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Wolf Tactics in-depth. First Section: Godshine.


Smash Rookie
Mar 13, 2008
West Coast.
Wolf Tactics and strategies in-depth. A Guide.
In this guide I’m going to be going over different strategies and tactics in detail, about playing wolf. I recently picked him up, and am planning to be on the WA power ranking list, maining him.

Wolf. As I said, I just recently picked up wolf and have had the chance to play him in tournament. I didn’t place too well, but I have my johns. Wolf has this move…its reaaaally cheap. It’s too good. It’s godmode. But people don’t seem to give it enough recognition. His…

Down B.
The reflector. Godshine. Gives not super armor frames, no, but invincibility frames. Then counters them with the shock from the shine. So. With that said, the best move in the game is wolf’s reflector. You can instantly counter any move in the game then either combo out of it, or use different mix-ups to keep your opponent guessing.

Offensive shining:
On the level…short hop reflector is a good choice vs. opponents like Marth, who tend to just swing their sword to fend you off, instead of shielding. Also mix it up with short hopping straight up instead of at them to bait their shield, then run in for grab/jab game(more on the jab game later) or play it safe and blaster them.
Down smash or jabs to cover your reflector are a good idea, and anytime you shine someone out of the air be looking for that follow up aerial.

Using the reflector to follow up moves is a good choice, Auto-landed fair to reflector (if shielded, if not I suggest uptilt) SH nair (jump OVER the opponent, do NOT try to land in front your GOING to be shield grabbed) and reflector is decent…nair is really only good in the air…but more on that move later.

Defensive shining:
When you know what the opponent is about to do…SHINE! Instant counter. You can powershield to shine…but you almost might as well use a different move since you powershielded it. At low percents, however, powershield to shine is great, as you get extra percent and it combos into the jabs, which can be combed out of.

On almost everyone’s recovery, just hanging on the edge, and hitting down b at the right time will beat their up-b. It’s just a matter of timing, as well as being able to read your opponent correctly. After hitting their recovery with it, you can follow with a Bair or a 2nd jump Dair…another shine, laser…etc.

Ok, I Shined them, what now?
Ok, so you busted out the the godshine and they got shocked from the awesomeness that it is. What now? Wolf has maaaaaaaany different options, and I hope to list them with the different percents and number that they work at eventually…but that’s a project and will come later

So at low percents you can: Jab, ftilt, dtilt, dsmash, fsmash, grab, laser, and I think that’s it that combos…the higher their percent the less likely you can combo out of it. So the opponent can just shield and grab you if they so please. That is why you MUST, from the start of the match, use the reflector to grab. Let the opponent know early on that they can’t just shield after the reflector, and your chances of landing a follow up attack are improved greatly. Mixing up your follow ups is crucial. Mind-games people. Sometimes I even do NOTHING out of reflector as a mix up! Watch them spot dodge, shield, jab, whatever, and counter with dsmash! (or reflector, lawlz).

The things you can do with this move are awesome. In the air, RAR the reflector, so u can follow with a bair. Its sexy. I used the edge hang down b tactic enough times successfully, that a TL stopped trying for the edge and tried to go over. So ledge jump to reflector (to counter his up b) to back air.

You get the idea. Use this move. And if you do, use it more. With that said, and this is about to sound hypocritical, don’t OVERuse the reflector. In some cases if an airdodge or sidestep or powershield would suffice…I would go with that option. The reason I emphasize the use of the reflector as much as I do, is that I see many wolf players choose a different option, when instead of shielding the attack and not taking any dmg, they could have reflected it into a “combo” and dealt 25% to their opponent. That alone says a lot.

<Next section coming soon>

I will be getting video footage of my wolf put up soon, when I can play with someone with recording equipment...I’m not bad, but I need more playtime to improve lots…I need a wii!


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2008
Am I the only one who doesn't think Down+B is all that?

Also, why mention low %? The knockback is fixed. I don't think any of those are true combos either.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I was about to say the same thing, Shake. I myself think reflector (not shine) is mediocre.

Also, I'd recommend that you learn to capitalize Wolf and actually know how to play the **** character before you make a guide about it.

That's got to be the worst opening to a guide I've ever seen, "I just picked wolf up and plan to be on the WA power rankings with him, so I'm gonna make a guide lulz."


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
In my opinion, I believe that the shine is a great move, but not for offensive purposes. Shining to counter everything is actually a bad strategy, most of the time, a stationary dodge followed up with an F-Smash or D-Smash would be a better choice, but sometimes this isn't available. For instance, if u are in the air and ur gonna fall into ike's charging f-smash, an air-dodge will be useless, so shining would be a good option. In another case, if game and watch is doing his turtle move towards u, instead of having ur shield eaten away or maybe getting hit because u sationary dodged too early, u can use the shine to hit him away. Pretty much, whenever stationary dodging or air dodging isn't the better option, only then should u shine.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Not useful. There is already a topic on wolf's reflector, and explaining all of its many aspects.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
There are already 2 guides on wolf's reflector. A third is unneccesary, and nothing can teach you more about a move than by using it in real-time situations, or possibly watching videos of players who are better than you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
There are already 2 guides on wolf's reflector. A third is unneccesary, and nothing can teach you more about a move than by using it in real-time situations, or possibly watching videos of players who are better than you.
Well said Juggalo. This thread is a clone and the way you praise wolf's reflector makes it out to be something it's not. Wolf's reflector is not some god move. It's also not a counter. The invincibility frames are very short as well as the damaging frames. If you know exactly what your opponent is going to do you should be able to do more then just shine them. Seeing that you didn't place too well in your tourney you should probably work on your game instead of write this.
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