We think Zelda is bad. We think the people playing her are really good to be able to do well with limited tools compared to other characters. I fully believe Ven and Fairess would be successful no matter what character they were using. They have just chosen Zelda.
TFW you use Samus aka a better character than Zelda in tournament and you drown in pools.
Why can I only win with a bottom tier character
Some people play best and click most with a low tier.
For a long time I did worse with Sheik than I did with Link.
My band wants to put out an EP this summer.
There are only 2 people in it and we both came up with a name for it.
Upstairs (because we record everything in my upstairs music room)
B Street (because that's where I grew up)
Call your group Banned Zelda.
So, again, just like ven, we are going to invalidate a player and instead blame the opponent and a lack of mu experience.
Why does this board ALWAYS do this? Every God damn time.
He beat v115, Canada's best zss 2-0? Fluke. One of the best players in the world gives him props and feels zelda is underrated? Lmaoooo what an idiot, just shield.
Fairess didn't do anything. Just a one time thing. Got lucky. Anyone could do that.
Why is it so hard for this board to say something positive. "Wow good job fairess!" "How'd he beat zss, I wanna know." "Damn, I gotta practice and get on his level" "Even mr r feels she's underrated!"
But no. It's always "mu inexperience."
90% of smash is mental. If you're good enough, smart enough, and skilled enough, you can outplay people and get good results with any character. But when you get to the higher levels, or around your own level of competition, character choices and match ups start to matter more. Zelda is a character that's fine at low to mid levels, and then caps out entering high level play because she has fewer and worse options compared to the rest of the cast. She only becomes usable at high levels for the people who transcend that, and play at the top level where bad options become good again, but when those people play other top level people they're the first to tell you they feel the pain of bringing Zelda into that type of fight.
Part of this has to do with her being poorly balanced for one on one play, and another has to do with her nature as a punish character made of glass. Higher level players play very safe, and don't make mistakes, so Zelda doesn't get the openings she needs to capitalize, and without the right tools to play neutral, she gets poked. She dies early and easily from those pokes. Low and mid-level players do leave themselves open, so you can go in with her, and top players force openings and get reads while remaining a mystery to their opponents, so they can make it work. Top Zelda players also have godlike spacing and timing with fairs and bairs.
Yes, if Zelda always lands her follow ups with fairs, she gives as good as she gets and kills sooner, but barring incredible talent, no, even with, the amount of work it takes to be as consistent as you need to be with them is off the charts. A lot of games with opponents who aren't anywhere near the best Zelda players in terms of skill and dedication can still take the best Zeldas to close matches or spend a good amount of time punting her across the screen. But like I said, Smash is 90% mental, and it's built and balanced in such a way where it's not impossible to win with any character provided. Who you're best with is still most important.