, an essay and a short project, where I had the same issue with a final research paper last semester where I could not bring myself to work on them until the last minute because I'd be ****ed if I didn't. The worst parts were that I had all this time to do them and for the short project and the final last semester, I was invested in the topics I chose. I absolutely loathe that feeling of being engaged in something, but ending up being so detached from it for whatever reason and in a way that goes beyond being depressed. I was disappointed and mad at myself when I saw the grade I received for final. I felt like I didn't deserve it. That final issue I remembered happened before two years ago. For both cases, I was doing fine and I didn't feel overwhelmed, so I have no idea why it happened. The only thing I can think of is because my mom passed away in December 2015, so maybe I'm subconsciously feeling terrible during the month because of that. For the two projects of this semester, though, that's just being tired and drained because of all the crap that's happened. I'm just sick and tired of everything.

Well, on another note, apparently Falke's theme was somehow found and uploaded around the time Blanka's trailer was released for SFV: AE. I'm really digging her theme.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
How's it going Chief Maid fans? :nifty:

Is that...really something we can tell from character reveal trailers, though? Like, we've got 20+ characters we don't really know very much about at all- or at the very least, how they're going to end up being like in this game. Or even just looking at a semi-recent example, there were a bunch of combos in the original SFV reveal trailers that didn't actually exist in the game by the time they finally released it.

It's also possible that if a character has that many problems already, they'll change it before the final build.
You do have a point there, since the changes can greatly alter them. Hopefully it'll come out fun and enjoyable and not as a complete mess. Still waiting for Kokonoe to make it in, though I doubt it; if she doesn't, I'll just use Gordeau and go gorilla on peeps.

Bardock and Broly have been confirmed for DBFZ, which was expected.

Still hoping on Arale getting in.
But when's Shaggy going to make it into DBFZ? :secretkpop:

Btw, I managed to unlock Anna by clearing the Awakening Illustration, but man was I underleveled.

(She was at Lv. 80 for her stage, whereas my highest leveled unit was Lianna at Lv. 57).

I did lose Chrom, but everyone else was fine (It was a pain in the butt though), took me almost 50 minutes just to clear it. With Cordelia being my weakest unit in the map (Lv. 29), but at least I unlocked Anna, now gotta try and unlock Celica which in itself will be a pain in the backside, especially on the Ally Rescue mission with all the Fafnirs (Every single Archer of mine except Sakura is underleveled, I also need to get Topsy-Turvy for Sakura. Anna and Niles are around Lv. 35 - 39. Sakura's I think Lv. 52, Takumi's at Lv. 13 because Takumi is a scumbag. :nifty: ).



kick kick
Oct 2, 2014
Ugh. A hundred orbs and a 5% rate netted me a single, pity breaker Deirdre right when I was on my last few orbs. Thanks so much game

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Ugh. A hundred orbs and a 5% rate netted me a single, pity breaker Deirdre right when I was on my last few orbs. Thanks so much game
Getting the Deedster is never a bad thing.

I love F!Corrin so much

She’s so stupidly bulky on the physical side, and unlike Belka, she actually has a spd stat

Windsweep is a weird skill, but it’s fun to use . Dark Breath’s -7 atk/spd is lol too

My main core is basically all set skill-wise now, so all of my feathers are for merges now. This heaux is moving on up in life
My main core is still a cluster**** of a mess right now. At least my Felicia is +8. 40k more feathers or a banner with her as 5* (new power banner maybe) will do da trick.

Still I need an infantry partner for A!Tiki that can destroy blue heauxes. Not Fae tho ofc.


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
mfw when contemplating whether or not to fodder one of Buddhahobo's waifus:

tbh the XBoost skills suck. What do you plan to build her around? There's mixed teams, mixed team w/ an armor buddy, armor emblem, or the weird offensive armor emblem.
Armor Emblem but I have no DC fodder whatsoever. She has super high hp with that boom so I wanted to build around earthboost



Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
My main core is still a cluster**** of a mess right now. At least my Felicia is +8. 40k more feathers or a banner with her as 5* (new power banner maybe) will do da trick.

Still I need an infantry partner for A!Tiki that can destroy blue heauxes. Not Fae tho ofc.
Yeah, I'm hoping Caeda will be on either the New Power banner or the next 4* focus. My gorl is still sadly only +3. Most people seem to think the New Power banner will be Raven/Hinoka/Felicia/Caeda, which would be pretty decent tbh. My Caeda desperately wants more merges/a better nature

For a green gorl, what about either Dorcas or Hawkeye? Both are good husbandos hew are bulky and can handle blues well.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Armor Emblem but I have no DC fodder whatsoever. She has super high hp with that boom so I wanted to build around earthboost

I tried boost skills. They're good for anything that has normal stat characters like hard mode level 40s or maybe the Arena, but ultimately they're just tools to be used against us innocent gorls by the cheating AI.

Yeah, I'm hoping Caeda will be on either the New Power banner or the next 4* focus. My gorl is still sadly only +3. Most people seem to think the New Power banner will be Raven/Hinoka/Felicia/Caeda, which would be pretty decent tbh. My Caeda desperately wants more merges/a better nature

For a green gorl, what about either Dorcas or Hawkeye? Both are good husbandos hew are bulky and can handle blues well.
Hawkeye looks weird in this game and idk why. He'd be perfect both from a lore point of view and stat wise. He can kinda be merged too. He'd look lame with a handbell tho. :^)

Dorcas is perfect but can't be merged easily. So he's good for a filler, but not as a perma member. IS pls drop him to 4* kthnx.

I can't wait for more Felicias, Caedas, and Hinokas tho. I have a +atk/-def Hinoka but I really want +spd and 400 dews. Sanaki+Hinoka the red gorl death squad. I have enough 3* Felicias to +10 and a few Caedas, but I'd really like 5* Felicias to save feathers. More Hinokas isn't a bad thing either. I wouldn't mind getting her to +5 just to give her +2 to all stats. But the Legendary Banner is so close and I have 40 orbs atm. So idk if I want to wast them.


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
mfw when contemplating whether or not to fodder one of Buddhahobo's waifus:
oh noooo my finger slipped about twenty times

Hawkeye looks weird in this game and idk why. He'd be perfect both from a lore point of view and stat wise. He can kinda be merged too. He'd look lame with a handbell tho. :^)
Raven? He's 4*-5*, just got a prf weapon and you can roll for him probably during the New Powers Banner and the "4* and 5*" Banner.
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Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Ohhh my god! I pulled LA Lilian and an LA Lyn back to back! And they’re both +Spe -HP!!!! I’m blessed sistahs.


Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
oh noooo my finger slipped about twenty times

Joke's on you, when you send them home you're actually sending them safely to me. :^)

SI is the only way you can truly delete a husbando/waifu.

Raven? He's 4*-5*, just got a prf weapon and you can roll for him probably during the New Powers Banner and the "4* and 5*" Banner.
Well it has to be a unit that can tank bows and blue magic and ofc have Distant Counter. Their other job is just to be A!Tiki's bff for +2 stats and then maybe Rally Def/Res. Donnel, Oboro, Hawkeye, and Arthur are the ones I'm looking for. Preferably with +res/-spd natures, except for Hawkeye who needs +def.

Unless those 6-8 new gorls we're getting over the next few weeks can do stuff.

I also need a Berkut boi if I manage to get the right Oboro or Donny. IS pls gib 2 me.

Ohhh my god! I pulled LA Lilian and an LA Lyn back to back! And they’re both +Spe -HP!!!! I’m blessed sistahs.

Chainz irl after checking the IVs:

Congrats on the pull gorlo. :secretkpop:


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
This made me remember that I have a +Res -Atk Bunny Xander and I was jokingly thinking of giving him Fortress Def. Now that we have a Fortress Res seal as well, he could be a legit fantastic mixed tank (with a super sexy base 16 Atk).
It sounds like an absolute joke kit and making joke kits is the only reason why I still play this game so I'll start working on it once I get the seal.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
How's it going Armour Breaking enthusiasts? :nifty:

So I haven't talked about Duel Links for a few days, might as well make up for that.

Dr. Crowler's coming back, and he'll have Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem as one of his rewards, which seems to be pretty damn good.

Also, I've been giving each of my Units in Warriors the Armorbane weapons as a joke. It seems that the Awakening cast don't have any cosmetic changes when they're in their Armour break states, though I would've thought that if Lucina got hit by Armour break when in her Masked Lord costume, her mask would break which could've been cool.

But now we wait for the Awakening DLC cast to come through. I still have a feeling Olivia will be the only one that is unique out of the remaining Awakening DLC; Tharja will probably be a clone of Linde or Robin (Though I will admit, they'll be missing out on giving Tharja a Rhajat costume), and Owain we obviously know will be a Ryoma clone.

So it seems like the only characters that are unique from another in Warriors right now are Lissa, Robin, Corrin, Xander, Frederick, Marth, Tiki, Azura, Oboro and Linde.



Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
anyone want to explain to me why warriors now has costumes that are literally just the characters in their underwear? it seems completely random, but i guess people love fan service so w/e


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
Ohhh my god! I pulled LA Lilian and an LA Lyn back to back! And they’re both +Spe -HP!!!! I’m blessed sistahs.

At this rate in two months you'll post you won your own spaceship in a Tesla-sponsored raffle or something.

So I haven't talked about Duel Links for a few days, might as well make up for that.

Dr. Crowler's coming back, and he'll have Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem as one of his rewards, which seems to be pretty damn good
We're also getting a new Main Box and hoooollllyyy **** it's got some OP stuff in it. Expect to see a whole lot more Mako / Water!Bastion next season.

Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem is a pretty interesting card, though I'm not quite sure how significant it will be. Ancient Gear is a really fun deck and well worth using Crowler for, and Vanilla Ancient Gear Golem is already a great Boss Monster. Ultimate is even better, but needs to be fusion summoned.

The question then becomes "Is he worth throwing a polymerization into your deck?", which I'm still a bit mixed on. Like, if I could summon him there's no reason not to summon him (barring Acid Trap Hole, but that can be said for most things and still plants a 3400 DEF wall on your side of the field) because if he's destroyed I can immediately resummon my Vanilla Golem. It's just Vanilla Golem is already 3000/3000 with piercing effect and immune to damage step spell/trap cards. It's kind of like asking "Do I use Blue Eyes White Dragon, or Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon?", only the Golems have superior effects and Blue Eyes has superior support cards.

anyone want to explain to me why warriors now has costumes that are literally just the characters in their underwear? it seems completely random, but i guess people love fan service so w/e
It was a mechanic in Fates. What's kind of weird about it is it looks like they couldn't really figure out what they wanted it to actually be; the Fates characters look like they're in their underwear, but the OG characters like just look like they're wearing casual clothing. Marth looks like he's going for a swim or about to run in a triathlon, and Caeda and Tiki look like they're going for a walk on a sunny spring morning.

Beyond that, I really wish this game had more costumes in general. We've got normal, promoted, and for most of the cast that's basically it. TBH I really should of held off on getting the Switch version of the game and waited for Pirate Warriors or just get HW again.

Accessories really do add a lot to the replay, cause you're not just staring at the same palette for 200 hours.

Joke's on you, when you send them home you're actually sending them safely to me. :^)

SI is the only way you can truly delete a husbando/waifu.
Cool, in that case the only thing I'll send home are my legion of Bartres :^)
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
so i did my placement matches today and placed diamond, which is really exciting

so once the season ends, i'll have enough points to get my first golden weapon. i'm not sure if i want to get mercy's or moira's, though

help me decide pls
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