I wonder what would happen if you gave Zelda Falco's Bairs for both her Fair and Bair. So, no sweet-spots, but only clean and late hits. Clean hits keep their 20%, Fair still keeps its base 24 and growth 95, Bair keeps its base 28 and growth 96 and maybe instead of having 1 active frame, Fair is frame 9-10 and Bair is frame 6-7 - 2 active frames like Falco's. Late hits do 6% now, still keeps their 5 base, only has the 96 growth, but (maybe) are frame 11-13 for Fair and frame 8-9 for Bair. Landing lag would be 15 frames for Fair and 17 for Bair instead of the current 23 for Fair and 25 for Bair. Dunno about auto-cancel, but... I think I've created a monster.