If you don't understand then in logic you can't disargee which the topic is pichu better better than kirby. If so then you don't disargee but you haven't been argeeing the whole time more about disargeeing which how can you if don't understand what i,m saying so you are lucky, lieing, or trying random spam. Or maybe at random times I don't make any sence which is odd because It's not like i,ve been any kind of high when typing or thinking about this so why would I randomly change my logical reasoning of this or in typing.
I,m going to try to epic this thread to death.1,2,3...
understanding that kirby must get them off the stage for a kill at a decent for a kill right? pichu isn't AS limited he can kill off the top way easier than kirby with up-smash even if it isn't easy to land it's fairly fast and does have set-ups vs some people like up-throw, upair sometimes nair. some set ups are way better than none kirby can't get the up kills ANY easier than pichu due to lack of power and set-ups.
pichu=upwards kills
Don't get me wrong kirby has a good edge gaurd but in truth edge gaurd can't help you much in some matchs like kirby vs pikachu, pichu, jigglypuff, m2, and peach. It's really hard to edge gaurd them and it's WWWAAAYYYYY easier to up kill which you can't disargee with that. If you want to kill them non edge gaurd you have bair but to bad at the percent to kill you aren't combing at all, so you need to space that bair to get the kill which sucks to be predictable.
kirby may have edge gaurd but it isn't as amazing to be your only good way to kill
Both kirby and pichu are super light and easy knock around. pichu has a great recovery and anto edge gaurder tactics B and fair beat the knee and people waiting to F-smash. To recover you can use side-B, wall jump(saves you a up-B jump) and up-B(amazing no lag when landing, super flexible, small and fast target.). kirby can go a little farther when recovering if i,m not wrong but the flaw is it's really slow, predictable, you become a bigger target, the air speed and height stops it from being amazing and hard to gimp. just jump out and nair wait for kirby to come back slower and nair again. But he can fair in between jumps. Plus to just throw out there pichu isn't killed as eayly off the top.
recovery kirby=longer worse pichu=shorter safer
Approach neither have a great one but for SHFFLs pichu is the winner easily think of a falcon DDing around to knee you and a bowser who runs up fairing at you.(kirbys' fair isn't that good) falcon's SHFFL is faster to start off with added with the much better SH distance and the hard to predict movement keeps you geussing and if you try to approach you are more prone to miss and get kneed bowser SHFFL fair better range not that hard to predict when it's coming. when it's not but the different are both pichu and kirby are slower at SHFFLing(as in doing it and movement) and pichu isn't auto death and kirby is prone to being CCed and really isn't that good. knee fair knee fair which one will get you easier? the knee will unless mindgames are used or something. but pichu's nair leads to things sometimes and can switch up a little kirby's bair and fair isn't comboing or leading into things as easyly. BUT kirby has more range but easy to CC.
SHFFL approach
Keeping with the approach idea lets look at other ways to approach other than air attacks. kirby can space tilts and air side-B(maybe once or twice) or sometimes if your lucky laser them but your fighting fox or falco SSSOOOOO yeah your F***ed. Pichu with his great movement can at least full hop B which is pretty freakin sweet not laser good but good enough to let you follow up sometimes and B would be great for the uber pichu rapeist like marth, sheik, and etc. kirby lacks a way to projectile approach or keep them back.
other approach
juggling is pretty important for pichu kirby can't really juggle most dairs our range his upair anyways. pichu has to a few moves to juggle up-smash and up-throw are good to geet it started upair to out range most peoples dair and juggle them and down-B to add damage and rarly kill or create a mini wall for safely. Anti juggling pichu can down-B which is amazing vs foxes, you could up-B around them and juggle them, maybe B or dair and he has a good air dodge. kirby has his stone which is good to avoid juggleing but it predicted you gave them a grab or up-smash. I just feel it's important to say something fox likes to up-throw upair pichu and as an ice climber player nothing sucks more than getting juggled.
juggle tactics
evading is important for both kirby and pichu at times. kirby has the better duck easily but pichu can run away MUCH easier kirby can't run that fast nor does he have escape moves or moves to make them back off a little with like pichu. pichu can B them forcing them to sheild or something or take it and pichu can up-B away and he has great rolls.
grabs are important I will skip set-ups because pichu has a few set ups but poor range kirby has range. they both have a tech chase, pichu has 2 chain throws, a launcher unlike kirby up-throw leads to combos and juggles and stuff. kirby's throws are escapeable and are best used as SD tactics they can be escaped which is really really really bad. i hope you understand why I think pichu's grab game is better than kirby's
combos are impost right? kirby's best is up-tilt to another tilt or air attack sometimes an air hammer to tilt which is punishable sadly. uptilt isn't easy to pull off. Another flaw is kirby lacks combos at high percents which is uber impostant. kirby can't follow some things due to his poor movement speed. Pichu can combo with his throws with have set ups which could be used for a different move if needed. pichu can combo most people in the game with nair to nair or tilt. upair=juggle, combos, or grab. pichu can also use uptilt and in rare cases other moves. an added bouns is the fact pichu has more kill moves that can sometimes be comboed into. unlike kirby sorry kirby has uptilt what esle that I haven't said? and I believe bair to bair has to be Died into.
few other things I feel should be said but I don't know where is best are the following
pichu has no bad stages
pichu is chain throw bait even if he can chain throw them a little and sets don't always work really good for pichu
both can be comboed pretty hard for their wieght
pichu has the best sheild ratio in the game so no sheild stabs pichu isn't nearly as easy to CC and camp as kirby due to SH air speed and overall speed
kirby SD tactics and they are bad on some stages like FoD, mute city, jungle japes and sometimes the throws can be recovered from.
Pichu up-B movemnt tactics have been bought up making him better on platform and on the edge when getting back on.
F-smash is Diable but really good when missed or timed for edge gaurd.
UP-B has many good effects on the battle a long with stage tricks
head explosion
also socrates believes the truth is in all
oh yeah ****