What do you guys think the best way to reach a top level is? I've currently been playing for like six months, I live in the same reason as JesiahTeg, and I'm trying to become good as fast as possible, I enjoy the challenge of learning something that's so complicated. Right now, when I'm practicing, I write myself a list of things that I want to be able to do perfectly, and I do them until I can do it ten times in a row without messing up. For example, right now I'm trying to find a thread on platform mechanics, so I can know for sure what the fastest way to drop through a platform consistently after a waveland is. When I get home, I'm going to practice doing that, and then I'm going to practice doing it with different waveland lengths and doing different aerials after I drop through the platform, or even just wavelanding on the ground. This way, I give myself the ability to do as many mixups as possible, and work on keeping my game smooth and fast, so that when I'm playing, I can just focus on picking apart my opponent, instead of worrying about messing up techskill. I would love your guys opinion on this though. What did you guys do to learn when you were beginners?