No Ike yet but I'll have another chance soon
4 Star Roy - +Spd/-HP. My first Boy™! And he has an amazing nature too. I...really wish he didn't, because I've been needing Triangle Adept for ages but now I don't wanna give Roy up cause he's got a good nature agdhdj
4 Star Marth - +Def/-Spd. Not great, and not 5 stars so I can't boost my Marth again, so bleh
4 Star Jeorge - +Res/-HP. Not that amazing of a nature, but it's not like it's bad. If I train him I'd probably like him more than Gordin. I'll think about it, he might just sit around for a while.
3 Star a!Tiki - +Def/-Res. More fodder, I've gotten like 10 of her already. She'll be good Bonfire fodder for my armor units.
3 Star Setsuna - +Spd/-Def. Also fodder, and not even that great since idk what I'd use a Setsuna for. Maybe Bowbreaker