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Who do you think are the most hated entertainment companies?


Deleted member

Overall Votecount:
(3)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3, PopCulture
(18)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3, UberMario, MetroidFusion, Meta Ridley46, Colonel Cuddles, ru5514n, Mota, soju, Omnicron, roacherman, PopCulture, Johnwalt, Werekill, DarkSamus0, CaptainOlimar123
(9)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3, magnet20, UberMario, ZMan, finalark, Colonel Cuddles
(4)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3, roacherman, Serris
(3)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294, DarkSamus0
(3)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Meta Ridley46, Omnicron
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(6)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes, Vrael, UberMario, finalark, Lillith
(5)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3, magnet20, roacherman, UberMario, Mr.Freeman
(8)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan, magnet20, UberMario, ETWIST51294, soju, Mr.Freeman, Werekill, RetroAntonio
(2)Apple: Colonel Cuddles, Darkslash
(2)MTV: tko112, Mr.Freeman
(1)Aeropostale: Colonel Cuddles
(1)American Eagle: Colonel Cuddles
(1)TMZ: Peeze
(2)Fox: roacherman, Werekill
(1)Sony: Teran
(1)TLC: Colonel Cuddles
(6)4Kids: LRK20, Mr.Freeman, UberMario, finalark, Colonel Cuddles, Stinkoman Fan

Every day we get on the Internet, we are bound to see a hate comment or two on a company. Maybe Nintendo had a bad E3 conference. Maybe Disney stop decided to focus solely on Miley Cyrus. Maybe Youtube choose an horrible design. Whatever the cause, there is no deniding that these companies are highly hated by a well-represented group.

But this can apply to basically anything that is well known.

Now people will use this as an excuse for hating a company saying how awful they are and how they need to do this and do that. But we're not here to discuss your most hated company. We're here to come to an conclusion on who could be the most hated video game company. Give out reasons why you think they are so hated.

The only rules to this are:
1. You have to follow the forum rules
2. It has to be on companies that are still alive.
3. Try not to take this personally.

A recommendation to this is to list as many critically hated entertainment companies as possible. Also, if you want to list a company because they are critically hated but you like them, go ahead and do that.

You can also debate this with other people. Meanwhlie, I will keep vote count of this. There will be no deadline, so feel free to discuss this to your hearts content.

I'll make an example. This is my list of who I think are the most hated entertainment companies that are still ailve in no particular order:

1. Nintendo. Been one of the most hated video game companies since November, 2006 and especially after the notriously panned Nintendo E3 2008. They are highly criticized for there casual ways and high amount of shovelware. The fact that the online is severely panned too doesn't help the company in reputation. On top of that, 3rd party support have not been the best on the Nintendo Wii, most of which are considered shovelware. The main reason for all the hate on Nintendo is the considered abomination of E3 that was Nintendo E3 2008, where nearly all core support has been left behind, leaving hundreads of thousands of people in a rage. Nintendo's reputation has gone up a little since then, but the effect of E3 2008 remains within the Nintendo community to this day. Lately, it has been reveiled that employees of Nintendo have been overworked and are unsatisfied with their jobs at the company.

2. Disney. Anothe critically hated entertainment company, but it mainly is responsiblie for movies and television shows instead of video games. Disney has garner a reputation for milking Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers to death and lack of quality films in recent years. Toon Disney change into Disney XD also put it's fans into rage, since it was betraying it's promise of Disney-only cartoons on the channel. On top of that, nearly all of the shows on Disney Channel are live-action, a sharp contrast to mainly animation just fifteen years ago. Unlike with Nintendo, where they manage to gather respect from casual gamers, parents themself despise Disney for the sharp and unexpected changes over the years. There was also a report that Disney was treating some of their employees poorly. No matter how you look at it, Disney is going to have a very hard time getting the respect of it's old fans back. However, this isn't the first time they've been in this situation. For example, after Walt Disney's death, Disney enter an "Dark Age" where they lacked quality movies and TV shows, only for the company to be revive by the "Disney Renassiance", a period of high-quality movies and TV shows. Unfortunently, that period did not last long.

3. Cartoon Network. If there was one company that has completely broken it's promise, it's Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network is actually is relatively new company, forming in 1992 under the name Hanna-Barbera. From then until the early 2000's, Cartoon Network were known for high-quality cartoons made by them and it's critically acclaimed blocks such as Cartoon Network's Friday and Toonami. However, starting with it's change of logos in 2004, the channel started to decline in views and in the eyes of the fans, quality. With it's numerous poor business decisions, they have lost a great deal of it's fanbase. From it's outlandish blocks such as Fried Dyanmite, cancellations of well beloved blocks such as Toonami, and even it's introduction of live-action shows, people wonder where the old Cartoon Network is. Sure we have Boomerange, but it doesn't really improve the companies reputation much since it's not part of the basic cable channels. Due to these events, hundreads of thousands, even millions, are boycotting the channel. They are going to need an serious revamp in order to retain any of their old reputation that they lost.

4. Activision. Activision is known for Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk, licensed games, and if you're a true gamer, one of the first independent 3rd party companies. They are known for numerous high-quality games back in the day, such as the Pitfall series. However, new generation equal another critically hated company. They are now known for milking Guitar Hero and Call of Duty to death, which they also did with Tony Hawk, which used to be one of the best video game franchise, but has dramatically dropped in quality since Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4, the last universally acclaimed installment. Most of their licensed games have not been of good quality and some of their own franchise have seen an drop of quality as well (AKA Tony Hawk). The biggest uproars from them are their notrious greedy ways. Some of their games are unecessarily expensive, plus Bobby Kitock, the CEO of Activision, wants to raise money of video games in the near future, which caused outrages for tens of thousands of people and even an petition to boycott the then upcoming Modern Warfare 2. To this day, they are still critically hated for their greed and how they mess with games numerous times.

5. Youtube. Before Youtube, it was difficult for a person to get his own contents up on the Internet. Thanks to Youtube, millions of people have successfully been able to show the world of their creations and prove that amatuers can make an good video. The company was formed in February of 2005 and each growing day, they became more and more popular. However, now they are one of the most critically hated original video contents websites sites. Nowadays, the site is plagued with hackers, trolls, and people who just don't follow the rules and the moderaters to this day has mostly failed to correct that. Adding to the problem is the recent Youtube suspension debacle, which caused the end of RandomDCE, Lilylivers, and other prominent Youtubers. It also scared others like TheSaneRevelation into closing their accounts as well. On top of that, the community has accused Youtube of not looking at the videos for copyright infridgement, which cause numerous stories of people getting suspended for apprently no reason. The latest outcry is the new design of the site and how it is complicating and a mess in general. As a matter of fact, last year on December, there was a day when Youtube was actually boycotted by the mass, showing that the company has a very poor relationship with it's fans.

6. Sega. As all of you know, Sega used to be an console manufacturing company. They were known for there high quality titles and numerous franchises. The Sega Genesis and Sega Dreamcast are well-beloved around the world. However, it's 2010 and Sega is out of the console manufacuturing business. They are now just a video game company. Unfortunently, Sega has also lost the majority of it's fans. The first wave was the Sega Saturn, where the CEO at the time in North America basically outlawed 2D games and RPG's (The former wasn't strictly enforced, but the latter was for the most part). This would cost them with the next console. While well loved by fans, it was already too late for Sega. In 2001, they went 3rd party to the three major console manufactuers, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. This is where the 2nd wave begun and we're still in it. They have been known for driving the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, the franchise that managed to become the world famous companies they are today, into the ground, especially with the critically panned Sonic The Hedgehog for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. They have also been milking that franchise to death and neglecting most others. Thus, Sega has lost a massive chunck of their original fanbase. It doesn't look like we'll ever see Sega gain respect from most of it's former fans again.

7. Microsoft. Easily the most hated computer manufactuers and has garner some hate from the video game community as well. Although Bill Gates is an awesome guy, it doesn't help the fact that Microsoft is known as an very greedy company. Their Window Vista computer have been critically panned by the people who used it, complaining about how it doesn't work well. Also, they do not have a very good standing in the video game industry. They have been pointed at for milking the Halo franchise dry, which is why the quality of the franchise is starting to drop. The community is also critcally panned, as it shows a huge amount of racism, people breaking rules, insults, all that yucky stuff that we don't want in online games. The fact that you have to pay $40-50 a year doesn't help it's relationship with it's fans, only worsen them. Although they are losing money, they do make successful products and not all of them are liked by it's fans.

8. Viacom. Viacom is an multi-billionaire company that owns numerous companies. You know MTV, Nick, Vh1, etc. They are also one of the very most hated entertainment company in the world now. As you might recall, Viacom just sued Youtube for one billion dollar, even thought Youtube has already taken down most of the Viacom clips, showing that Viacom does not look through the channel well. They could also be taking you and your family out of your homes, as they promised to sue you and your family up to $15,000 per clip, enough to severely damage a family's income. On top of that, MTV no longer does music on a regular bases and Nick shows have not been well received by it's earlier fans, not ot mention it is called an Kids MTV. On top of that, parents have been outraged by Viacom's toys, saying that they are sexually explicit for kids. Sooner or later, Viacom is going to lose in the future, given that they don't get their acts together and start listening to their fanbase.

Please note that these are not my opinions on them, but just my opinions on why I think they are so critically hated. For example, I absolutely love Nintendo.

If you wish to add anything, please do. I'll accept it as long you follow those three rules.

This thread is going to get interesting.

BTW, you can mention any company you think warrants this title, not just ones from above.

Deleted member

I'll do the first vote count now just to show you what I mean:

(1)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(2)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan
(2)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan
(1)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan

Deleted member

@Mr.Freeman: That's also a really hated entertainment company, but the reason why I didn't add them is because I assumed that Activision was the new EA Games.

Since someone mentioned a company that isn't the one already mentioned, I might as well do another poll count:

(1)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(2)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan
(2)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan
(1)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(2)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes

Deleted member

They bought Marvel! Those jerks!
Legitment reason and all, but I don't think it's that bad. I mean, Disney has basically promise to give Marvel some freedom of their own. You won't have to worry about them becoming nice and happy all the time in the near future.

However, a Virtual Console release of those games can get hurt even further due to the inclusion, which is the one thing I despise about the purchase.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Legitment reason and all, but I don't think it's that bad. I mean, Disney has basically promise to give Marvel some freedom of their own. You won't have to worry about them becoming nice and happy all the time in the near future.

However, a Virtual Console release of those games can get hurt even further due to the inclusion, which is the one thing I despise about the purchase.
But since Disney bought Marvel we will never see another MvC, which a lot of people are waiting for.

I vote on CartoonNetwork and Youtube. I ****ing hate Youtube now.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2009
cartoon network, disney and nickelodeon are all terrible now. Activision is pretty bad. I really don't like guitar hero. i hate nintendo since they put out a system that's basically a gamecube with internet and motion sensor and not even that good of a motion sensor. still love the franchises but they're pandering to annoyingly kiddie video gamers.

Deleted member

cartoon network, disney and nickelodeon are all terrible now. Activision is pretty bad. I really don't like guitar hero. i hate nintendo since they put out a system that's basically a gamecube with internet and motion sensor and not even that good of a motion sensor. still love the franchises but they're pandering to annoyingly kiddie video gamers.
I think I'll take that as you're voting for Cartoon Network, Nintendo, Disney, Nick, and Activision.

I think you remind me to add someone that I really do despise (Nick is part of Viacom). I'll add the eight option to see what it is.

@ETWIST51294: We wouldn't be seeing a 3rd installment of the Marvel Vs. Capcom series anyway. Capcom lost the right to Marvel games after Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.

I'll add another company that I think is severely hated nowadays:

8. Viacom. Viacom is an multi-billionaire company that owns numerous companies. You know MTV, Nick, Vh1, etc. They are also one of the very most hated entertainment company in the world now. As you might recall, Viacom just sued Youtube for one billion dollar, even thought Youtube has already taken down most of the Viacom clips, showing that Viacom does not look through the channel well. They could also be taking you and your family out of your homes, as they promised to sue you and your family up to $15,000 per clip, enough to severely damage a family's income. On top of that, MTV no longer does music on a regular bases and Nick shows have not been well received by it's earlier fans, not ot mention it is called an Kids MTV. On top of that, parents have been outraged by Viacom's toys, saying that they are sexually explicit for kids. Sooner or later, Viacom is going to lose in the future, given that they don't get their acts together and start listening to their fanbase.

Oh and new votecount:

(2)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(4)Disney: Super Smsh Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3
(4)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3
(2)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(2)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294
(1)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(2)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, and eighteenspikes
(1)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3
(1)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan

Yes, you can actually edit your post to add or remove options. Of course you can add them in another post as well.


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2009
Raleigh, North Carolina
My vote goes to Cartoon Network and Viacom (Nickelodeon). They were amazing back in the 1990's but now... I can't even begin to comprehend the crap they broadcast.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
Disney (unfairly, unless you count their repetitive bands that play the same style music over and over and over), EA Games, Viacom, and Cartoon Network (The former has gotten a little . . . perverted and the latter half-the-time doesn't even air cartoons, plus both of them have game shows where kids fail hard at ridiculous things, such as being asked the amount of states in the USA when the show is aired in California . . . ).

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
Cartoon Network.

And please use spellcheck/grammarcheck on your first post; it's painful to read it.

Deleted member

Another poll count (Decided to do one anyway, just because Smash World Forums (AKA Crash World Forums until it stops crashing for hours) is crashing all the time recently, so why not?

(2)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(7)Disney: Super Smsh Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3, UberMario, MetroidFusion, Meta Ridley46
(6)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3, magnet20, UberMario
(2)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(2)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294
(2)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Meta Ridley46
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(4)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes, Vrael, UberMario
(2)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3, magnet20
(3)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan, magnet20, UberMario

Colonel Cuddles

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2009
Camping in a corner
Disney and apple. Apple makes new iPods (some new feature, not a new iPod) every year and now the iPad is coming out. 500$ touch PC, maybe, but flash player? Nope. And even though it's not technically entertainment, **** aeropostale, they put there big *** logo on a bunch of crappy plain shirts and sell them for 30$ each. People actually buy this crap? **** that!

Deleted member

@UberMario: CrashBoards is an good alternative, but yeah, this is off-topic. Let's focus on the matter.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has contributed to the thread and giving this thread decent activity.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Disney and apple. Apple makes new iPods (some new feature, not a new iPod) every year and now the iPad is coming out. 500$ touch PC, maybe, but flash player? Nope. And even though it's not technically entertainment, **** aeropostale, they put there big *** logo on a bunch of crappy plain shirts and sell them for 30$ each. White People actually buy this crap? **** that!
LOL I had to say it.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Rancho Cordova, CA
Disney is easily the most hated company out of all enterprises listed above. Cartoon Network, Sega, Activision have faded from public prominence, people aren't really talking **** about Nick as much as they do in comparison to Disney, while everyone will still buy stuff made by Microsoft and Nintendo. I have never even heard of Viacom.

American Eagle pisses me off more than aeropostale, while I'm at it.

Deleted member

Disney is easily the most hated company out of all enterprises listed above. Cartoon Network, Sega, Activision have faded from public prominence, people aren't really talking **** about Nick as much as they do in comparison to Disney, while everyone will still buy stuff made by Microsoft and Nintendo. I have never even heard of Viacom.

American Eagle pisses me off more than aeropostale, while I'm at it.
Just want to say thank you for directly answering my question. However, how has Activision fallen from public prominence? Guitar Hero and Call of Duty sells like there's no tomorrow.

Also, as explained above, Viacom is a multi-billionaire company that owns MTV, Nick, and numerous other smaller companies. Look it up. BTW, should I add American Eagle to the list? You did say you despise them.

But I'll make my final major vote count for today:

(2)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(9)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3, UberMario, MetroidFusion, Meta Ridley46, Colonel Cuddles, ru5514n
(6)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3, magnet20, UberMario
(2)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(2)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294
(2)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Meta Ridley46
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(4)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes, Vrael, UberMario
(2)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3, magnet20
(4)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan, magnet20, UberMario, ETWIST51294
(1)Apple: Colonel Cuddles


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
Disney is easily the most hated company out of all enterprises listed above. Cartoon Network, Sega, Activision have faded from public prominence, people aren't really talking **** about Nick as much as they do in comparison to Disney, while everyone will still buy stuff made by Microsoft and Nintendo. I have never even heard of Viacom.

American Eagle pisses me off more than aeropostale, while I'm at it.
Viacom is the company that takes your music off on Youtube.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Definitly Disney.

Closely followed by Youtube. Yesterday my account got suspended for seemingly no reason. I have no uploaded vids and barely post any comments. Is there a way I can contact them and change this?

Colonel Cuddles

Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2009
Camping in a corner
Add Aeropostale and American Eagle! Maybe the thread name should change to "Who do you think is running the most evil corporation" if it fits? And I vote for Ed Edd n Eddy, the new shows Chowder and Flapjack suck. I mean, come on! They added a fart track to Chowder that plays at least every 5 seconds. What happened to Ed Edd n Eddy!
Jul 13, 2009
Disney and Sega.

I've never really liked Disney, they always have some sort of twisted meaning behind their films. Also, furries.

Sega, well, it WAS a great company, however, because it's focused so much on that crap series of Sonic, it's gone to become a terrible company.

I slightly regret hating Sega, because the Sega Genesis was easily one of the best game consoles in the world, and had some amazing games. Speaking for this day and age, I have a strong distaste for Sega.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Rancho Cordova, CA
Just want to say thank you for directly answering my question. However, how has Activision fallen from public prominence? Guitar Hero and Call of Duty sells like there's no tomorrow.

Also, as explained above, Viacom is a multi-billionaire company that owns MTV, Nick, and numerous other smaller companies. Look it up. BTW, should I add American Eagle to the list? You did say you despise them.
Ok, apparently, Viacom really is a big company, it's just that I've never heard of it. And I didn't know who made CoD and GH before you said that. :embarrass

Also, I just remembered that someone complained about aeropostale in one of their posts, so I kinda added to that with my own opinion about a similar clothing company. I don't really despise it, I just think it's dumb to pay like $50 for the logo on the otherwise average shirt.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2009
Ugh, Viacom. It's like a Nazi broadcasting-company.

And maybe I should mention MTV, though they've......not really changed that much over the past few years. They've switched exploiting human emotions from drunken party girls to now having all these teenagers tackle dramatic life issues or something.

It still crap, and they barely show music videos anymore, as usual.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I despise Nickelodeon and Disney. I think you guys know why.

I hate Fox for allowing the cancellation of the X-Files. Gawd :mad:

I don't know why they even introduced Reyes and Dogget to the series in the first place :mad: If I was in the show I would tell him to GTFO :mad:

Also, Activision.

I hate what they did to the Tony Hawk series. They completely butchered it in Project 8 :mad: Even though I can nail a combo for about 10 minutes and then get off when I'm about to fail, I still am not able to make it to the top Mukking 1 :mad:

Deleted member

New post, new vote count:

(2)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(13)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3, UberMario, MetroidFusion, Meta Ridley46, Colonel Cuddles, ru5514n, Mota, soju, Omnicron, roacherman
(6)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3, magnet20,UberMario
(3)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3, roacherman
(2)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294
(3)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Meta Ridley46, Omnicron
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(4)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes, Vrael, UberMario
(3)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3, magnet20, roacherman
(5)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan, magnet20, UberMario, ETWIST51294, soju, Mr.Freeman
(1)Apple: Colonel Cuddles
(2)MTV: tko112, Mr.Freeman
(1)Aeropostale: Colonel Cuddles
(1)American Eagle: Colonel Cuddles
(1)TMZ: Peeze
(1)Fox: roacherman

@ru5514n: I added American Eagle and Aeropostale to the list. But they're a clothing store, how exactly do they mix?

Deleted member

@roacherman: You can vote or remove votes anytime you want. Just saying.

Also, I apoligize for the mistake. I will correct it immediately.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Rancho Cordova, CA
New post, new vote count:

(2)Nintendo: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3
(13)Disney: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, TheAceLucario, IAmBlu3, UberMario, MetroidFusion, Meta Ridley46, Colonel Cuddles, ru5514n, Mota, soju, Omnicron, roacherman
(6)Cartoon Network: Super Smash Bros. Fan, StinkomonFan, ETWIST51294, IAmBlu3, magnet20,UberMario
(3)Activision: Super Smash Bros. Fan, IAmBlu3, roacherman
(2)Youtube: Super Smash Bros. Fan, ETWIST51294
(3)Sega: Super Smash Bros. Fan, Meta Ridley46, Omnicron
(1)Microsoft: Super Smash Bros. Fan
(4)Electronic Arts: Mr.Freeman, eighteenspikes, Vrael, UberMario
(3)Nickelodeon: IAmBlu3, magnet20, roacherman
(5)Viacom: Super Smash Bros. Fan, magnet20, UberMario, ETWIST51294, soju, Mr.Freeman
(1)Apple: Colonel Cuddles
(2)MTV: tko112, Mr.Freeman
(1)Aeropostale: Colonel Cuddles
(1)American Eagle: Colonel Cuddles
(1)TMZ: Peeze

@ru5514n: I added American Eagle and Aeropostale to the list. But they're a clothing store, how exactly do they mix?
It was actually Colonel Cuddles that suggested you add them to the list. He also mentioned he didn't like aeropostale, and I simply added to that with my own opinion. They shouldn't really be on the list, it's an off-topic topic.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ

I bought a PS3 and I was disappointed when I realised...

it has no games.
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