: When I was around 8 years old, I found the game Earthbound by accident and played it. On that time, my psychological life was... kinda lost, I didn't know a lot about things and stuff and I felt confused... But that game changed my entire way of seeing life. I can't really express that with ease, but Earthbound is what made me who I am now, and I'm so glad about that... I main Ness because I want to represent Earthbound, to show to everyone how a young boy can do everything if he puts enough effort. His gameplay goes along with me perfectly, and I won't change him for any character anytime. I just love him.

: Mega Man was my favorite franchise of all time back then. It might not be now anymore because of more emotionally powerful game (See above), but it's still my childhood. I played the crap out of the X Collection series, and then the Classic series, and then BN, and then Zero and so on. His gameplay feels so unique and polished, I love how jab are lemons, how he uses his powers in ways he would do in the games. I will fight with Mega Man, for ever lasting victory.

: My main character to use on Doubles. Because my teammate uses this guy

. I loved Kid Icarus Uprising and I already liked Pit in Brawl and PM, but with the so awesome personality they gave him in Uprising, I could relate waaaaaaay more, and at the same time, mi teammate it's quite the DP (Me being the annoyingly cheerful and he being the dark and gloom). He just fits me so well as a representation of my personality overall.
I would post the others, but I feel like that would be too much
PS: Also

. The greatest character ever right there.