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Wolf vs Pro Wario (videos included)

Omega Deman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2006
Both vids were good matches. I think you should attempt throwing your opponent every now and then. Give him some knee work then down throw, to a Fsmash at low damages. If you noticed, the few times you attempted to do a run/dash attack, he shielded. Next time just run to him, somewhat obviously, and grab him.

Another tip would be to use Nair with the intention of landing behind him. If he blocks, he normally won't be able to grab you immediately and you can go into the Dsmash almost instantly.

Fighting wise you did well. Try adding those to strats randomly throughout the fight.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
I think plan 9 use to be a member of my clan, wtclan. ANyways I to struggle with top end warios Blueshell and futile. Both of them typically beat me, though I have beaten blueshell, and futile always beats me 2-1 =\. Anyways the most effective strat I've found, is just a never ending stream of backairs. Don't shop ur first jump though, else they will full jump to down air u over and over. Other than that play really defensive, wario has low range so u wanna make him come at you and keep him at bay with long range attacks. He also only has 3 kill moves, so once u hti 100% or so just make them top priority, doesn't amtter if he lands 100 fairs, he needs to land an upair fsmash or fart to kill you. Wario's big weakness is aerial characters with priority walls, as blue shell puts it. So try and do this as best you can with wolf.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lol. The last stock in the second match even scared me. He just kind of walked around and stared at you.

Anyways, my advice is a couple things:

1. Stay aggressive and I mean really aggressive. Try not to let Wario control the match. Also, I saw a lot of the times he was predicting you. Where you would roll and what not. Try to mix it up a little more.

2. Bair 100% more. Wolf Wall the ******* to hell and back.

3. Save your Dsmash. I know you didn't really spam it, but watch his percent, man. When he is at 130% you should have an un-stale or almost un-stale Dsmash at your disposal to kill him. If not you're doing something wrong.

4. I would recommend more Uairs over Fairs. They're just quicker. However, his Dair will **** your Uair, so if you know he is going to Dair, DI to the side of him and Fair instead. Just know that Uair is there.

5. For the love of God DI the spinning throw Up and toward Wario.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I had this exact same match yesterday. They were both on FD though, so the circumstances were a little different. Wario is the king of Spacing, but Wolfs Fsmash has range on it, so I stayed close enough to hit him with it ANYTIME he landed, as if wario shields a Fsmash, you'll be punished by his. Bairs are extremely helpful, even faking him out with them isn't bad.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
So. California 805
Lol. The last stock in the second match even scared me. He just kind of walked around and stared at you.
Yea, I think at this time I was screaming like a little girl from fright and he was sitting there laughing while playing around with me.

I felt like my bair game was lacking and off, mostly because at that point I had fallen into his game. I'll try to practice the wolf wall more.

I'll try to incorporate a little neutral aerial to something, but its not something I'm used to. So I should DI up when he throws me up? I'm rather ignorant when it comes to DIing.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
learn the 0 lag fair. I didn't see you use it at all and man is it useful. Also I think you use the reflector a little too much in the air. Whenever you miss with it your pretty much a sitting duck. Also, you don't need to go for a spike every time you knock him off the edge. Bair edgeguard is more effective. you can also be a little too predictable. You do too many attacks that don't connect and leave you open.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
So. California 805
Knowing your DI helps in every situation.
Thanks Captain Obvious, have anything helpful to say?

And yes, I didn't use any 0 lag fairs, I didn't know about them at the time. As for reflectors, I was spamming it because I was mostly trying to practice with it and its timing. When I attack nothing, thats generally the fear playing lol.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Pardon me for replying with a simple comment. I know you didn't ask for my advice but rather Kash's, but I didn't ask for you to openly insult me, so we're both at fault and should both burn in hell.

I only replied at all because I didn't feel you should ALWAYS DI upward tilt, but rather that you should mix it up, but instead of telling you how to play your character since the question wasn't aimed at me I used a generalization.

Lets keep the insults to the pm boxes, alright. :)


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, ~preCurser. I played my friends Wario. It isn't the best, but it is good, and I ***** him. Hard.

I did like, 80% just for Wolf Wall and saved my Dsmash until like 110%. Which, of course, killed him. I just made sure he didn't touch me. I stayed defensive. Wario has short range, he needs to stay close. NO! THAT DOES NOT MEAN LASER! Bair is a much better idea.

I would just Bair, Bair, Bair, Bair, Bair, and if you some how broke through I send him away with a Fair or Dsmash or I'd just simply run away. Obviously you won't win just by Bairing and after awhile you start only doing like 8% or so with the move... which sucks.

I actually said in game, "Christ, I need to do something other than Bair it has gotten so stale." My friend just gave me an angry look. It was pretty funny.

Actually, at that point I started to laser and Fair to restore my Bair. After five hits or so (grabs rock, too) I went back to Bairing.

Good stuff. I wish I had the video, but the ******* wouldn't die on the last stock so it was a second over.

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
Note how in the last stock of the first vid (only one I watched) you started using shine more and it helped? Shine works very well against Wario thanks to his limited range
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