Id love the option to get some of the older levels and stages from the older games for my 3ds copy, but I think the main goal Nintendo is trying with the DLC is to have it all be mixed and matched. IE buy it here and there at the same time. Both Mewtwo and the MII fighter outfits had big obviouse discounts for buying on both systems, and I think DLC will stay that way. While I would love to be able to get some of the missing Melee, brawl, or even 64 stages, I dont see it happening. The only reason we would see it, is if they decide to make DLC packs based on the other system.
IE older levels on the WII U version being for 3ds, and Older levels that made 3ds being sold to Wii U. I really do miss my LOZ temple stage and would buy that thing in a heart beat though.
but what IREALLY want to see, and I know this is impossible/ not gona happen / people may hate me for even suggesting it. Would be if we coudl get more stages for Smash run. Like say the Great Maze.
Seriously am I the only one who LOVED that level to death? Even after I beat the game I just picked characters AND ran the level for fun. [kinda like how Smash run is now, I was sorta already doing that XD haha funny XP]
I know of atleast 2 large maps that would be perfect for Smash run. Great maze, and The Temple adventure stage in Melee. I know the thought of the idea makes me hyper personally even if the SANE part of my mind is laughing at me right now.
I mean its just, the only real extra the 3ds version has over the Wii U is the smash run mode. So in my head it makes sense to add extra life to that mode if ya want the game to sell. With all this focus on the WII U version its like they are really showing the 3ds one as the FAR lesser port that no one cares about. I know, I know its a marketing ploy to get people to WANT a WII U when its sales are less than stellar, but it makes more buisness sense to me, to expand and help the Higher selling copy do better. At the moment though its like the 3ds version is just 'on the road practice' until ya get home to the "REAL" game. In which case you wont have any reason to play it when you have the GIANT SUPER Hulk of a game that makes the 3ds look more like a demo than a game.
Sorry sorry for the mini rant, im not trying to sell the WII U short at all, its a great looking system with fantastic potential and when more games I want for it are around im sure ill probably get one. ATM though all I see are a game I already own, and a Zelda skin style of a game series I am hopelessly addicted to. [freaking love the warriors series man...]