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Yoshi Stage Discussion: Smashville


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2006
Madison, Mississippi
For those new to the tournament scene, counterpicking may be a lesser knowledge of the game. Let's try to correct that for the Yoshi community. Below I've a list of possible legal stages. Let's discuss one at a time, speaking of advantages, disadvantages, strategies, and possibly even common matchups as they relate to Yoshi. After each stage has been discussed, I'll try to update this post with some information, including whether we think the stage is neutral, for, or against Yoshi.

Also, mention in your post what you want the next stage to be or if you think a stage left out should be discussed.

Also, if you have an idea for how to improve this, please let me know.


Yoshi's Take: Neutral

Battlefield presents a few problems for Yoshi, but none is bad enough to shut any part of his game down. The platforms force the aerial game to play a larger part, which is mostly a good thing for Yoshi. He can fight up, but coming down it's a bit more difficult to be offensive as the Dair isn't ranged and the DownB's use is limited. It's more difficult to egg spam when the opponent is even with Yoshi and especially when he is below. However, when the opponent is on a platform and Yoshi is underneath, his egg spam is aided a bit. The chaingrab is limited here as well. However, Yoshi's Usmash reaches past the bottom platforms. This is key. Also, his recovery isn't gimped as easily by the stage's edge.

To sum it up, Yoshi will usually want to stay off the platforms and keep the opponent above him. The platforms will limit the opponent and open for the egg spam. Chaingrabs are limited but can lead to a Usmash through a platform. The platforms can also give Yoshi extra height when edgeguarding, useful for egg spam or a larger height for a Fair spike.

Characters to Play: Short range characters, ones whose Usmash cannot reach the platforms. Projectile spammers are also more limited here.

Characters to Avoid: Long range characters whose Usmash reaches the platforms may be tough. Also try to avoid characters whose matchup depends heavily on the chaingrab.

Final Destination

Yoshi's Take: Good

As all know, Final Destination is a pretty basic stage. Just about everything goes (and works) here. That means Yoshi can spam eggs to no end, be it from the ground or from the ledge, and this gives him a good advantage over characters with no or slower projectiles. The borders are a bit larger, so vertical KOs are a bit more difficult. Chaingrabs can be carried out at Yoshi's pleasure, though. The only terrible thing is that the curved stage area under the edges can kill Yoshi's second jump and gimp his recovery. Though this can be avoid almost all of the time if the player is conscious of the threat.

Final Destination is good for Yoshi, but then again, it's good for many other characters. Thus, in comparison, it's likely favoring a bit to the "neutral" side of good rather than the "great" side.

Characters to Play: Slow, big characters and ones for which the matchup is dependent on chaingrabs may work nicely for Yoshi.

Characters to Avoid: Quick characters and those with good projectiles are a pain. There's nowhere to go if you get in a fix. Lucario is especially annoying due to his good projectile and his ability to wall cling.

Lylat Cruise

Yoshi's Take: Neutral

While Lylat is similar to Battlefield, its lower platforms and tilted edges tend to sway the fray towards a ground battle. Those platforms and edges make chaingrabs even harder, thus limiting Yoshi's ground game. Eggs are nice to chuck about if the opponent takes up residence on the platforms, of course. However, Yoshi should avoid the platforms himself at all, well, most costs. Though this makes Lylat seem like a more limiting Battlefield, those same tilted edges make for DownB slide fun, a phenomenon most are probably unfamiliar with. And more importantly, it gives Yoshi more options for Edge Canceled Eggs, which are always nice. Lastly, watch out for the thin edges. They can gimp the recovery, similar to Final Destination's edges.

Lylat Cruise seems like a modified Battlefield, but the details are different. It lends heavily to ground battle, and the tilted edges give Yoshi many more options at the ends of the stage. Though, it's important to look out for the gimp.

Characters to Play: Projectile characters are hindered by both the platforms and tilted edges. Characters with weaker ground games are a bit more advantageous than normal here as well.

Characters to Avoid: The opposite of course is true in that strong ground games present big problems. And don't forget to very much avoid characters whose matchup depends on the chaingrab.


Yoshi's Island (Brawl)


Yoshi's Take: Bad

Brinstar is not very fun. The stage is fairly small and (essentially) gets even smaller when broken apart. Thus, Yoshi can't camp very well. This is worsened by the fact that the tentacle things just above each edgealmost completely restrict Edge Canceled Eggs. The Egg Roll is limited as well. The odd platform spacing does not favor Yoshi, either. The only positive thing here is that the acid can stop you from getting gimped. However, that's little compensation. Stay away from this stage.

Characters to Play: Slow characters are about the only ones you'd want to try. You could also attempt characters that like to spike and gimp, though that advantage is a bit slim.

Characters to Avoid: Everyone. No, not really, but there's no reason to go here against characters that Yoshi can gimp. That would be wasted, and just about every other advantage is gone as well.

Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Distant Planet
Frigate Orpheon
Green Greens
Luigi's mansion
Pokemon Stadium
Rainbow Cruise


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Good thread... I was actually thinking of making one of these myself, LoL.
Battlefield... I'm not gonna lie, this stage can kind of be a pain. More than any other platform stage, it forces people to fight not only left and right, but up and down as well. Up isn't a problem for Yoshi, given his great usmash and uair, but down can present some problems. Dair doesn't really have enough range to be viable for approaching from above, so if Yoshi is above the opponent then he doesn't have many options for approaching. Usually you'll be fine if you stay on the ground.
You can't chaingrab here, so it's best to avoid those particular characters that you can on this stage. It's also a lot harder to spam eggs, but you can more easily beat out other spams as well. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it right now.
We should do a list or something of "Characters to Play" and "Characters to Avoid" on each stage.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Battlefield I play on if either:

A) The character spams (ie. Falco, Wolf, ROB, Pit) Which makes it alot easier to get around
B) The character does not have a tall enough Utilt or Smash to reach the platform.

So characters like Ike or DK will have an advantage on Battlefield


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
When battling against characters that Juggle well, I think it's good to do a down B to get back on the ground. But I usually land on those darn platforms and leave myself open for an upsmash.

Other than that, it's the same as FD.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Battlefield is one of my best maps to play on. Control of the bottom platform is where it's at. It's a pretty decent stage to get around spam, while you can be aggressive and take out some problems from other characters (MK's shuttle loop becomes harder, etc.). Even though you lose the abilty to either egg spam (it's harder to place them there) and CG to the full potential, it evens out some problems. The biggest downside to this stage is that you cannot fight characters with big ranged atks (D3, Ike, maybe marth).


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
Battlefield is bad for Yoshi fighting against chars that you can chain grab into upsmash.. very few spots on the stage allow you to do this and vs mk release grab up smash is vital..


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I am a sucky BF Yoshi. THat's the just of it. I hate navigating through platforms. And I can't use eggs to my limited egg abilities. And best of all my main killing source, grounded YB's are caught on platforms....alot. So not a good stage for me. I'm strictly an FD and the like Yoshi.

Altough I can win on BF I hate it. T_T


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
Some Yoshi's egg tosses will be caught by the platforms, which is why I find it hard to fight against projectile spam. They can get you cuz of their horizontal projectiles, but you can't get them cuz of the platforms.
Anyways around this? How should I approach on BF?


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
I personally think that Battlefield is for Yoshi. Here's why I think this. If you're on the left and right platforms, you may find some slight problems. Just because of the opponent being underneath you. Though, if they are underneath you, you can just shield, wait for them to connect a hit with your shield, then fall off the ledge and get a free unexpected aerial hit in there. Also, you can play mindgames using the left and right platforms. Sidestepping and rolling dodges will help this method. It'll support your defensive game if used right, but can be risky. I don't like being on the left and right platforms just because escaping without a scratch when they're underneath is risky, dangerous, and just hard to pull off. If they're above or on the opposite platform, egg spamming is easily pulled off. If you're on the bottom of the stage, gimping the opponent isn't as difficult to pull off on this stage whereas if it can be a bit more difficult on others. Not just that, but you can throw the opponent off because of a different variety of moves. Chain grabbing with Yoshi is easy to do (for a moment of time) on the bottom of the stage. If you're on the top platform, you may find yourself in a slightly relevant situation that you were in before, on the other ledges. Only this platform is higher and riskier to when you get hit and when you try to recover. Though, it makes you more predictable just because you're on a platform. I think Battlefield is a 'decent' stage for Yoshi. Not the best, but not the worst. Yoshi's recovery doesn't get gimp'd on Battlefield. Where you'd jump from underneath and scar the stage to recover. Whereas if you did that on Final Destination, you'd get caught up underneath and screwed a stock lower. The bottom is the best place for Yoshi, but when you're on the platforms, play mindgames, use your tilts, toss eggs, and get out of there quickly.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
Battlefield pretty much evens out the advantages and disadvantages. If your opponent gets onto one of the side platforms, you are almost guarenteed a hit with the usmash cause they will just shield and roll usually, but I really hate being on the platforms myself. Great counterpick to characters that are really short or have no range, since you can upsmash them from the bottom, but they can't hit you.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Same old same old here. Projectile spams are dominant. That means if there's a character with a better projectile than you, you're boned, but otherwise you're okay. It's also a good cg stage. Yoshi doesn't like getting caught under the edge but it's not too big of a problem. Not much to say here, really.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
FD.....where to start....

FD is where you can let all the aerials go wild. Eggs can go flying here. HOWEVER, it varies depending on your matchup. Yoshi has no trouble manuvering around since there isn't anything to block atks. CG is important since it helps force a match to slow down to your speed. Spammers are NOT recommended here. Pit, Falco, Samus (surprises me sometimes), maybe Olimar, and Peach can mess you up since they out spam you. Other than any negatives I said, it's a good aggressive player's stage.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I agree with Bigmanz.

Final Destination allows you to control the pace of the match if you have a mental edge over your opponent are can apply significant pressure to the weak parts of their game. I think it's much better for Yoshi overall as a tournament stage than Battlefield is.

Let's not even talk about the ridiculous KO percentages you can live to.


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
FD = Egg toss Egg toss Egg toss Egg roll Egg toss...

It's a little bit harder to KO with uair, but the eggs won't crack on any platforms.

Also, there is more space to use the egg roll.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
FD=bread and butter. You can use every standard option Yoshi has here. The only AT that I use that isn't possible here is hilldashing, and we have the DR as a replacement so no big loss

Deleted member

Uhh well it gimps yoshi, but after more experience there, its not bad. Some matchups suck cuz of no CGs, but down b slide spam is so funny =P


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
The "Drifting" of the stage can really help stop most enemies from Projectile spamming, but barley effects you due to the arc of the Egg's.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
You guys are all crazy... I love picking this stage as Yoshi.
First off, downB edge cancels are pretty much god, because they don't send you too far like the ones on Yoshi's Island and land you on the ledge every time, setting up for ECE's. I've found that the platforms are small enough that characters tend to inhabit the lower part, which is good for Yoshi. CG's are pointless here, of course, but against most other characters I think it's a good stage. Plus Yoshi doesn't seem to get gimped as badly, at least in my experience. However, the stage tends to revolve around ground combat (unless the stage is tipped so that you approach from the lower end) so great ground characters can be a hassle.
So people to fight here are projectile-oriented characters or characters whose ground games you beat both on the air and the ground, and people to avoid are those that you can chaingrab or whose ground games far outperform yours.

BTW I think "who to avoid" for FD should include Lucario, since wall cling is so freakin' annoying.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
=0 I think Lylat is my best stage with yoshi! You can hilldash, DR, ECE, chaingrab falco (about it <_<), bomb slide thingy, all the stuff, and when I get stuck under the wings, I egg toss and grab the ledge anyway. As long as you are on the bottom, there is no stopping you. I just really like using yoshi on this stage.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
When Bigman and I played on Lylat today...we both got gimped under the stage >.>

I hate how Sakurai made a good bit of the neutral stages have dumb edges. Pokemon stadium 1, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, and Castle Seige (the first part).


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
i really dont like lylat, if i have to fight there though u-airs and b-airs and eggs are pretty much my arsenal.

but i have some trouble recovering at that stage, i dont know if more people have that problem here, but of all of the neutral stages this ones is the hardest for me to get back on to.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
I fricking hate brinstar, I believe we're talking about the melee one, right? You can't ECE unless those things are broken on the sides, the section in the middle of the bottom platform is destructible and I always get stuck on it.

I always ban this sonovagun


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
No reason to counterpick here if you're Yoshi. The main platform is so small in this game that you don't get a chance to do anything, and Yoshi's DJs end up clashing weirdly with the odd spacing of the platforms. I'd say come here if you think you'll get gimped and you can't gimp your opponent... that's like two matchups. Skip it.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Not a good place. The stage is too small to get breathing room, and this makes camping null. The walls are a little smaller than neutrals, so a character that can kill Yoshi easily will make this a nightmare. Slower characters might be decent at best for this stage, but you still want to avoid it most of the time.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
I guess the only pro is that you can come underneath the stage and rise up to an air. however, I don't see the point when you can do the same on Halberd and Delfino, where they don't hinder you and actually give you some breathing room.

Man they made that stage tiny


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
It's not as cool as it was in melee, but still pretty fun =p. The problem here would be that you can't camp because of the stage 1: being small 2: the tentacle things will block your eggs. I'd say that this isn't the best course for yoshi... The music is nice here though =]


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2006
Madison, Mississippi
I don't get how Battlefield is neutral and Final Destination is good... Battlefield is better than Final Destination in my eyes.
If you'll provide reasonable counter-evidence, I'll be more than happy to incorporate it.

I fully admit that I'm not the most knowledgeable about the subject, but someone has to keep it up.
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