SO I finally graduated from middle school and my dad decides to give me a gift to improve my smash skills although I'm no where near my beloved Wii U. U see my gamepad is weird cause when ever I try to go for a short hop Nair with link, as soon as I hit the ground he does a Dtilt instead of a jab and when I go for a short hop Nair from the ground, He does a Uair instead. It pisses me the **** off. Link requires lots of precision especially when a battle is heated and it messes me up and feels awkward. I hate my game pad, So what my dad bought me would help improve my smash game and I asked for a GC adapter.
But instead of getting this

He got me this

its a "GC controller " that is really a classic or pro controller that is meant to feel like a GC controller that connects into a wii remote.
I'm not mad at my dad, I mean this will help me improve my smash game and precision, hell he even got me my Favorite character and gave me money for Lucas and other smash content, I am grateful but this is not what I wanted really. But I will take it. Besides my dad would be pissed and sad if I showed that I was ungrateful. I do get to get home on the 15th of this month.