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Working on Custom Final Smashes: Help me understand Link's

Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
So I'm looking in to making custom final smashes for other characters that are more "balanced" – ones that resemble something closer to the Hypers from Marvel or the Ultras from Street Fighter 4. Part of this involves making combination moves that will actually connect.

So I started looking into existing final smashes that do this correctly, and immediately ran into Link's. Link's basically does exactly what I want... But I can't figure out how. There's a throw collision going through the actions, but nowhere (even when I dump the entire file with OSADump) can I find a grab collision that corresponds to it. So does anyone know how this works? Or how I could get a character to essentially teleport to another character within a certain range (say, if a hitbox connects)? Or make a custom grab box that just holds the opponent stationary? Anyone know how to manage any of this?


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2010
London, England
The only way I know is by using time manipulation to be honest. But of course, if you do that it will mess up with some codesets.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2006
Someplace in Canada
A few notes of what I found when poking around, no idea if they'll help:
  • Aside from the Paralyze effect, the hitbox of the initiation is completely ordinary (it's not even a special hitbox).
  • On frame 38, FinalStart has an End Grabs followed by Collisions 13, which is previously unheard of. The nearest known two are 10 (Inert Hitbox) and 14 (Tweak Damage), so its function can't really be guessed. Blank it and see what happens I say.
  • Lots of RA-Bits are in play. That might make it hard to port functionality; chances are the .rel files are doing big work with them.
  • There are some Hidden Actions (according to OpenSA2) that go "If you're not in FinalDash or in Final, then 0c070000".
Personally I think you're better off using a grab that tells targets to go into an action used by inescapable special-move grabs, then figure out how to release them at the right time.
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