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***Wolf’s shine: The Repulsor (A more indepth guide)***

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
First of all, Repulsor should be it’s name, it’s too good. But anyway I realise there is already a topic on this, but this sort of collaborates all the info in it and some of my own personal touches. Anyway, on with the show…

For me, Wolf’s Repulsor is going to get more and more important as the game develops. I won’t go as far as to say it’s going to be like Melee Fox’s, but it will be indispensable. But it’s uses are very different.

Wolf as far as I am aware is the only character who can call on invincibility frames at any time, minus obvious spotdodge, roll and airdodge. So that’s a big deal in itself. Wolf's reflector has a number of frames where your character counts as dodging and cannot take damage. It's a small window from when you push the button, to when damage is dealt (1-8 for invincibility, hitbox comes out on 9). Know what this means? Wolf’s Repulsor is basically the ultimate counter. It is the definition of C-C-C-Combo Breaker in this game. Screw Marth, Ike and Lucario, the lag on there’s means they can’t just throw it out without much fear of reprisal. Here’s just a few uses:

-Stop Juggles
-Approach, SH’d, The Repulsor can lead into just about anything, my favourite being D Smash, but AAA and D Tilt are guaranteed combo’s (dun exizt lulz)
-Anytime you’re going to get hit on the ground, just don’t use it against multi hitters like say MK’s F Tilt or Dancing Blade.
-****ing your opponent off. Really, this move annoys people if you keep throwing it out and annoyed people make mistakes.
- Reflecting projectiles ( XP, O and btw projectiles go back at double speed I think)
- General spacing
- Alternating between it and airdodges to make you unpredictable when trying to get down to the ground, this way people can’t just anticipate an airdodge.

Basically, I use Repulsor around about 5 times per stock (Although that may be overkill). But when I see Lucien or Germ play, you’re lucky if you see two in a match. Really, this move is hugely underused.
And here’s a few characters the Repulsor works particularly well with with:

Diddy: This move destroys Diddy, a character who relies on momentum, because without bannana’s he can’t do much to you and making them your own with one frame’s notice gives him a lot of trouble.
Jigglypuff, Sonic, CF: Low priority + Repulser = Can’t touch this!
Lucas, ROB, Samus: Camping games are ousted.
Wario: Low range + Repulser = Can’t touch this!

Keep in mind the Repulser helps in all matches, just some more then others, i.e. against MK it’s not usually the best option.

Well, I’ll be editing this over time, so let me know if there’s anything you want adding :)

-Chainshining is basically debunked. I’ve tested it out numerous times, and it can be easily shield grabbed
- Airdodge, Shield and Spotdodge are often a better option, don’t make Repulser predictable by spamming.
- Wolf was initially not going to be allowed in the game as his Down B was a blast of pure awesome which automatically three stocked your opponent, but they toned it down to make it fair.

Happy Repulsing!


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
dear lord i hate the name repulsor. no offense to you, it just takes too long to say and something about it... repulses me... xP

anyway, otherwise, i pretty much agree with everything you said, but most of it is either common knowledge or pointed out in either The Essence of Wolf or kosk's reflector guide, sooo...

Mr. Spam & Death

Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
olimar's V b the whistle gives him invincibility frames on command, its referred to as whistle armor, wolf is not alone...... but it doesnt do damage back =[

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
Olimar's Down B gives super armor frames, meaning he takes damage but with no knockback. Invincibility frames is no damage and no knockback (i.e. better)


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
The reflector is great and this thread is pretty much common knowledge/already been done. Repulsor sounds lame in my opinion. The guide is good but its pretty much the same as the other one.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Reflector, which is its name not so random crappy word, is not as great as everyone makes it out to be.

Its uses are extremely limited against anyone who has more than half a brain.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Shine can get MK out of Dsmashes, Shuttle Loops, and Tornados.
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