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Why Pichu Is Most Likely Going to Leave

Sure Dave

Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2006
NOTE: This thread is not meant to flame Pichu, Pichu users, Pichu lovers, or anytype of people associated with Pichu in any way. This thread is merely stating facts.

Point 1: He's a poor character

First of all, we all know that Pichu is arguabely the worst character in SSBM, it's between him and Mewtwo. Pichu was basically a weaker version of his older form, Pikachu. His sweet spots for his attacks were small and most of his attacks applied damage directly to himself. Most of his attacks had low knock-back and he couldn't get kills easiely.

Point 2: Low fanbase

He has an incrediably low fanbase within the casual scene and the competitive seen. Most of Pichu players just to use him to feel at a handy-cap. It wouldn't matter if he was kicked out because they could just use the worst character in SSBB for a handy-cap. Sure there are some people that use Pichu and love him but you have to think more about the people that want him out. Some people say it wouldn't be fair to take him out for those Pichu users but it wouldn't be fair for those who don't play Pichu to wait for the devolpers to recreate Pichu's moveset when he's basically Pikachu. Which brings me to...

Point 3: He's basically Pikachu

I don't get this one. Why would someone want a pre-evolution form or any different type of form of the same Pokemon? Why don't we just put Igglybuff and Mewtwo in then? I don't see the point of having a character that basically is the same as Pikachu. It's like Doctor Mario, all that's different is a Dr. Headband and different color suits.


Why does he need to represent baby Pokemon? I honestly don't see the point of this. Then wouldn't we have to honor 2nd stage Pokemon and 3rd stage Pokemon? Oh wait but we're not representing the different regions so lets throw in Zigzagoon to represent Normal pokemon and Ruby/Sapphire region at the same time! He can also represent Racoon like Pokemon! Also furry Pokemon! Wait but we forgot the new type of Pokemon! Lets throw in Lucario! But wait? All the other Pokemon will feel left out right just like the Pichu fan boys/girls will! So throw in every single pokemon known to man and then make the game be able to update with WiiConnect24 to obtain more Pokemon! YES! GREAT IDEA! BUT WAIT! Lets throw in Ash and Misty to represent trainers. You know what? Lets just throw in the creator to represent the whole Pokemon Series! YES!! SUCCESSSS!!!!1

What I'm trying to say is, we don't need to represent Baby Pokemon >_<;;;.

Point 5: Characters have to go. Sakurai said it himself

It's inevitible guys. Devoplers aren't going to keep characters with low fan base in and completely redo the character's movesets to pleasure those that want them in. It would way too much time.


Well he's not the EXACT same character but they're extremely close except the fact that Pikachu is superior to Pichu in almost every way. The characters are even played the same, using combos and hit and run strategies.

That is all . Do you think he'd gonna stay? Discuss.


Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2006
Granada Hills, California
Pichu is weak. That's why is height and evadeness makes up for it. He's a clone of Pikachu, so what? So is half the people in SSBM. He has a low fan base because everyone is like "He does damage to himself, he sucks"

If you know how to use him/her then you don't think Pichu should be kicked. Same as G&W. People hate him because he's weak. If you know how to use him then your not saying those things.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Pichu is weak. That's why is height and evadeness makes up for it. He's a clone of Pikachu, so what? So is half the people in SSBM. He has a low fan base because everyone is like "He does damage to himself, he sucks"

If you know how to use him/her then you don't think Pichu should be kicked. Same as G&W. People hate him because he's weak. If you know how to use him then your not saying those things.
G&W is a unique character.Pichu is a clone Pika that damages himself,who is super light weight,and cannot inflict that much damage.Practically a joke character.

whether you can use a character well or not,that doesn't excuse the fact that he is a crap character.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Yeah... pichu doesn't have a low fan base, just thought I'd throw that out there. He's the only non legendary pokemon with a move title under it's belt. and it's own game, he's just as popular as pikachu if not more so. Even still he plays big roles in pokemon games and every so often in the serise. So low fan base can be dropped as an argument...
And even if that was the case... game and watch made it in and virtually no one knew about him, marth and roy, characters america knew nothing about have also made it big in smash so again, the validity of that perticular argument isn't that great.

As far as the "He's a bad character" deal, that was the intention from the begining. If the development team was concerned with putting weak characters in they wouldn't have introduced pichu in the first place.
And if they changed there mind and decided every character had to be on par and exactly the same changing pichu to be that way wouldn't be all that difficult.

Simply because a charcter is a clone doesn't mean they should be instantly dismissed, gannondorf and falco are both very popular and characters no one really expects to leave. In fact I think it'll be characters without clones that will most likely not be seen in brawl, Like Ness, M2, and GaW for example. But the fact is no one realy knows for sure who will go and who will stay, and the reasons we create aren't at all concreate enough to really be taken seriously as reason to why a character can't return. Anything is possible for the next game.
Yes, some characters will go but tons will stay. And as of right now none of us know who's going to make the final roster.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
^ Pichu is not tho only nonlegendary with a movie. "Mew and the Wave Guiding Hero, Lucario."

I also disagree that any character with original gameplay should be dropped. Say what you will about Mewtwo, but his reach, floatieness and manuverability in air make him play much different than any other character. (Really, mewtwo needs WEIGHT, not speed or power.)

Same goes for any other character. I play Pichu, and he is much easier for me to play than pikachu, but I still say drop him because we don't need two electric pokemon. Add a fire, a water, a fighting type. just no electric.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Well I'm wrong on the name thing, but my point is pichu is still a very popular character.
I was also saying I thought that even though M2 is a unique character that he may not be in brawl. He is probably one of the most unquie characters and I like him a lot.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
glad you asked...
Back when brawl was in it's early development stages pokemon was getting even bigger. Pokemon: the frist movie's success was still ringing in nintendo's ears. In this movie mewtwo was the star, and he portrayed as an amazing fighter with cool abilities, he even has a smash sheild (heh I remember thinking that when I saw the movie) It also just happened that he'd fit into the game well since he like the rest of the cast was also humanoid in shape. (Thats more of a guess but yeah...)
right now mewtwo isn't very popular. If I'm not mistaken he or mew hasn't been in a pokemon game since (well unless you count the red and blue remakes). So inlight of the other, now more popular pokemon characters, it might not be a bad idea to just simply remove mewtwo. Also, in my mind Mewtwo and midna would play very similar the both float, both are psycic...y, having them both in he game would be (though very possible) too similar. But thats just me assuming there.
As time went on during deveopment the new generation of pokemon were brought in, and pichu sort of shoved into the mix (since as a clone he would A. represent the next generation and B. he'd be much easier to implement in late development and C. He's popular. (and yeah... I'm way off subject here but I already worte this so I'll keep it))

Anyway to sum up my points:
-Mewtwo would be taking the "rare pokemon" spotlight by being in the game when other much more popular pokemon could fill the spot.
-His play style may be to similar to midna (assuming she even makes it into the game, blah blah blah. Lets not start this argument here, lol)

I did some research and Mewtwo does actually make an appearence in the Johto and Honen serises as well as pokemon mystry dungeon. Big wrong on that one for me. But yeah... you guys get my point.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
People hate him JUST becuase he was programmed with low defence and some atttacks do unnoticable dmg to him????
Guys who want pichu out JUST BECUASE HE IS WEAK AND DOES DMG TO HIMSELF are noobs.anybody can pwn another person with fox,falco,marth,shiek but all that means is you are relying on a charactors stats rather then skills and combo's.a true expert uses low tier charactors!YOUR THE NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for other reasons he should be out I agree with.I love pichu personally but he just is not required.He has a big fan base in japan but if he isnt in it he wont be.f he is in it he will.THEY are the programmers


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
Point 1 olds no water, whilst I agree that Pichu will probably go, you can't use "he's a bad character in melee" as an excuse, that has nothing to dowtih it, that's just balance which will be changed for brawl.


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
Guys who want pichu out JUST BECUASE HE IS WEAK AND DOES DMG TO HIMSELF are noobs.anybody can pwn another person with fox,falco,marth,shiek but all that means is you are relying on a charactors stats rather then skills and combo's.a true expert uses low tier charactors!YOUR THE NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, Fox is tough to master, falco as hard, but harder than marth and shiek. Still it isn't easy to be REALLY good with any of these characters. I choose characters for one of the following reasons... 1. I like the character 2. I think they have cool moves 3. most importantly, whether or not i have fun with them. Now to say a true expert uses low tiers to play. There is a reason why those low tiers are... low tiers. They don't win tournaments as much. Saying that someone isn't an expert because they choose a higher tiered character that wins tournaments is dumb(not saying that lowers can't win). I wouldn't mind winning money with my character. The point is that chose a character you like, but don't insult the people that use "good" characters.

Back on track, when they are choosing the characters to be in Brawl they will probably be removing the characters that will cause the lesser conflict with smash fans... pichu is a very strong candidate for this.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
Sure Dave
Why don't we just put Igglybuff and Mewtwo in then?
Igglybuff has nothing to do with Mewtwo.

Sure Dave
It's like Doctor Mario, all that's different is a Dr. Headband and different color suits.
Which is like Ryu & Evil Ryu, Sub-Zero & Unmasked Sub-Zero, Smoke & Human Smoke, Raiden & MK1 Raiden, Kano & MK1 Kano, Kung Lao & MK2 Kung Lao, Jax & MK2 Jax, Jin & Devil Jin, Akuma & Shin Akuma, Wolverine & Boneclaw Wolverine.... You're right, why should SSB be able to do something that every fighting game in existance does?

Sure Dave

Why does he need to represent baby Pokemon? I honestly don't see the point of this. Then wouldn't we have to honor 2nd stage Pokemon and 3rd stage Pokemon? Oh wait but we're not representing the different regions so lets throw in Zigzagoon to represent Normal pokemon and Ruby/Sapphire region at the same time! He can also represent Racoon like Pokemon! Also furry Pokemon! Wait but we forgot the new type of Pokemon! Lets throw in Lucario! But wait? All the other Pokemon will feel left out right just like the Pichu fan boys/girls will! So throw in every single pokemon known to man and then make the game be able to update with WiiConnect24 to obtain more Pokemon! YES! GREAT IDEA! BUT WAIT! Lets throw in Ash and Misty to represent trainers. You know what? Lets just throw in the creator to represent the whole Pokemon Series! YES!! SUCCESSSS!!!!1

What I'm trying to say is, we don't need to represent Baby Pokemon >_<;;;.
You're right, if you add a baby pokemon all that other stuff automatically happens. Remember when it happened in Melee?

Sure Dave
Well he's not the EXACT same character but they're extremely close except the fact that Pikachu is superior to Pichu in almost every way.
That's not true, Pichu can wear goggles.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2006
Pichu, Dr. Mario, and Roy are on the chopping block merely because Sakurai might dislike them and no one cares for them.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2005
Lynchburg, Va
That's not true, Pichu can wear goggles.
Omfg, this man speaks the truth! Case closed. Anyways, I hope they keep Pichu, even though it's clearly looking grim. It'd be great if they kept all of them, and personally I don't see why it can't happen. They can't be tight on space or anything. Just lazy programmers, if you ask me. But it's obvious that everyone's not staying, so w/e. Read the sig. Keep the hope alive...


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
Omfg, this man speaks the truth! Case closed. Anyways, I hope they keep Pichu, even though it's clearly looking grim. It'd be great if they kept all of them, and personally I don't see why it can't happen. They can't be tight on space or anything. Just lazy programmers, if you ask me. But it's obvious that everyone's not staying, so w/e. Read the sig. Keep the hope alive...
LoL, the goggles. Maby pichu can get a cape. "Who is that in the sky a plane a bird no its an electric rat...hmmm let me think a minute."

Anyways I think pichu is more fun to play with than pikachu. Pikachu is just to slow I love how fast pichu is. Anyway I think he should stay.


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2006
The problem most people have with Pichu is the same problem most people have with any character they aren't good with. I, like most people, originally thought he sucked, but when you get to the level some of those master smashers are at he's much better than expected. He is difficult to use because he hurts himself with many of his moves, you just have to bide those attacks. I do think he is most likely to leave, but if he does, I'll miss him. I am better with Pichu than I am with Pikachu, and a number of other characters, he's fast, hard to hit, and very maneuverable(sp?).


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2006
First, I apologize for double posting
okay, Fox is tough to master, falco as hard, but harder than marth and shiek. Still it isn't easy to be REALLY good with any of these characters. I choose characters for one of the following reasons... 1. I like the character 2. I think they have cool moves 3. most importantly, whether or not i have fun with them. Now to say a true expert uses low tiers to play. There is a reason why those low tiers are... low tiers. They don't win tournaments as much. Saying that someone isn't an expert because they choose a higher tiered character that wins tournaments is dumb(not saying that lowers can't win). I wouldn't mind winning money with my character. The point is that chose a character you like, but don't insult the people that use "good" characters.

Back on track, when they are choosing the characters to be in Brawl they will probably be removing the characters that will cause the lesser conflict with smash fans... pichu is a very strong candidate for this.
What I've come to realize is that every last character in melee has the potential to be invincible, it is just a matter of taste. Basically what I'm saying is that I agree with you one hundred percent, in the end, no matter how awesome, melee is still just a game, and the point of a game is to have fun.

Pichu, Dr. Mario, and Roy are on the chopping block merely because Sakurai might dislike them and no one cares for them.
I like Roy T.T


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
the only characters i think should go are characters that noone would have wanted in the first place, ones that would have instantly been laughed at as a joke and then be forgotten. this is how i imagine pichu. if he wasnt in melee, would anyone be supporting him for brawl? besides, he is a different form of another character. all of those should also go. anyway, anyone who wants mewtwo to go is...... an idiot. he is popular in and out of melee. isnt he like the most popular uber pokemon in the game that everyone knows and wants? he is also extremely unique and awsome. he just needs a big boost and noone will think of getting rid of him.


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2006
this is just a rumor but from what i hear Pichu and Dr. Mario will still be in the game but not as real characters they will be hidden costumes Pikachu and Mario can wear


Smash Journeyman
Nov 30, 2006
I highly doubt that SSBB will have hidden costumes that a certain character can wear...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
Pichu's chances for appearing in brawl are slim. But Dr. Mario is as gd as dead
unless sakurai feels the need to represent that series *ahem*
LOL to the baby pokemon rant ^_^


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Woking, UK
Madd props? Speak properly man! You do realise that this thread is explaining why pichu WON'T be in brawl right? It's not supporting him.... You've got some crying on order for you.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Pichu is weak, dumb, uncool, hurts himself, a ripoff, a cheap addition, and holds a spot which could be better utilized by some other Pokemon.
The only character I won't let someone choose for me is Pichu.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Pichu is weak, dumb, uncool, hurts himself, a ripoff, a cheap addition, and holds a spot which could be better utilized by some other Pokemon.
The only character I won't let someone choose for me is Pichu.

ok pichu is likely to not come back yes. Because people dont know how to play with him so they dont like him. but you really dont make any valid points.

pichu is not weak, he may do low amounts of % but he is fast, has tons of moves that have high priority. and his moves dont have much lag time. he does have some very powerfull attacks like his forward smash. and he has a amazing recovery one of the best in the game.

as for uncool and dumb, thats why he probably is gonna get cut. Because people dont like him to much, but you cant say its because he is a bad character. I dont even play him much and i still own with him.

Its to bad that he is getting cut. but i really am tired of hearing people say he is a sucky character. Because there arnt really sucky characters. just sucky players. Look at Taj he plays m2 and rocks people with him. Chu dats pichu is rediculous. So i understand if you want pichu out because cannot use any of pichus advantages because you dont know how to play the game well


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I like playing as Pichu because whenever i beat my friends with Pichu, it makes them feel more embrassed. I hope pichu stays in SSBB because he's not the worst character.


Smash Cadet
Oct 29, 2006
I think it's about time Pichu left...

I am a Pokemon fan, and believe me, Pichu is very popular. But that's just the problem; Pichu is popular OUTSIDE of Smash Bros. but not INSIDE of it. No Pichu is not sucky, but he's really not that great either (and yes, I've seen the professionals with him, not bad I admit.) First of all, he's a clone, and too many people want clones to die. Secondly, when you look at people who are going to leave Brawl, the poeple who seem like they are leaving most are Dr. Mario, Roy, and Pichu.

Besides (as previously mentioned) I don't think there would be anyone supporting Pichu in Brawl if he was not from Melee, meaning that he probably should be in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2006
NOTE: This thread is not meant to flame Pichu, Pichu users, Pichu lovers, or anytype of people associated with Pichu in any way. This thread is merely stating facts.

Point 1: He's a poor character

First of all, we all know that Pichu is arguabely the worst character in SSBM, it's between him and Mewtwo. Pichu was basically a weaker version of his older form, Pikachu. His sweet spots for his attacks were small and most of his attacks applied damage directly to himself. Most of his attacks had low knock-back and he couldn't get kills easiely.

Point 2: Low fanbase

He has an incrediably low fanbase within the casual scene and the competitive seen. Most of Pichu players just to use him to feel at a handy-cap. It wouldn't matter if he was kicked out because they could just use the worst character in SSBB for a handy-cap. Sure there are some people that use Pichu and love him but you have to think more about the people that want him out. Some people say it wouldn't be fair to take him out for those Pichu users but it wouldn't be fair for those who don't play Pichu to wait for the devolpers to recreate Pichu's moveset when he's basically Pikachu. Which brings me to...

Point 3: He's basically Pikachu

I don't get this one. Why would someone want a pre-evolution form or any different type of form of the same Pokemon? Why don't we just put Igglybuff and Mewtwo in then? I don't see the point of having a character that basically is the same as Pikachu. It's like Doctor Mario, all that's different is a Dr. Headband and different color suits.


Why does he need to represent baby Pokemon? I honestly don't see the point of this. Then wouldn't we have to honor 2nd stage Pokemon and 3rd stage Pokemon? Oh wait but we're not representing the different regions so lets throw in Zigzagoon to represent Normal pokemon and Ruby/Sapphire region at the same time! He can also represent Racoon like Pokemon! Also furry Pokemon! Wait but we forgot the new type of Pokemon! Lets throw in Lucario! But wait? All the other Pokemon will feel left out right just like the Pichu fan boys/girls will! So throw in every single pokemon known to man and then make the game be able to update with WiiConnect24 to obtain more Pokemon! YES! GREAT IDEA! BUT WAIT! Lets throw in Ash and Misty to represent trainers. You know what? Lets just throw in the creator to represent the whole Pokemon Series! YES!! SUCCESSSS!!!!1

What I'm trying to say is, we don't need to represent Baby Pokemon >_<;;;.

Point 5: Characters have to go. Sakurai said it himself

It's inevitible guys. Devoplers aren't going to keep characters with low fan base in and completely redo the character's movesets to pleasure those that want them in. It would way too much time.


Well he's not the EXACT same character but they're extremely close except the fact that Pikachu is superior to Pichu in almost every way. The characters are even played the same, using combos and hit and run strategies.

That is all . Do you think he'd gonna stay? Discuss.

Ill have to correct you on most of this. most of pichu's moves do NOT hurt him, unlike you said. I collected data on this, and made a chart. Furthermore, all of his best moves except two (f smash, b) don't hurt him.

Never say pikachu is superior to pichu. Pichu is more agile, has a better f smash IMO, easier up smash to connect (has a hitbox behind him) They are not played completely the same. Pichu has the best taunts in the game.

Pichu can get kills fairly easily. He can zero death falco (no joke.) b throw off the edge > f tilt > thunderjolt > f smash (outporitizes his firebird, completely stops it. Edgehog isn't even needed.

Not all of this is facts like you said.

It disappoints me, a pichu player that he might not return.

It don't think anyone will care that I even wrote this, its sad.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
oh please, just switch to pikachu. pichu could easily become a costume. sure, pichu may have a few differences that people like because they like handicapping themselves, but pichu is a bad character in every way, he would have not been in brawl if the developers had more time to make unique characters.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2006
oh please, just switch to pikachu. pichu could easily become a costume. sure, pichu may have a few differences that people like because they like handicapping themselves, but pichu is a bad character in every way, he would have not been in brawl if the developers had more time to make unique characters.
I completely disagree. We can have a debate, or just read NGC's guide to pichu.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
I completely disagree. We can have a debate, or just read NGC's guide to pichu.
I agree with you pichu does control differently, and does feel diferent I just hope they make a good decision on who should leave and let it only be a few characters (1-2). I do play as pichu, but I don't main him or anything.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2006
Manchester, CT
Bottom line: Pichu is the cutest creature ev4r. I wish I could watch Pichu pr0n.

I tried picking him up til I realized I'd be better off picking up someone like Falco. Pichu isn't even fun enough. The costume with the sunglasses is the main reason I like him, but even the (d?)throw usmash combo isn't that good where with Pikachu it's nasty. I don't know if any of his attacks are supperior to Pikachu's, but I don't believe his knockback is. Even knowing how to use him right, there's little point to his existance in Melee. The sheer fact that the creator doesn't want clones may alone mean Pichu's gone.

Pichu has nothing coming out to represent anyway. At least Mewtwo and JPuff either had something to advertise (that Mewtwo movie? Was that around the same time?) or a cool moveset with some decent Japan popularity (Rest, Rollout).

You could come up with millions of "reasons" as to why you don't think he's coming back. It just seems like common sense that he won't be.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I like Pichu, he's fun to use and it's hilarious when you beat a Fox/Marth user with him and see the expressions on their faces. I wish they weren't removing any characters, but Pichu seems very likely.

Goodbye Pichu, I'll miss you :crying:


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
oh please, just switch to pikachu. pichu could easily become a costume. sure, pichu may have a few differences that people like because they like handicapping themselves, but pichu is a bad character in every way, he would have not been in brawl if the developers had more time to make unique characters.
ooh really? why is he a bad character in every way?
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