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Would Yoshi be better if...


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
His up special was turning into a helicopter and recovering and his side b was the egg toss? Honestly, Yoshi can really use a good recovery move. The helicopter idea is one possibility, and jumping of an egg is another.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Honestly, I think Yoshi's Recovery is good enough. His Double Jump is more than enough to make it back fine, and the UpB Pound like recovery, added Horizontal movement, and Airdodging no longer canceling said Double Jump is a huge plus.

Although Heli-Yoshi would be awesome


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
His shield. That thing is Urgh at times! Sure it doesn't shrink, but it can still be grab... darn Ness grabbing...

Anyway, I beileve that Yoshi's shield would work much better if the exiting shield animation would push people away from Yoshi. Not very far but far enough for Yoshi to still hit people without that slow animation. Either that or have it to where Yoshi quickly dashes out of his shield and immedately retreats back into it in order to dodge faster. Or at least give him inviciblity armor during his roll dodge.

Another thing that I think would be cool is if Yoshi's Egg throw was chargeable. And once it's fully charged, it turns into that good old fashion target aiming throw and the longer the time it takes to charge and the shorter the length. The Stronger the hit.

Or Yoshi's Egg roll. How about it gains a Wariobike deal to where it's a chomp rock at first and Yoshi rolls it across the field. Other people might use it against him, but he has faster rolling speed and can eat it to make a stronger egg throw. One can be out on th field per Yoshi and once Yoshi uses it, he cn use the Egg Roll. Also if Yoshi uses it off the field, he can gain an Springboard jump.

Just a few ideas. :p


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
I'm with Mmac on this one. The fact that Yoshi has a great horizontal aerial speed, the fact that he can gain horizontal distance with egg toss, the fact that his DJ is extremely useful for vertical distance, and the fact DJAD-ing essentially gives Yoshi invincibility frames on his recovery is perfectly good for me.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I think a side B egg throw would be less versatile than the anywhere anytime upB egg toss (just think ivysaur's razor leaf). Plus if yoshi' had a "real recovery move" they'd have to take away his heavy armor because having heavy armor and a "real recovery move" would make alot of non-yoshi users upset, I think the farthest they'd go as far as recovery move is give yoshi a pit-like wing thingy which I'd prefer the "pound like" as someone else said egg toss. and a chargeable egg throw would make it slow and less reliable during midair combat which is when i like the simple chuck and hit.

My only gripe with yoshi is that his grab is the only one where you can't hit the grabby in a doubles match (you know since they're inside of yoshi). So grabrests, grab falcon paunches and things of the sort won't work nearly as nicely. I do love the tether grab though and his is the only tether grab that's decent during a dash, but why's yoshi the only one without the option to tether recover? I mean even lucas has the option with his snake rope thingy.

Being able to footstoll off of an egg (egg lay opponenet in egg type thing), I think that'd be too nice for recovery and would just look awesome.


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
The universe
his up b should make him grow wings like in his fs.It would be similar to pit's up b.His side b should turn into egg toss and his smashes should lag less.All those would make him better.Also a tether recover with his tounge would be nice and being able to grab and jump out of his grab.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Yeah, even if it's a super low range one (again like lucas'). I mean yoshi can grab so many things with his tounge, also kirby and wario can eat things so why can't yoshi? Yoshi got ripped out of so many little things that coulda made him cooler. Still think he's a good character, extremely well balanced anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
A Yoshi tether recovery would be pretty cool but if this did happen, His second jump would be weakened. Wait a minute, what if Yoshi could jump more than once in the air? Like in Yoshi's island and such?


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2008
The helicopter thing would be funny. Also if Yoshi could throw eggs like in the SNES Yoshi's Island game it would be over.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
Largo, FL
You know what makes yoshi so bad? The fact he doesn't have as many options as other characters in certain scenarios. He can't shield grab, he can't jump out of his shield, and not to talk about shielding but if its anything, when a yoshi player is forced to resort to shielding....well it isn't pretty. Its the lack of moves Smash brothers Brawl offers to the characters line-up. Its so simplistic, When smash bros first came out all we had was simple smashing, "a" attacks, stronger "a" attacks, shielding, grabbing, rolling, and a standard "b" special. Then Melee came around and there was a fantastic upgrade. We could now charge smashes, had specials depending on the direction we pressed air dodged, ground dodge, and catch items that were thrown, and reflect items if we timed a shield correctly. Nothing was really added this time around. Just some switches with the games engine =\. its safe to say that we all mostly use the gamecube controller. This controller contains a joystick, d-pad, c-stick, "a", "b", "x", "Y", "z", start, and right and left triggers. We only use the joystick, "a", "b", "x","z", and the right trigger at most. Why not add the Left trigger to do another set of attacks? why not be able to customize a special attack type? Smash bros brawl isn't as great as i had expectations for. Now i don't want to be blabbing relentlessly without it having a purpose to what would've made yoshi better.

This is what would've made Yoshi better. If he had a line-up of attacks he had from Mario World. Remember when based on the type of yoshi, OR color of shell he ate, he gained a special ability, like Fire breath(red), Flying(blue), and Stomping(yellow)? I don't know how you all feel about Smash bros, but i definitely think Nintendo short sticked everyone with this game. But yeah, Yoshi would've been cooler with Flying as the recovery stomping while on the ground (yoshi bomb while in air), and fire breath OR for the side B (egg roll is good though).


Smash Champion
May 26, 2007
Brampton Ontario, Canada
Yoshi should continue with Egg Toss.

Egg Toss should continue to give you height though for like 3 uses in the air, and then decrease like it does now.

Also Egg roll needs changes....it's lamez0rs.

Replace that with the yoshi Mario Kart Wii bike....or...or...fire breath/whatever..


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
Yoshi's graple range should be longer. He's Yoshi, he catches people with his tongue to survive, so why's it so slow?

I'm still sticking with the multiple jump idea. three jumps would be awsome and you know it!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2008
Cicero, IL
After 3 games of being low/bottom tier,I think yoshi needs to be broken
More like 2. He was mid-tier in SSB64.

Giving Yoshi multiple midair hover-jumps like in SMW2 would be cool as long as they could amount to the same total height as his current DJ.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Well I think in yoshi's story yoshi had a double jump and then he could flutter his feat to give him extra distance (not height, only distance). I just can't see yoshi as a real multiple midair jump character when he has the highest double jump as it is.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2008
Cicero, IL
Yoshi had two different midair jumps in Yoshi's Story

1. Hovering, similar to SMW2, gained little height but he traveled pretty far. He lost height after each jump.

2. The Flutter Jump, in which he gains little horizontal distance and huge vertical height. He lost some crazy height after reaching his peak.

I like the hovering personally. I also liked it when Yoshi hopped by pushing off the ground with both feet. How come he has that clumsy jump in Brawl? He never jumped like that before? :/


Smash Cadet
Oct 9, 2007
I honestly see no reason that Yoshi should have any changes done besides to his egg roll. His egg toss is useful, and a triple jump would just be change for the sake of change. We've been used to just 2 jumps for the past 2 games, so there's not a reason to change now.

Of course the hitboxes for certain attacks could do with a change. All of his attacks involving his head- Usmash, Fsmash, and Fair- have really wack hitboxes that require useless timing and, at some really critical times, dumb luck. I would like for them to be more exact than they are now, but I guess that would really just be a personal thing.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
i think yoshi's tounge should be as long as it was in yoshi's story, i mean that tounge was freakin long man, and have his neutral B's direction able to be changed mid attack like it was in yoshi's story. and even though its not a move, i would like a black yoshi color option, i know he was sorta like a secret character but geez wario has what like twelve diferent options, and pikachu only has four, take away warios six extra colors and give em to the other characters who've been around since the 64. and i like his jumping animation, i noticed that he has one leg forward and one leg bent backwards like a hurdler in track, and since i run hurdles i think its cool.


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
i think yoshi's tounge should be as long as it was in yoshi's story, i mean that tounge was freakin long man, and have his neutral B's direction able to be changed mid attack like it was in yoshi's story. and even though its not a move, i would like a black yoshi color option, i know he was sorta like a secret character but geez wario has what like twelve diferent options, and pikachu only has four, take away warios six extra colors and give em to the other characters who've been around since the 64. and i like his jumping animation, i noticed that he has one leg forward and one leg bent backwards like a hurdler in track, and since i run hurdles i think its cool.
Black yoshi ftw
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