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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
You know what's really sad? Even though I entirely and completely despise everything related to Kid Icarus thanks to Sakuwhy, I am weirdly interested in picking up one of the Pits.

The thing is, there's literally nothing I can think of that's more annoying than Pit, so I'd probably end up using Dark Pit if I did.

And that's when I put my life into perspective and decide I'll be better off if I turn into a serial killer or something.

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014

I don't remember the last movie I watched that didn't feel like a waste of money.

EDIT: I lied, The Heat was great and that was 2013
don't remember before that though
I don't watch movies period. Seriously.
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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
Well, I mean, judging from the trailer, it was obvious who it would be :p Hnnn I really wanna watch that scene LOL. Watching people get sliced up by a blender sounds like a riveting time.
Yeah but there were no surprises like you could easily predict everything. Except for the Jess' death poor girl. I was hoping that they would've had a plot twist at the ending but no.

I don't remember the last movie I watched that didn't feel like a waste of money.

EDIT: I lied, The Heat was great and that was 2013
don't remember before that though
This happens to me with every movie I watch at the theater. I've never watched a single movie for 6 years now.
Fast and Furious 7 was really good. I can't wait for Mean Moms (the Mean Girls sequel) and Paper Towns.

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
The last movie I saw that wasn't a waste of money was probably Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
****, even then I had to pay for two
I fall alseep easy in theaters as well :v


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Wall of text describing Ffamran's journey with Project M below.
Holy ****! RAR Bairs with Wolf is so freaking awesome! Well, being able to pull it off decently well with a GCN controller or any controller that has an actual analog stick is awesome. I miss Falco's old Bair even though I rarely used anything way back when other than spamming Smashes and Fairs in my younger days; the front hitbox would be a godsend to Falco's current disadvantage. Oh, and wow, I forgot how fast Fox and Falco fall in Melee. One thing I don't like about PM would be Lucario's design, Falco could have kept his Utilt from Brawl and made it even more broken - little to no end lag - or make it so it simulates Melee Falco's Utilt while being a two hit, Fox could have kept all of his animations from Brawl, tweaked to work like in Melee and BOOM!, done except for Bair which hey, whatever people want, and Wolf technically could have kept his Brawl Dash Attack, but with the momentum of PM. Link's dashing animation... Yeah... It just looks really weird, especially with how the sword arm is angled. One more thing: I wished Fox and Falco kept their Brawl Reflector sound effects which sounded a bit more "electrifying" while Melee's were like "BOOP-BOOP". At least Wolf's Reflector still sounds badass.

Yoshi's 64 Utilt... I've never seen it before or if I have, I was way too young and man, Yoshi looks bigger in Brawl while Bowser looks chubby as hell pre-SSB4. Toon Link regaining his Brawl Nair is a plus since the original, stretch his leg PM Nair was awkward to say the least. PM Ganondorf is fun and I'd assume Melee Ganondorf is fun too. PM Ganondorf's Utilt reminds me of Heihachi Mishima's stomp and the backfist is pretty cool - Bruce Lee-like. I forgot how big Mewtwo's freaking head looked in Melee and that neck! I swear Mewtwo's neck is about to snap off. Sonic's really different in PM and I don't remember how clunky Sheik was in Melee both animation-wise and movement. Freaking Captain Falcon glides around after jumping from a dash - they don't call him "Captain Falcon" for nothing! Samus looks smooth, animation and gameplay. No wonder my cousin chose to main her. Well, that and he seems to be a Metroid fan after playing Metroid Prime when he was younger. I have no idea what PM ZSS's Down Special is supposed to do and her Dair is like an early version of Greninja's. Oh, and PM Zelda... WHY? WHY CAN'T SHE WORK LIKE THIS IN OFFICIAL SSB GAMES?!

It might be how Melee worked, but I don't know how to dash consistently. It's probably more of a flick rather than a hard push in a direction like in SSB4 (3DS) and perhaps Brawl. Getting used to how to ledge snap will be something since I SD'd several times with Wolf's Fire Wolf, but then again, Fire Wolf in Brawl had issues with ledge sweet-spotting, so that's not much of a surprise... PM Wolf's Up Smash is so dirty and has so much range. Stand right at the ledge and face away and Wolf's Up Smash gimps in a way that makes people wished they had arcing moves. I might co-main PM Wolf with PM Falco since they just click for me and well, Falco's basics would be there even with different moves. It's a reason why I can play Fox in pretty much all the games, but there's always a difference in how well like SSB4 and Brawl would probably be the best, then maybe 64, and then Melee because there's a huge skill level to use Fox effectively in Melee. Oh, and skinny, pre-SSB4 Ike is skinny, pre-SSB4 Ike. :p

One more thing: I. HATE. ROY'S "HAW"! Every time he jumps, it's "HAW" and it's annoying as hell. At least Ganondorf in Melee had "TUCK" which was hilarious, but Roy's like the most annoying truck, horn, preteen thing! Sadly, Roy sounds like a badass with his victory quotes. If he returns, he better have his voice redone or I will have a character ban solely because he annoys the hell out of me.

TL;DR version: I wished Wolf was in SSB4.
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Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
You know what's really sad? Even though I entirely and completely despise everything related to Kid Icarus thanks to Sakuwhy, I am weirdly interested in picking up one of the Pits.

The thing is, there's literally nothing I can think of that's more annoying than Pit, so I'd probably end up using Dark Pit if I did.

And that's when I put my life into perspective and decide I'll be better off if I turn into a serial killer or something.
This is why you're in Fuujin tier twice :,)

Deleted member

Yeah but there were no surprises like you could easily predict everything. Except for the Jess' death poor girl. I was hoping that they would've had a plot twist at the ending but no.

Fast and Furious 7 was really good. I can't wait for Mean Moms (the Mean Girls sequel) and Paper Towns.

AND THAT MEAN MOMS SEQUEL OMG. I actually really like Mean Girls and I can't wait to see this new movie :p

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Wall of text describing Ffamran's journey with Project M below.
Holy ****! RAR Bairs with Wolf is so freaking awesome! Well, being able to pull it off decently well with a GCN controller or any controller that has an actual analog stick is awesome. I miss Falco's old Bair even though I rarely used anything way back when other than spamming Smashes and Fairs in my younger days; the front hitbox would be a godsend to Falco's current disadvantage. Oh, and wow, I forgot how fast Fox and Falco fall in Melee. One thing I don't like about PM would be Lucario's design, Falco could have kept his Utilt from Brawl and made it even more broken - little to no end lag - or make it so it simulates Melee Falco's Utilt while being a two hit, Fox could have kept all of his animations from Brawl, tweaked to work like in Melee and BOOM!, done except for Bair which hey, whatever people want, and Wolf technically could have kept his Brawl Dash Attack, but with the momentum of PM. Link's dashing animation... Yeah... It just looks really weird, especially with how the sword arm is angled. One more thing: I wished Fox and Falco kept their Brawl Reflector sound effects which sounded a bit more "electrifying" while Melee's were like "BOOP-BOOP". At least Wolf's Reflector still sounds badass.

Yoshi's 64 Utilt... I've never seen it before or if I have, I was way too young and man, Yoshi looks bigger in Brawl while Bowser looks chubby as hell pre-SSB4. Toon Link regaining his Brawl Nair is a plus since the original, stretch his leg PM Nair was awkward to say the least. PM Ganondorf is fun and I'd assume Melee Ganondorf is fun too. PM Ganondorf's Utilt reminds me of Heihachi Mishima's stomp and the backfist is pretty cool - Bruce Lee-like. I forgot how big Mewtwo's freaking head looked in Melee and that neck! I swear Mewtwo's neck is about to snap off. Sonic's really different in PM and I don't remember how clunky Sheik was in Melee both animation-wise and movement. Freaking Captain Falcon glides around after jumping from a dash - they don't call him "Captain Falcon" for nothing! Samus looks smooth, animation and gameplay. No wonder my cousin chose to main her. Well, that and he seems to be a Metroid fan after playing Metroid Prime when he was younger. I have no idea what PM ZSS's Down Special is supposed to do and her Dair is like an early version of Greninja's. Oh, and PM Zelda... WHY? WHY CAN'T SHE WORK LIKE THIS IN OFFICIAL SSB GAMES?!

It might be how Melee worked, but I don't know how to dash consistently. It's probably more of a flick rather than a hard push in a direction like in SSB4 (3DS) and perhaps Brawl. Getting used to how to ledge snap will be something since I SD'd several times with Wolf's Fire Wolf, but then again, Fire Wolf in Brawl had issues with ledge sweet-spotting, so that's not much of a surprise... PM Wolf's Up Smash is so dirty and has so much range. Stand right at the ledge and face away and Wolf's Up Smash gimps in a way that makes people wished they had arcing moves. I might co-main PM Wolf with PM Falco since they just click for me and well, Falco's basics would be there even with different moves. It's a reason why I can play Fox in pretty much all the games, but there's always a difference in how well like SSB4 and Brawl would probably be the best, then maybe 64, and then Melee because there's a huge skill level to use Fox effectively in Melee. Oh, and skinny, pre-SSB4 Ike is skinny, pre-SSB4 Ike. :p

One more thing: I. HATE. ROY'S "HAW"! Every time he jumps, it's "HAW" and it's annoying as hell. At least Ganondorf in Melee had "TUCK" which was hilarious, but Roy's like the most annoying truck, horn, preteen thing! Sadly, Roy sound like a badass with his victory quotes. If he returns, he better have a have his voice redone or I will have a character ban solely because he annoys the hell out of me.

TL;DR version: I wished Wolf was in SSB4.
Nice wall of text.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Nice wall of text.
Would you like 30 minutes of Meteo from Star Fox: Assault's OST instead? Speaking of sounds, did the PM devs just randomize or screw up with Fox and Falco's sound clips? If you do their Up Smashes or probably any move other than Reflector, Blaster, etc., they'll do a random sound clip rather than a set one. In Brawl... I miss Jim Walker for Fox... Anyway, in Brawl, whenever you did Fox's Down Smash, he'd go, "Thoi-ya", or something like that while his Up Smash was always, "HA", and Side Smash was, "HAWKG", which sounded badass as hell. Now, he alternates between those three or even more sound clips and it's just weird.

That's his specialty.

*cue "You know what Falco's specialty is?" wall of text from @Ffamran*
CPU PM Falco is an idiot. SD's all the time while trying to style with pillars and wavedashing. No wonder he came back to SSB4 stupid. :p
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Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011

AND THAT MEAN MOMS SEQUEL OMG. I actually really like Mean Girls and I can't wait to see this new movie :p
Wait apparently it's not a movie like 10th year anniversary thing but yeah by Tina Fey
Naw, man. I just looked into it. Tina Fey has nothing to do with Mean Moms or any kind of sequel to Mean Girls. Lost my interest as soon as I picked it up, tbh. I'd be REALLY skeptical about the capacity of two males to write a plot entirely based around what it's like to be a woman in modern society. That was what was so great about Mean Girls: it's a comedy film, but it also mirrors so many things and covers so many problems with how girls are supposed to grow up. I don't think someone who isn't Tina Fey can actually achieve that.

Also lol starring Jennifer Anniston.

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
I think Wolf will be the next DLC char
Star Fox U is coming out, he's reeeeally popular in Japan as well
Maybe an E3 reveal?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
Naw, man. I just looked into it. Tina Fey has nothing to do with Mean Moms or any kind of sequel to Mean Girls. Lost my interest as soon as I picked it up, tbh. I'd be REALLY skeptical about the capacity of two males to write a plot entirely based around what it's like to be a woman in modern society. That was what was so great about Mean Girls: it's a comedy film, but it also mirrors so many things and covers so many problems with how girls are supposed to grow up. I don't think someone who isn't Tina Fey can actually achieve that.

Also lol starring Jennifer Anniston.
Really? Oh well I'll still watch it. I'm hoping that it's good but I don't expect it to be better than a Mean Girls.

Deleted member

Naw, man. I just looked into it. Tina Fey has nothing to do with Mean Moms or any kind of sequel to Mean Girls. Lost my interest as soon as I picked it up, tbh. I'd be REALLY skeptical about the capacity of two males to write a plot entirely based around what it's like to be a woman in modern society. That was what was so great about Mean Girls: it's a comedy film, but it also mirrors so many things and covers so many problems with how girls are supposed to grow up. I don't think someone who isn't Tina Fey can actually achieve that.

Also lol starring Jennifer Anniston.
It'll probably be better than Mean Girls 2. I heard that one was really bad.


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
Ok, so I'm putting together a competitive tier list, but I can't decide if Zelda is #1 or #61. I mean, I either win with her or I lose with her, there's never any in between.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
It'll probably be better than Mean Girls 2. I heard that one was really bad.
I just saw the trailer incidentally when looking for info about Mean Moms and yeah. It looks like complete and absolute horse sh*t.

Ok, so I'm putting together a competitive tier list, but I can't decide if Zelda is #1 or #61. I mean, I either win with her or I lose with her, there's never any in between.
Uh, matey, Smash is a very binary game. That same rule applies to every character :'D.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Melissa McCarthy is life. The Heat is a fantastic movie and I need to rewatch it.

The last movie I went to the theatres to watch was Noah starring Russell Crowe. It was decent, imo.

One more thing: I. HATE. ROY'S "HAW"! Every time he jumps, it's "HAW" and it's annoying as hell. At least Ganondorf in Melee had "TUCK" which was hilarious, but Roy's like the most annoying truck, horn, preteen thing! Sadly, Roy sounds like a badass with his victory quotes. If he returns, he better have his voice redone or I will have a character ban solely because he annoys the hell out of me.
Are you not going to mention Sheik's jumping noises? TOOOH TOOH TOOOH TOOOH
Her Melee voice clips were annoying af in general, though. HM HUH TWAH MMM TUH TEH HUH HAAAAAA EEEEEEUUH TOOH HUH TEH TOOOH TOOOH HWAAAAH

Falco's launch noise was the best, though.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Are you not going to mention Sheik's jumping noises? TOOOH TOOH TOOOH TOOOH
Her Melee voice clips were annoying af in general, though. HM HUH TWAH MMM TUH TEH HUH HAAAAAA EEEEEEUUH TOOH HUH TEH TOOOH TOOOH HWAAAAH

Falco's launch noise was the best, though.
The thing is that Sheik wasn't loud like Roy. Roy's sound clips are like truck horns while Sheik's like a bicycle horn. They're both annoying, but one of them is going to be really annoying fast. Meanwhile, Melee Fox with his "AW-TAH" every time he air dodges. I think Falco has one of the best launched sounds. I don't remember Melee or Brawl, but SSB4's "UGGAH!" is funny. SSB4 Fox's star KO sounds hella painful - he sounds like someone just ripped off his leg with their bare hands - while Captain Falcon's star KO or all of his sounds in general are hilarious. Snake's "NOOO!" for his star KO is funny along with his "NOM". Bowser sounds like a generic, Godzilla reject.
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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
I forgot how sassy Zelda's Melee taunt was. She's like, "#praying4u."

Deleted member

But we didn't know how Blaire died

You go Glen Coco
Wasn't she like attacked and then that was the end of the movie?
Melissa McCarthy is life. The Heat is a fantastic movie and I need to rewatch it.

The last movie I went to the theatres to watch was Noah starring Russell Crowe. It was decent, imo.

Are you not going to mention Sheik's jumping noises? TOOOH TOOH TOOOH TOOOH
Her Melee voice clips were annoying af in general, though. HM HUH TWAH MMM TUH TEH HUH HAAAAAA EEEEEEUUH TOOH HUH TEH TOOOH TOOOH HWAAAAH
Falco's launch noise was the best, though.

Don't forget Zelda's Melee Star KO scream. She made dogs cry :')


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
You people amuse me :)

It's a shame most of you will never get out of :4darkpit: Tier. He sucks so much and the void that is his hollow character is almost insurmountable. Why Sakurai?! Why have you cursed all of these good people?!

WolfieXVII ❂

stay woke
Jun 18, 2014
Hall of Fame
The thing is that Sheik wasn't loud like Roy. Roy's sound clips are like truck horns while Sheik's like a bicycle horn. They're both annoying, but one of them is going to be really annoying fast. Meanwhile, Melee Fox with his "OW-TA" every time he air-dodge. I think Falco has one of the best launched sounds. I don't remember Melee or Brawl, but SSB4's "UGGAH!" is funny. SSB4 Fox's star KO sounds hella painful - he sounds like someone just ripped off his leg with their bare hands - while Captain Falcon's star KO or all of his sounds in general are hilarious. Snake's "NOOO!" for his star KO is funny along with his "NOM". Bowser sounds like a generic, Godzilla reject.
Shulk's star KO sounds the most painful imo
Sounds like he backslashed into a showing of Unfriended or Mean Girls 2


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Wasn't she like attacked and then that was the end of the movie?

Don't forget Zelda's Melee Star KO scream. She made dogs cry :')
Zelda definitely had the best the Star KO screech. By "launched noise," I was referring to the noise that they made when they are hit with a move and are launched across the stage. Falco makes this weird DOOOOAAAAGGGHHH noise and it's hilarious. The noise Sheik makes when launched is great, too.
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