X and Y update:
Caught a Honedge called
on my way to Parfum Palace.
After obtaining the Pokeflute, I fought the Snorlax and caught it. It's name is Donuts (
) Also caught a Venipide called
@Antonykun which proceeded to be put in the Daycare along with Donuts. Caught a Meditite named
Unfortunately, later on I had the misfortune of facing a Level 19 Axew, which required the sacrifice of Cress to beat.
Born and Dead on the same day.
Also for some reason Buddahobo is wreaking the enemies. I guess this is the result of giving a Buddha a home.
McKnight and kenniky both evolved into their 2nd phase.
My team lineup is now:
Elderlolz the Riolu Level 18
kenniky the Charmelon Level 17
Mcknight the Pidgeotto Level 18
Donuts the Snorlax Level 18
Koiba the Vivilion Level 18
Buddhahobo the Gulpin Level 25
Just kidding, Level 18