I noticed an overwhelming amount of the responses here involve their reasoning boiling down to some extent of A.) they cover Ness' bad matchups, or B.) any number of tactical purposes.
While that's perhaps the most sound way of going about it from a competitive level and standpoint, I still find myself somewhat alarmed by how few stated their reasoning as simply being due to the actual love for the character and / or their respective series - as if the characters only matter to most players due to their potential - meaning that if they saw a nerf, they'd likely be abandoned like a bad habit. For the record, I mained Ness in Melee, where he's arguably one of the worst characters - I don't bandwagon, I don't 20XX, I don't use characters I have no attachment to. Good or bad, I'll never abandon them. I wish more people played with their favorites instead of what tops the meta. If I win, I win, if I lose, I lose; but regardless, I refuse to be THAT guy who picks a character just to win.
I have a handful of mains personally, but for the purpose of this thread, and because some people believe you should only have 1 main, I'll classify my other mains who aren't Ness (
as Ness is arguably my best, longest used throughout the series, and most cherished character overall)
, as secondaries. In these choices, you won't see your typical reasonings, and but instead small glimpses about myself. While I like the following almost equally to one another, they'll still be listed in order of most to least favorite.
Pit : Being a religious person, I always loved angels since I was a kid, and even collect little angel figurines and statues (
needless to say I had to get the Pit amiibo). Personally, I always thought it'd be cool if Pit could be my guardian angel - just imagine the commentary he'd provide and fun we'd have. Also, you really can't find a cooler angel than Pit, which easily cemented him into my roster. While I feel I perform the worst with him out of all of my mains who we're calling "secondaries" for this post, it doesn't stop me from using him often - one day, I'd like to do as good with him as I do with Ness.
Robin : I've loved the Tactical Turn-Based RPG genre above all other genres ever since SEGA's Shining Force series; Fire Emblem is no exception to the rule. Sadly, most of these games force a divide between magic users and other fighting classes. To finally see a "spellsword" (
one proficient with both magic and swords) in these kind of games, especially one who is both a main character and meant to personify the player, is both a very rare and welcomed sight from my experiences and perspective. I was not going to pass up the chance to represent such an under-appreciated and under-represented "job class" and type of character that I personally would love to see more of, who ended up arguably being my 2nd best.
Coming from a tactics series, I love how versatile his moves are, along with all the mindgames he's capable of performing when in the right hands. I just wish he wasn't so sluggish.
Mii (Swordfighter {3-2-1-1 Moveset}) : C'mon, who honestly doesn't want to play as themself? If my username doesn't give it away, I always loved knights and paladins as an RPG job class, especially paladins who fight for the greater good and the safety and well-being of others - let's not forget other things that don't apply to Smash such as their healing abilities and holy attributes - if only there could be a Mii Paladin, but I digress. Anyways, it's a natural fit for me, that's why I picked the Swordfighter class in particular for my Mii.
Lucas : I'm the rare breed of EarthBound / Mother fan who is still waiting for an official release of Mother 3 before playing it. The series is practically sacred to me, so I refuse to disrespect it and soil it with emulation. I keep telling myself that the wait will make it all the more worth it - which held true for when they finally released Mother 1 aka EarthBound Beginnings. However, because of that, I don't have any real bond with Lucas yet other than my overall love for the series, which is why, for now, he brings up the bottom of this list.