Last MLG Sas was at was like MLG Seattle, which was the 2005 circuit; TG6 was what, 2004? When was the last time Chu beat a good Peach like Wife or Vidjo? How about some references that aren't 2-3 years old.
Also your analogy is incredibly flawed; Foxes still continue to beat Y. Links, whereas Y. Links fail to continue to consistently beat good Peaches.
I'm so sorry, it's just that's all the plain evidence at hand especially since there are like two good YLink's who can play at that sort've level (aka Cave and Chu) with YLink. I haven't heard any late news about Cave's or Chu's yLink and their performances against any good peach players. You should probably ask him yourself if you want some better references.
Also the analogy aint flawed. From what I've heard, I think that Jash has beaten Cort in a tournament match, which is fairly recent. I can beat Brdy, whom is the best Peach in Oregon and was one of the best Peach's in Washington, prolly 3-4 best Peach.
A well played and spaced Peach is better than Y. Link
No she isn't lol. Not only is his range greater with his proj./ sword/ or grab, but he's faster than her too. He can push her with projectiles, combo her, kill her fairly easy.
If you mean against other charachters, then yes Peach is better than Y Link, but in this matchup then no.
she has turnips, autododge fsmash and down tilts, and the speed of FC nairs and such to eat through pretty much everything,
Turnips are almost completely useless against Young Link; which is another reason he has the edge in this match, he has 2 useful projectiles and 1 surprise tool, his arrows. I doubt anyone could argue that Young Link is the better spammer here. Bombs go through FC nairs too. Ylink has simple attacks that can outrange her d-tilt like a f-tilt or d-tilt.
not to mention well placed dairs eat through him from above.
Uairs butt **** Peach when she's in the air. lol, there is hardly anything she can do other than DI. Too bad she can't pull projectiles out in the air and throw them down, like YLink can.
Peach can sheild/toad/catch/dodge bombs, use her moves to dodge like float or parosol, and even if she gets hit with a bomb, she can make it hit close enough to hit both of them and then nair out, or DI far enough away to mitigate it's effects. All of his other projectiles get clanked by pretty much anything she has.
Toad isn't as good as you think it is. You toad, then you have lag, which means I throw a boomerang at you and then I'll start hitting/ comboing you with nairs or uairs.
dodge bombs? good luck. bombs kill all her floats and if she is trying to parosol then he can hunt her down and shoot a boomerang out to chase her. She can only DI far enough away from a bomb at high percents, like really high percents. Otherwise it's a combo spree for Young Link. YLink won't stand stupidly for her to use the bomb to DI to get close to YLink and attack. He'll probably SH back then throw a rang, which then will PB (point-blank) you right in the face and score an easy 20% dmg, and then set you up to get daired to a delivery to death.
catching is the only smart bet. Even still, a nair will probably head your way or more boomerangs and more bombs. Plus, there are counters for ppl who catch yLink's bombs. If you SH then FF-> bomb throw the trajectory will be sent at your opponents head or feet, where they can't catch. This type of bomb throwing only occurs if opponents frequently catch bombs.
A thing you forget is that YLink can also catch Peach's turnips too >_>
A fast peach can get in y. link's face and prevent him from pulling stuff, which means that his entire game is decimated.
Young Link is leagues faster than peach. It's hard to get into Young Link's face when he runs away from you while spamming effectively while destroying all her float cancel attempts and turnips too. I'm pretty sure yLink isn't the charachter getting his game decimated >_>
Try to get a dair or uair set up on a good peach outside of a down throw.
Bomb->dair or uair or PB boom -> dair/uair
It's pretty good, and works really well when Young Link's nearby the opponent with his bomb and then dairs. dair is better for killing but uair is safer, depending on the situation.
The DI only works efficiently at high percents. And since Peach dies at low percents anyway, that only helps Young Link.
If Peach recovers high, how can Y. Link hit her with her fabulous air dodge?
Wait, so you're trying to recover above me and then do an airdodge? Wouldn't that make you highly vulnurable while falling down? OK, lol, sure I'll start upair comboing you then. Good job. My bad, I thought we weren't trying to win at this game, not do peculier things like airdodge and wait for opponents to attack you.
It's called anticipation, the YLink should watch what the Peach is trying to do in her recovery before any strikes can be executed. Also, his uair hitbox stays out for hours before coming back in so that it's still very possible for it to hit Peach if she air dodges away. Not to mention the hitbox in his uair is freakin huge that it'll almost indefinetly still hit. Srrsly, it's like Marth's f-smash range... just above his head instead of in front of him.
If he attempts to hookshot recover, peach can simply zdrop a turnip on his head like she can do vs Samus that attempt to grapple, which means that if he's too low to make it up on his up b alone, he's dead.
A Ylink wont go for a hookshot recovery unless it's a sweetspot or Peach just didn't get a turnip out or jump fast enough or something.
YLink's vertical recovery is fairly moderate, he doesn't die easily while recovering from below as you might of thought.
Peach can also down air his head while he's up bing if she's spacing correctly, or use her golfclub or a shffl'd fair to bop him on the head and trade hits.
none of those attacks will work if Ylink gets a sweetspot with his upB. A golfclub, dair, or SHFFL'd fair will most often not hit Ylink if he gets his hands attached to the ledgs perfectly. And getting perfect sweetspots are easier than you think with young Link.
As I stated before, if she eats through one boomerang at close range, she can get all the free hits she can muster.
A point you seem to not understand is that Ylink wont stand there and shoot one projectile at a time. It's called spamming smart, and not like a ****** so you don't get punished. Usually a yLink wont go for PB boomerangs unless he knows for sure that one will hit (i.e. bomb->PBBommerang). When one proj comes out, another one comes out. You can 'eat' through one boomerang, then what? I'll do continuous boomerang spamming/ throw a bomb at you/zdrop/ approach with nair all depending on the situation. There are hardly any ways around it.
Peach's kill moves out number Y. Links, and she has far more sheild options than he does; roll/dodge/grab/parosol/nair/jump/wd all hamper his ability to approach her in her shield. The only projectile that really works for him is bombs, which get blocked by turnips and the variety of moves i posted above. It simply becomes a patience and experience match up
You're right, Young Link can't roll, dodge, grab, nair, jump, or wave-dash outof his sheild >_>
It's pretty hard to approach Young Link, wheather it be trough the air or ground. He can nail her like a bird when she's above with loads of bombs and can keep her at bay with nearly all of his projectiles. Young Link's got range, wheather it be his distance, grab, or close-up game; all in which are larger than Peach's. I can space very easily with nairs against her shield then jab/ utilt.
Peach's reliable kill moves are nair, Dsmash, fair, fthrow? Aren't those the main ones? Ylink has Dsmash, nair, fair too along with Dair or Uair. I can give that her Dsmash is stronger and better than any of YLink's moves, I can agree with that. As for her others, like the nair, that probably has equal power with his own and less priority as well. My guess, their fair is the same prowess as well, but I would imagine that his comes out slightly faster. I wouldn't know for sure, I don't really care. All I do care about less worrying and more killing when I'm playing a Peach.
I can give Peach that she doesn't die off the side very easy. Even still, Ylink obliterates her recovery with the number of projectiles he has, not to mention D-smash her if she gets close to the edge/ edghog her.
and most Peaches don't know how to fight Y. Link... but once they do it's not a counter, merely a nuisance.
That theory can work for every charachter in the game.
If I played Pichu against Ken long enough then I could say Marth can't beat my Pichu very often since I know the matchup really well.
I guess then that Marth doesn't counter Pichu