Talking about the whole "removing sexy outfits from Fatal Frame" thing, I think that it really doesn't make any sense. They're just taking out content for no reason. Other games with "sexy outfits" are rated M and it's usually not that big a deal, only sometimes. This is coming from a Dead or Alive player. Our community honestly does not care about the "sexy outfits" (the competitive community at least) and just see it as another option to dress your character up as. We all know the series has been the pioneer in three dimensional breast jiggle physics since its debut, and that's just how it is, but we appreciate the game for the game itself. My friends and I actually get many good laughs at how over sexualized the characters in series are. That game is rated M, and for a reason (although it used to be T back in the day), so they can get away with over the top things. If Fatal Frame is already rated M for reasons that are unrelated to sexuality, and they already have boob physics, then there's really no point in taking out
more content you could only get away with if you have a Mature rating anyways. It's not like they tried to censor the game for a T rating, because it was going to be rated M anyways.
America is just a ***** when it comes to sexuality and it's so stupid. Yet we are perfectly fine with violence. It should be the other way around.
God forbid you see part of a nipple when you're 11. It's fine for you to watch this movie about some random serial killer murdering people though.