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"Winds, Heed Me!" - The Merric Thread


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Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208


Winds, heed me!


Welcome to the Merric Support Thread! Feel free to look around.

Who is Merric?
Merric made his debut in 1990 in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light for the Famicom, the first entry in the Fire Emblem series. This game starred Marth, who built up an army to wrest the kingdom of Altea back from Dohlr and its allies, as well as his first battle with the titular Shadow Dragon, Medeus. In this game, Merric is Marth's childhood friend who left Altea prior to its usurping to study magic in the city state of Khadein, which is basically Hogwarts but in the desert. After Khadein falls under the control of Dohlr, Merric joins Marth on his quest to save the continent of Archanea. He cares deeply about Marth, as well as Marth's sister, Elice, who Merric eventually settles down with.

Merric also appears in the game's sequel, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, as well as these two games' remakes, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. He's also notable for being the first Mage you are able to recruit in the first game, making him the first Mage the player got to control in the entire franchise. As well, Merric has a signature weapon, the legendary wind tome Excalibur. This tome, in addition to having a high critical hit ratio, also does boosted damage against flying enemies such as Pegasus Knights and Dracoknights, making Merric a valuable ally on the battlefield (particularly when facing Macedon's Dragoons).

Merric later went on to make appearances in Fire Emblem Awakening, as an Einherjar alongside many other legacy characters, and in Fire Emblem Heroes as a summonable unit, having been in the game since it launched. He also has several cards in the Fire Emblem trading card game, Fire Emblem Cipher.

What are his chances?
Who cares?

Fair enough! What can Merric bring to Smash?
Merric would be the first Fire Emblem character in Smash to not use a sword whatsoever, being a purely tome-based fighter. As Merric's known as the Wind Mage and wields Excalibur, in Smash he would be an anti-air focused character, specializing in taking out aerial foes, but being a glass cannon who doesn't fight well up close.

Normal Attacks:
Jab: A gust of wind comes from slightly in front of Merric, pushing foes toward him. Another gust pushes foes slightly away from Merric. These can be chained for a bit, until the knock back forces foes away. All the while Merric moves his hands in a back and forth twirling or stirring motion.

Dash Attack: Merric clutches Excalibur to his chest as he lunges forward with one hand outstretched, sending a blast of wind toward the ground in front of him. Visually and mechanically similar to Little Mac's dash attack.

Forward Tilt: Merric sweeps his arm out in front of him as a small slice of compressed wind shoots out in front of him. A multi hit move that travels about half the width of a Battlefield platform.

Up Tilt: Merric lifts his arm quickly in a scooping motion as a razor wind travels from in front of him, to above him, to slightly behind him. This move mimics Marth's Up Tilt almost exactly, due to fitting in with Merric's anti-air theme and referencing his and Marth's friendship.

Down Tilt: Taking out an Elfire tome, Merric crouches. He then snaps his finger and a small ember appears on the ground a small distance in front of him, burning whatever foe he hits.

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Merric creates a wall of razor wind in front of him. He then extends his arm and points, sending the wall of wind crashing into the foe. The wall travels the width of a Battlefield platform and drags the foe with it, not unlike Greninja's Water Shuriken with far less distance. However, there exists a momentary delay on the move before the wall begins to move. Walking into the unmoving wind wall causes no damage, so Merric must be careful of foes approaching quickly.

Up Smash: Merric summons a massive cyclone above him, which includes a suction effect. Foes are rapidly hit with multiple attacks from the cyclone before they are tossed from it. Foes are launched horizontally, similar to Jigglypuff's down smash.

Down Smash: Merric moves his hand in a small circle while holding an Elfire tome. The ground immediately around him flashes with red before erupting in two columns of fire.

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral Aerial: A gust of wind twirls around Merric's body as a multi-hit move, not dissimilar to Mewtwo's or Pikachu's neutral aerial.

Forward Aerial: Merric extends an arm, performing a motion similar to Robin's forward aerial, and launches a small blast of wind a small distance.

Back Aerial: Merric turns around and holds his Excalibur tome open with both hands as a green blast of wind erupts from it. Its range is short, but the move is very potent.

Up Aerial: Merric lifts his hand and launches two rising wind blasts which carry foes slightly upwards.

Down Aerial: Merric shoots a massive crescent of wind downward. If an opponent is hit by the center of the crescent, they are meteor smashed.

Pummel and Throws:

Pummel: Merric grabs the foe as wind magic pulses into them with each pummel.

Forward Throw: Merric hurls a chilling wind using his Blizzard tome, launching foes forward.

Back Throw: Merric tosses the foe back and blasts them with his Shaver tome.

Up Throw: Merric tosses the foe up and bombards them with three razor wind blasts from Excalibur.

Down Throw: Merric launches a fireball at the grounded opponent, causing a ground bounce.

Special Attacks:

Neutral Special: Excalibur - Merric holds his palm face down over the cover of his tome as it pulses with a green glow. After releasing the button, Merric launches a speedy and aimable razor wind blast. Like Pit's neutral special, this move can have its course adjusted as it flies. This move doesn't do a whole lot of damage or knockback, even when fully charged...against grounded opponents. If the opponent is in the air, however, the damage output gets increased significantly and the knockback is greatly expanded, making this a terrifically versatile anti-air projectile.

Side Special: Swarm - Merric takes out a siege tome, Swarm. When the button is held, a small dark energy orb appears about one Battlefield platform's distance away from Merric. By holding down the button and moving the stick, similar to Greninja's Shadow Sneak, you can move the orb further outward, upward to 80% of the length of Final Destination. However, you may not move it closer to Merric than its starting position and Merric cannot move while preparing this attack. When the move is released, a swarm of dark energy bombards any foe trapped in the blast radius in a high-damage, multi-hit move that does more damage the further away the foe is. Because the move isn't restricted to the stage itself, you can also hit foes off stage, so long as they are directly in Merric's line of sight, in an attempt to ruin their recovery. This move shouldn't be used in Free For Alls, however, as Merric is a sitting duck while using it.

Up Special: Cutting Gale - Merric uses a Cutting Gale tome to launch himself upward. This move doesn't cause any damage, but covers a great deal of vertical distance, compensating for Merric's low jumps. As well, as Merric ascends, he gets a wind box around him, pushing away foes that stray too close.

Down Special: Blizzard - Merric stands in place and takes out a Blizzard tome, pointing his hand diagonally downward toward the ground. While holding the move, he can move the control stick both in front of and behind himself, shooting an icy wind blast toward the ground and freezing it. Merric can only have a total amount of ground equivalent to one Battlefield platform frozen at a time. The frozen ground becomes slippery, making foes that step on it likely to trip, allowing for Merric to either counterattack or escape, or forcing them to make an aerial approach. The ground will thaw after a period of time, however. In the air, this move just acts as a chilling wind attack that's launched diagonally downward and doesn't cover a very large distance.

Final Smash: Starlight - In a cinematic Final Smash, Merric traps all foes in range in a magical bind. The background turns into a star-filled void as Merric unleashes a celestial explosion from the Starlight tome, yelling "Divine Starlight, lend me your aid!" and causing massive damage and knockback.

Up Taunt: Merric raises his hand, palm upward, as a small ball of wind forms in his hand.

Side Taunt: Merric begins reading through his tome, lightly chuckling to himself.

Down Taunt: Wind billows around Merric as Excalibur's pages turn and his hood rises up, while saying "Winds, heed me!"

Victory Animations:

Victory 1: Merric tucks Excalibur away into his robe and takes a bow.
Victory 2: Merric descends to the ground, surrounded by powerful gusts of wind and says, "It's been a pleasure."
Victory 3: Merric, with Excalibur drawn and open, says "The magic I've learned must protect everyone."

Victory vs Marth: Victory 3, except the voice line changes to "Don't worry, Marth. I'm sure Elice will be able to patch you up."

Kirby Hat: Kirby gets Merric's hair, hood, and Excalibur tome.

Alternate Costume: His white bishop robes from Mystery of the Emblem.

Snake's back! Make a Codec conversation!
If you insist.

Snake: Hey Otacon, this guy's dressed up like a wizard. Is there a convention being held around here or something?

Otacon: That's Merric, Snake. He's one of Marth's friends, and the magic he learned at Khadein is very real. His magic tome, Excalibur, gives him full control over the wind itself. I'd steer clear of the air if I were you.

Snake: Wait a minute, isn't Excalibur a sword? Why is it a book? Surely the paper cuts can't be that bad.

Otacon: Very funny, Snake. But the razor winds he wields are just as sharp as any sword. Merric isn't good at fighting up close, so try to get the drop on him.

Snake: Get behind the curtain and the wizard falls. Got it.

Support List:
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Despite being that guy I get way too many of, and I mean way too many, in Heroes, he gets my support. I'm all about getting non-sword FE characters and an OG spellcaster would make a fun fighter.

Deleted member


I am not really into him that much despite playing FEH but add me in the support list anyways because I do not care anymore.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I know Based Rinde would support him despite everything, so Im doing the same.

Also I haven't pulled one in a month despite I've been sniping greens.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Dammit! Another Fire Emblem character! Well, my criteria for a character is as long as they originate from a video game, they're eligible. I know it's a pretty low standard, but look at Cloud and Ryu! To my knowledge Final Fantasy only appeared on 1 Nintendo platform. That was the NES (I think). And the only Nintendo platform Street Fighter ever touched was the 3DS! I support!


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Actually, Street Fighter has been on Nintendo consoles, starting with Street Fighter II on SNES.
Well, I didn't know that. I only knew that because I've played Super Street Fighter IV on my 3DS. That was the only Street Fighter game I ever played.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Not gonna lie, the main reason I hope the "Soren is a Robin echo" rumor isn't true is because it means Merric would be robbed of his rightful place.



Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Car pulls up


Deleted member

Merric sucks ass in FEH, his art is bad and I hate his pity rate-breaking guts but I want more mage fighters and I want more FE characters so I sign up for salt.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Merric sucks *** in FEH, his art is bad and I hate his pity rate-breaking guts but I want more mage fighters and I want more FE characters so I sign up for salt.
People keep saying that about his FEH art and I legitimately don't see what's wrong with it haha. It's not anything like Eliwood or Athena's eyes, or Lloyd's entire face.

Deleted member

No one with a weapon called Excalibur could be a bad person, right?
>Iago uses the Excalibur Tome in Fates
No one.
People keep saying that about his FEH art and I legitimately don't see what's wrong with it haha. It's not anything like Eliwood or Athena's eyes, or Lloyd's entire face.
Ironically, I don't see a problem with Eliwood or Athena's art. For Merric, I just don't like his facial expression and the artstyle is just too simplistic for my tastes.


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Aug 10, 2011
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Okay guys, it's about time we start our DLC campaign.

The Merricocracy will rise, friends.


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Aug 10, 2011
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Reaction if Merric was the next reveal?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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I only need one more Merric to get him to 5*+10 in Heroes. Almost there. Figured I'd tell the thread.

Also as a reminder, Merric's day is coming up in about a week in Rate Their Chances. Make sure to give our friendly neighborhood Wind Mage a high Want score, everyone! I'm still in the process of drafting my post for that day. Hoping to gain some more supporters that way.

As well, I finished playing through New Mystery this week. Needless to say Merric was one of the MVPs and one-shotted Gharnef with a critical hit from Starlight.

Anywho, a question for other Merric fans: any specials lines you would want Merric to have while facing Marth, considering they know each other and are good friends?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Support. I'd also hope he could get some other Mages from the series as alts; Luthier, Soren, and Annette could work if they were to go for the Hero route.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Merric got an alt of his younger self on the 30th anniversary banner! :D So happy he finally got an alt.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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SW 2859 6322 5208
I've updated the moveset because I've just become aware that the Cutting Gale spell in Heroes is actually the Shaver spell in Japan, so all mentions of Shaver in the moveset have been replaced with Cutting Gale so it matches the official translation.

So yes. Merric's up special is called Cutting Gale now.
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