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Wolf Player Finder (I'm looking at you)


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Even when I made this thread I was aware that not many people go to the Wolf boards; in fact, it's fairly rare to find someone who even uses wolf online, let alone main him. But I was hoping for more than this. If not for the community, to represent yourself as a player and Wolf as a viable character, but, and I say this selfishly, for also for me. I do want to play you guys. And more than that, I want to play honest to goodness, good players.

I want to see the more recognizable people on here, who have gained respect for posts alone, show the board how Wolf should be played. And you know what, it's fine if you just want to contribute by knowledge alone, but I think experience, in this stage of Wolf's metagame, is far more valuable. I want to give people the opportunity to present who they are, what they can do, and what they know through real numbers, real wins (and losses), and real statistics.

If anything... if you're game, come play me. At least for myself, I want to see how good the people on this board are. Contact me on my AIM for a good game, it can be found below in the Northwest region.
:End Edit

Title says it all: the primary purpose of this thread is to put, in one place, the Wolf players who want to be recognized as Wolf players. I will attempt to update the list as often as I can.

New York
1. S4PIENT (ANAX); 3909-8402-5053
AIM: S4PIENT; Online Player
Secondaries: Lucario

1. anomalous (Wii); 3394-3213-0113
AIM: anamylous; Online Player;
Secondaries: Lucario, Zelda, Lucas, ROB, Marth

New Mexico
1. Kashakunaki (Kash); 0731-4416-9133
AIM: PyroStorm Sozoku; Offline Player
Secondaries: Olimar

1. Juggalo (Jgalo); 0989-2716-4846
AIM: RainWarrior07; MSN: Dark_Midnight2001@hotmail.com; Offline Player
Secondaries: Lucas, Diddy, R.O.B.

British Columbia, Surrey
1. Sesshomuronay (Malus); 1762-2388-9943
Aim: Sesshomurony; MSN: Jawoodm@hotmail.com
Secondaries: Ike, Pokemon trainer

2. ArcPoint (Locke); 4983-4820-3083
AIM: VerticalPun; Online player
Secondaries: Marth.

The format is as follows:

Region; State, City
Forum name (brawl name); XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
IM contact info; Online/Offline Player
Secondaries: Char. Name, Char. Name, etc.

(Information beyond this point is for clarification only; it can get TL;DR for those who only wish to put their name on the list)

Here’s an example using my own information:

Northwest; WA, Seattle area
anomalous (Wii): 3394-3213-0113
AIM: anamylous; Online Player;
Secondaries: Lucario, Zelda, Lucas, ROB, Marth

The regions are as follows (taken straight from the WifiWars chat bot):
UnitedKingdom (unitedkingdom, uk), East (east, e), AsiaPacific (asiapacific, asiapac, asia), SouthEast (southeast, se), Mid-West (midwest, mid-west, mid, midw, mw), Europe (europe, euro, eu), South (south, s), NorthEast (northeast, ne), West (west, w), North (north, n), NorthWest (northwest, nw), SouthWest (southwest, sw)

The X’s are your friend code.

"IM contact info" is your AIM, MSN, Yahoo messenger or whatever.

The “Online/Offline Player” status is whether you see yourself better online or offline. Personally, I see most people putting “Online” since, while clubs and get-togethers and whatever exist, most smash players do not have or take time to travel to places to play the game. But the status does exist for those who want to distinguish themselves as offline tourneygoers or whatnot, or for those who want to say that they're willing to travel to play.

Secondaries are the characters you play besides Wolf that you feel you are competent with, but do not main (unless you do main them; in that case, I suppose you can replace the “Secondaries:” tag with “Other Mains:” or something).

You can choose to leave out whatever information you want. The only information that’s really required is your forum name (otherwise, I have nothing to put up). I myself am going to be looking at this list in particular for the IM information, since I want to play good players, or people who claim to be good (I’m obviously talking about online). Also, if you noticed, the name is a link to the person's forum profile page. Unless you tell me not to, I will try to do this for everyone.

I have my own objectives with this; I want to make visible the more recognized and skilled Wolf players on the board. I want to distinguish between teachers (people who teach the principles and nuances of Wolf as a character) and practitioners (people who are skilled at using Wolf). While these are not mutually exclusive, the major difference is that teachers are not necessarily good at using Wolf and practitioners are not necessarily good at teaching.

I want people in this thread to play each other. That doesn’t mean you have to, but in my opinion, it would be nice if you do. I think the list has more contextual meaning if people can assign some sort of value to the people in it. Yes, that means that some people are going to be able to look at the list similarly to a “ranked” list; these people are likely to be people with a lot of experience playing the players in the list. No, that does not mean I’m going to rearrange the list according to some rank. I do think, however, that this information is important, and my next objective highlights why.

I want to develop Wolf’s metagame. This is obviously a harder goal to accomplish, but with certain conditions, it can, to some degree, be done. Obviously, the likelihood of people posting in this thread and forum being Wolf mains is very high; having information on wolf dittos does not develop the metagame. That doesn’t mean, however, that even in those matches, information about Wolf’s overall abilities can’t be obtained. Simply put, the more people play Wolf, the clearer his capabilities become. I also do not expect that people will exclusively play Wolf; if I’m playing someone on the boards and I feel that me playing Wolf is clearly disadvantageous (especially if it’s a wolf ditto), I will very likely switch characters.

Names will be organized by region, then by state, then by city/area; the list is intended to look like the Brawl Marth Finder with extensive information. I don’t expect this list to be as long as the Marth one, but whatever. It’ll be useful to know.

Thanks so far for everyone's participation. The list will go up top so not everyone has to read this every time they want to put their name on it.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Count me in man. Very nice. I read your entire post. Hopefully I can be of help to you.

Southwest; New Mexico, Albuqerque
Kashakunaki (Kash); 0731-4416-9133
PyroStorm Sozoku; Offline Player
Secondaries: Olimar


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
West Coast; California, Dead center of NorCal.
ArcPoint (Locke); 4983-4820-3083
AIM; VerticalPun
Online player (Haven't had much experience in-person, but I have a great internet if that counts for anything xD)
Secondaries: Marth.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Thanks so far for the participation, and that's said in earnest.

I'm having a bit of trouble with the organization structure. People in different countries (like Sesshomuronay) brings a fourth organization criteria aside from region, state, and city, so I need to, I dunno, add some colors, put some underlines or bolding or whatever. If there are other concerns about the list, please inform me; I want the list to be as accessible as possible (one thing I'm thinking about changing is doing some sort of highlight for the names so that people who just want a name count, look for a specific name in the list, or for any other purpose, can quickly find the names.

The numbers next to the player now link to the post in the thread, so if you're interested in a particular player in the list, you can look at some information in the post not included in the list for formatting, shortening, or other reasons.
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