I'm just going to throw this out there before anyone makes a post here. Whether or not this thread is on the top again no longer matters to me. It says a lot about the Light House SubForum when a thread about a topic hardly discussed anymore has managed to stay in the top five most recently posted on threads consistently for two weeks with just 43 comments. Hardly anyone is going to see this and even less are going to acknowledge it as legitimate.
When someone agrees with the OP on one of his posts, the OP backs him up, but if you make a post here that goes against the his views and is somewhat constructive, he will not mention it at all but just simply ignore it and press on as if it wasn't there. As you can imagine, that rules out at least 60% of everything being said here. The only comments that the OP sees as legitimate are the ones that support his views and the opposition comments that have no real structure behind them. This is shown many times in the two threads posted in General Discussions that gained traction before either being locked or lost in the sea of abandoned threads. I can guarantee you if you read through
both of
them, you will find at least five instances. More notably, however, it has been shown multiple times in this one.
- I make
a comment fighting for the side of the argument I am on. It addresses
this comment he made for the umpteenth time, and the
next response that comes from him looks like a slightly reworded copy paste of his previous one. No mention of anything anyone said between.
- Guess what. He did the exact same thing I just talked about above this bullet point
a second time.
Anyways, his blatant ignorance for opposition has shined across every thread he has created and posted at least one other time in whether or not it is a thread regarding online. The topic of online isn't inherently flawed, although it is now pointless to discuss given Nintendo has made their decision and they seem to be sticking by it. It's the person who wants to talk about it. He doesn't want conversation to grow. He wants it to die so he and others who agree with him can be the only voice in the topic.
Please, let this thread rest in peace.