He should be a half-clone,like Luigi
B-charge up rifle
Smash B-Like Falco and Fox's,but slower,stronger,and different animation
Recover B-Like Falco and Fox's,but stronger,and a little shorter than Fox's
A-a puch
Smash A-a strong Kick
Down A-breakdance spin(resembles Luigi's)
Light Up A-slashes air with bowey knife
Light down A-kicks at enemy feet
Crouch A-slashes at feet with a bowey knife
Up A-flip kicks into the air
Down B-a knife flourish that reflects projectile when timed right,and counters physicals
Dash-skids forrward and slash with knife
Backward A-Like Falco's
Down A-like Falco's but looks like Sheik's
Up A-flips and kicks 1
Forward A-Like Falco's but stronger
Up-throws enemy in air and slashes with knife
Forward-puches enemy forward
Backward-puts enemy behind him then kicks
Down-throws enemy on ground then stomps them