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Why did you choose Meta Knight over others, and who did you main in Melee?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2006
i like meta because of his pure awsomeness... besides that i dont know
i used to be a fox mainer

Crazy Cloud

Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
I mained Sheik and Jiggs in Melee.

In brawl, MK seems like a combination of the two. Sheik's speed and Jiggs' Aerial game. I still use Jiggs just as much as MK, but I've dropped Sheik 'til I can figure out Zelda's moveset a little better.

I love MK's recovery from being knocked off the edge. The only way to kill him is to actually knock him off the screen, otherwise, 9 times out of 10 he's coming back. He's fast, has great priority. I've just gotta figure out how to use his specials more (Bad habit I picked up from maining Sheik over the years, I've gotten use to only having one useful special). I've got his Up-B covered, but I can't really implement Mach-Tornado to it's fullest. Always fun to have a new character to use, that's for sure.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
Oviedo, FL
I chose meta knight long before the game came out, in fact I chose him when I saw him first in the E3 2006 video. In every smash bro game I main my favorite character

smash 64: pikachu
smash melee: shiek
smash brawl : meta knight


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2004
When I look at characters I tend to categorize them by speed, power, or balance, and for some reason I felt a lot more comfortable with a character that had pretty good speed, which is why my Main was Marth and my Secondary was Fox (Marth wasn't as fast as everyone else, but he had a good amount of speed, and his style ended up fitting me perfectly).

So, knowing how awesome Meta Knight Already was, I chose him to be my main in brawl. He has the kind of speed in his attacks that I had been used to back in Melee (When L-Canceling decreased time between attacks a good amount). Plus I mained Kirby in 64, so I was already used to getting in the extra jumps, but the glide option for Meta-Knight made him a pretty cool character to use as well. What almost turned me away from Using Meta Knight was the fact that all of his attacks set him into the 'Free-fall' State, but after using him for a while and figuring all of his B attacks, I Found ways to use them effectively in different situations (not all, but some).

My Secondaries in Brawl are now Marth and Sonic (Ultimate Speed! XD), but I hope to get better more with Marth than Sonic.


Smash Champion
Dec 26, 2006
Duryea, PA
I like meta knight because of the quickness of his attacks. He is fast enough to let me be even more ridiculously aggressive than I was in melee :). Plus, it didn't hurt that I am a huge kirby fan.

I mained peach in melee.


Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2007
Calgary, AB
Meta knight is incredibly fun to use. I like the quickness of his attacks and his great recovery. I mained Dr. Mario in melee (seems like i'm not the only one).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2008
New York
I chose Meta Knight because he looks like a badass, despite being just a ball with a mask and cape. I generally dislike the weaker, speedy characters, but Meta Knight is an exception. His attack style is insane.

Oh, and I mained Samus in Melee. *still grieving the nerfs*


Smash Rookie
Feb 11, 2008
I mained Samus in Melee too, so as soon as I played her in brawl, I knew I had to change. I played with Meta Knight once and I had my choice. His attacks are ridiculously fast, and I like how well he can keep people off the edge. I don't like how light he is though, so staying alive past 130-140 is a challenge.


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2008
Lincoln, NE
I mained Meta Knight because first of all, he's just a generally cool character, and second of all, his airgame is ridiculous. In the best possible way. All of his aerials have a use (although I don't find myself using bair much since it's essentially a marginally slower fair) and he's an edgeguarding machine.

In Melee I mained Marth. I know Marth got buffed and nerfed at the same time (in different aspects, obviously), but the buffs just don't compliment my old playstyle. So I played around with some other characters and played Toon Link for a while. But once I played with Meta Knight more extensively, I found I liked him more.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
I mained Samus in melee. I first saw meta knight on a preview of brawl on ign, and it said that he was a very strong character. Didn't really play smash competitively, just with friends casually occasionally playing a couple money matches but still never bothered to learn wavedashing, l-cancelling, or SHFFLing. But yeah, chose meta knight because of his overall combo ability and his mach tornado alone is a problem for many opponents.


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2008
He kinda chose me...

Well at first in Melee I was always getting worked over by my friends, I used mainly Fox.

But since Brawl came out, all my friends and I got the same start, which was cool.
At first I used Ike, then I went to Marth, then Toon Link, and it goes on forever...Finally I get to use Meta Knight...
Now I did not switch characters everyday, I was using each character for a decent ammount of time. I mainly used Ike on the Japanese Brawl because my friend ordered it and a JWii so we did not have to wait for the American ver. of the game to come out LOL.

So I was decent with all the other characters...But wow, when I used Metaknight, I was up there in one day, the first day I really used him I totalled! The next day I watched some Gimpyfish video's and the second day of playing I was like equal with a lot of my friends. And now it has been a while and I am finally competition for a lot of my friends that play the game.

So, I feel like I was suppose to use Meta Knight because he fits my fighting style in the game, which is really cool, I am glad I can really connect with a character in Brawl that much.

Anyone else go through kinda the same thing?



Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
what he means to say is, he's not competition for a lot of his friends that play, he OWNS a lot of friends now except for me (except on some matches >.<)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Inside a cardboard box
I chose Meta Knight simply because I am a huge Meta Knight fan. Ever since I played Kirby Super Star Meta Knight has been my favourite video game character. When I saw that he would be in brawl I knew I would be maining him. Now my two primary mains are MK and Kirby.

My melee mains were Ganondorf and Mr. Game & Watch.
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